Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 2
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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The mask shard | Prologue: Part 2

“Heeeey, Axel! It’s time to wake up!”

“Ugh, wha-“

Axel slowly opened his eyes and saw ExTyrannomon staring right at him, which startled him.

“Whoa!” Axel quickly sat up. ‘I guess this confirms everything that happened last night wasn’t a dream...’ He thought to himself.

“Oh, are you ok Axel?! Do you need some water or something?!”

“No, I’m good. You just surprised me is all...” Axel said, slowly getting up.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I was just really excited is all! I’ll try not to do that again...”

Axel rubbed his forehead, looking around the wooded area. So, uh, we were supposed to go to, uh...Skye Mountains, right?”

“Yup, that’s the place! The sooner we get there, the better!” ExTyrannomon runs into his hut, grabbing a handful of food. “Is it ok if I put these in your bag, Axel? I don’t want you to starve to death!” Axel slipped his backpack off, laying it on the ground. “Yeah, of course...” Axel helps ExTyrannomon stuff the backpack full of food, followed by the little Digimon quickly slinging a bucket of water with a sash attached to it on his back. “Ok, we’re now ready! Let’s go that way!” ExTyrannomon points to a random direction and starts excitedly walking that way, Axel following close behind.

Sometime later...

Axel and ExTyrannomon were now walking down a dirt road, in silence, the little Digimon thinking of something to say.

“So, uhhhhh...Axel, what’s the human world like? I’ve never been there before, but I’ve always wanted to go!” ExTyrannomon asked. Axel had to think for a moment. “Well, uh... It, uh... Has a lot of...buildings? And it does have, uh... you know, trees, and uh...water. Oh, and of course, tons of humans as well.”

“Oh, cool. So it’s just like the Digital World, but with less Digimon and more humans?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess so...”

“That’s nice, I can’t wait to go there!” ExTyrannomon says, keeping his pace. “Ooh, do you have any other nice human friends I can meet too?!” Axel slows down a little. “No, not really...” He says, his voice quiet. 

“Oh, you don’t have any human friends?” ExTyrannomon says, sounding worried, but he quickly perks up. “It’s ok, I don’t really have any friends either! It’s a good thing I came along them, isn’t it?”

“Uh, yeah, I guess so...”

The two notice two different paths in the road, and stop. “Which way?” Axel asks. ExTyrannomon looks back and forth between each path, almost looking confused. “Uhhhhhh....That way?” He points to the path on the right. “Are you sure, ExTyrannomon? That’s not the first time you weren’t sure about where we were going...” Axel’s asks. “Yeah! It’s just, uh...I haven’t been to those mountains in a while! Heheh, we’ll get there, I promise!”

“Yeah, I hope so...” Axel mumbles to himself.

Many hours later...

For the past few hours now, ExTyrannomon kept looking more and more confused about which directions he was supposed to go in, which Axel kept noticing more and more. Finally, Axel had enough, and stopped in his tracks.

“ExTyrannomon, you don’t know where you’re going, do you?” ExTyrannomon froze. “Whaaaaat?! O-Of course I do! What do you mean by-“

“ExTyrannomon, for the past few hours you’ve had absolutely no idea where to go. You keep guessing where to go instead of just going a certain direction. Just admit you have no idea where Skye Mountains is!”

“-B-BU-bu-bu- I-“ ExTyrannomon stuttered, not knowing what to say. After a minute or so, he finally put his head down in defeat. “Ok, fine, you’re right. I have no idea where I’m going.”

“OH, come o-“

“REEEEEEEEEEE!!!!” Suddenly a giant bird Digimon charges at them! The two quickly duck in time, turning around to face the Digimon.


“THIS IS MY TERRITORY!! LEAVE OR ELSE!!!” The giant bird Digimon screeches at them.

“Whoa sorry!” ExTyrannomon says. “We were just-“

“BLACK SABER!!” The bird Digimon shouts an attack, charging at them again, with a shadowy power in its talons. ExTyrannomon and Axel quickly dive out of the way again, while ExTyrannomon quickly pulls out the Digivice, aiming it at him.

“Look!” ExTyrannomon says, showing the Digivice to Axel, which now had the Digimon’s name and picture on it.

‘Saberdramon- Champion level- Giant bird type. Aggressive and protective of its territory. Look out for its meteor wing attack.’

Axel kept looking at the screen. “Whoa, how does that-“

“METEOR WING!!” Saberdramon violently flaps its wings, releasing multiple meteors at them! “LOOK OUT!!” ExTyrannomon shouts, quickly diving at Axel to shield him, whilst getting hit by a few meteors. “ExTyrannomon, why did you do that?! You could’ve gotten seriously hurt!!” Axel shouts, worried. “Oh, it’s fine! He’s only a champion level!” ExTyrannomon says, surprisingly unfazed. “Besides, I had to protect you...”

“Oh, ExTyrannomon...” Axel says softly...

ExTyrannomon turns around, facing the very surprised Digimon. “WHAT?! That was my strongest attack, how did you survive that?!” The Saberdramon roars at them. ExTyrannomon takes a step forward, standing high. “Oh, I’m stronger then I look!” ExTyrannomon turns back to Axel, lowering his voice. “I don’t think he’s gonna listen to us, I’ll have to defeat him...Stay behind me.”

“...Alright, good luck.”

ExTyrannomon turns back around, taking another step towards the airborne Saberdramon. He slowly reaches his hand towards the zipper on his chest. Saberdramon looked confused, and unintimidated. “Oh, what are you going to do, h-“

“BLACK MATTER!!” ExTyrannomon suddenly unzips his chest, releasing a large black orb at Saberdramon! The orb strikes Saberdramon hard, causing the bird Digimon to fall to the ground hard.

“Whoa...” Axel was astonished by ExTyrannomon’s power.

“Give up or you’ll be sorry!” ExTyrannomon shouts at the fallen Digimon.

“Leave...my territory...now...” Saberdramon says weakly. ExTyrannomon takes another step towards him. “I won’t! Sorry, Saberdramon, but you attacked my friend, and I won’t forgive that!” ExTyrannomon takes one more step forward.

“I’m...not...afraid of you...” The Saberdramon says, still weak. ExTyrannomon ignores him. “Well, sorry, but it’s time to finish you off now.”

“PRETTY ATTACK!!” ExTyrannomon’s shadowy body lunges out of his puppet body, slicing through Saberdramon! Saberdramon screeches in pain for the last time, it’s body suddenly disappearing into particles that float quickly into the air.

“Oh my god, did you just kill him?!” Axel says, worried.

“What? No! I just destroyed his body! His data will be reborn at the Primary Village, so he’ll be fine!” ExTyrannomon says, hurriedly walking back to Axel.

“So, all Digimon are reborn? They never die?” Axel asks, looking up at the sky. “Wow, that’s really something...”

“Yup, us Digimon are really something, huh?” The little Digimon boasts. “So, I was pretty impressive during that fight, huh?” Axel looks back down at ExTyrannomon. “Uh, yeah, you were...Thank you.”

“No problem! I’ll always protect you buddy!” ExTyrannomon says cheerfully. Axel looks down, seeing the Digivice now laying on the ground for some reason. He picks it up, looking at the blank screen. “Huh, this thing is pretty cool. Mind if I hold onto it for a while?” He asks. 

“Yeah, of course! It’s yours, do whatever you want with it!” Axel puts the Digivice into his pocket, looking towards the path, then back at ExTyrannomon.

“So...How about we go find some, you know, nice Digimon? Maybe they can help us find Skye Mountains, without, you know...Having to guess where we’re going.” Axel asks, a light smile on his face.

ExTyrannomon smiles back. “Yeah, heheh, that’d be much easier.

Many, many days later...

Axel and ExTyrannomon had still been traveling, asking many Digimon for directions along the way. They had become so invested and used to the traveling lifestyle that they forgot how much time had passed since Axel arrived in the Digital World. They didn’t seem to mind though.

The sky was now dark, and the two had now camped themselves next to a small river that was hidden by some small rock formations. Axel seemed to have something on his mind.

ExTyrannomon just finished up with lighting a small campfire. He turned to look at the rock formations. “Wow, Axel, these rocks are huge! I think we’re almost to Skye M-“ ExTyrannomon turned back to Axel, who had a pained expression on his face. “Hey buddy, cheer up! We’re almost at Skye Mountains, you’ll be able to go back to the human world soon!”

“Huh, Skye Mountains?” Axel didn’t seem to be paying attention. “Oh, yay...” He groaned. ExTyrannomon sat down next to Axel. “Come on, Axel, can you tell me what’s the matter? There’s something wrong with you, I know it. Come on, you can tell me anything.” ExTyrannomon looked up at Axel.

“Well...I just...” Axel seemed to be struggling with his words. “Wh- What if I...Don’t want to go back to my world?” ExTyrannomon seemed very taken aback by this. “Wait...You don’t want to go back? Why not?!” ExTyrannomon said, standing up quickly.

“Well, I don’t know, I just...” Axel takes a long pause. “To tell you the truth, I don’t really have much in my world. I’m actually, well...Homeless. And I have no friends...Or family. All the humans there have been nothing but cruel and hurtful to me, and I’ve been all alone because of them.” ExTyrannomon was upset from this information. “Really? Are all humans that bad? Even worse then that Saberdramon that attacked us the other day?”

“Yes, even worse. I understand now why that Saberdramon attacked us. It was cause we were in his territory, right? Unlike that Digimon, I can never understand why other humans hurt. To me, it just looks like they hurt for their own amusement and pleasure. Selfish beings.”

ExTyrannomon put his paw to his chin, trying to process all the information Axel just put out. “Wow, all humans are really that bad? Geez, they sound almost as bad as the Demon Lords!”

“Demon Lords?” This was the first time Axel had heard that name. “Who are the Demon Lords?” ExTyrannomon quickly perked up. “Oh, I haven’t told you about them yet?! Gosh, I can’t believe I forgot about them!” ExTyrannomon smacks his palm to his head. “Ok, so the Demon Lords are these super powerful mega level Digimon that are super evil and scary! They live in these super tall towers and have a bunch of other powerful Digimon serving them, and they won’t hesitate to turn you into dust if you dare go near their land! We’re lucky we haven’t encountered any of their towers yet! I think one of them might be in Skye Mountains, but I’m not entirely sure? Eh, as long as we avoid that area we should be fine!”

“So, as long as we completely avoid them, we should be fine? Geez, sounds a lot like the human world for me...” Axel says, still taking in all of ExTyrannomon’s information.

“Wow, so all humans are like the Demon Lords?!” ExTyrannomon says, surprised. “Geez, that sounds scary! You said the Human World had millions of humans, right? A million Demon Lords sounds way more scary then just a few! I hope the most powerful ones are still asleep...” ExTyrannomon said, sounding scared just at the thought of it.

“Asleep? What do you mean by that?” Axel asks. 

ExTyrannomon perks up again. “Oh, right! I forgot to tell you about that too! Some of the Demon Lords are actually still asleep. I think they’re building up power or something? I don’t know, but it’s said that the Digital World could be taken over, or even destroyed if they awaken!” ExTyrannomon puts his arms up dramatically. “The only Demon Lord I know about is Belphemon. He’s currently asleep right now, but he could destroy us all if he gets enough power to awaken!”

Axel was silent, still trying to process all of this information. “God, they do sound like a lot of trouble.” Axel looks up towards the night sky. “Even then, I’d still rather live here then in the other world with those monsters.”

“Wow, all humans are really that bad?” ExTyrannomon asked.

“Yes, they’re all horrible.” Axel growled. “I wish they’d all just PERISH.”

This statement shocked ExTyrannomon, causing him to reel back for a second. “Geez, so all humans really are that bad...” ExTyrannomon looked sad for a moment, but quickly perked up. “It’s ok, we can just stay here in the Digital World instead! If you want this place to be your new home, then I’ll be just fine with that!” Axel slowly looked up at ExTyrannomon. “You’d really be fine with that?”

“Yeah, of course I am! I don’t really wanna go to the human world anyways if it’s that scary...” ExTyrannomon smiles warmly. “Your home is my home now.”

Axel smiles back. “Thank you, ExTyrannomon. This really means a lot.”

“Yeah, we’re friends till the end, right?” The little Digimon asks.


“Hey, wait a minute! Look over there...” ExTyrannomon loudly exclaims, pointing towards the river, which had a small shining light in it. Axel and ExTyrannomon quickly run over to the running water, curious. Axel reaches into the dark water for the bright item, pulling out a strange fragment.


Whoa, what the heck is that?!” ExTyrannomon asks, curiously looking at the shard. The odd line work of the shard seemed to be glowing lightly. 

“I don’t know, maybe it could be from a broken mask of some sort?” Axel says. The weird shard fascinated Axel, and it almost felt like it was calling to him in some weird way.

“Put it on! Then you can see if it’s really a mask or not!” ExTyrannomon exclaims.

“Alright, guess I’ve got nothing to lose...” Axel turns around, so no one can see his face, then takes off his eyepatch, slipping the shard on top of his eye, turning around again to face ExTyrannomon.


“So, how do I look?” Axel asks. “Whooooa, it looks awesome!” ExTyrannomon exclaims. “It fits you pretty well!”

“Thank you...” Axel puts his hand to his face. “I’m gonna take it off though, it’s making my face feel a little tingly...” Axel grabs the mask shard, trying to pull it off, but it won’t budge. “Hmm, that’s weird, it won’t come off...” Axel says, pulling even harder. “Ow! Jesus...”

“Do you need help with that?” ExTyrannomon asks.

“No, it’s fine, I just...” Axel pulls at the shard one more time. “It won’t come off for some reason...It’s almost like its...Glued to my face...Ugh!” Axel throws his hands up in defeat. “Ugh, forget it, it won’t come off...” Axel touches his face to his cheek for a moment. “I think that weird tingly feeling went away anyways...” Axel goes completely silent for a minute.

“Um okay...So, do you wanna go to bed now?” ExTyrannomon asks.

Axel takes a moment to answer. “Ok, But first...”


“...Can you tell me more about Belphemon?”