Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 30
Published 3 years, 3 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Sin of Lust | Chapter 28

A day later...

The group took their time to rest up until they were ready to fight again. Blaine was still separated from the group, but Tsumemon had Digivolved back to BlackGabumon, so him and Cora were back in the group, who had been fully updated on the demon lord situation, Lily also carrying Gummymon with them. Everyone was now out in the world, looking for any of the demon lords, but tension was starting to rise in the group, as everyone seemed to argue and disagree with each other, Lily only watching in sadness.

“Look, let’s just find Daemon and Belphemon again and battle them again, our Digimon should be able to Digivolve to mega level then!” Taeka says.

“Taeka, did you not see what happened last time we fought them?” Erik responds. “Daemon took them all out with one hit, and our Digimon didn’t exactly digivolve to the mega level.”

“Yeah, but we have Cora with us this time, so I’m sure something good will happen!” Taeka says.

“I don’t know, maybe we should just find a way to split up Belphemon and Daemon, then just armor-Digivolve instead?” Erik says.

“What?! Come on, that’ll take too long!” Taeka responds. “That won’t help us figure out how to get to the mega level, so we have to take on the demon lords head on, then find a way for them to Digivolve!”

“Plus, BlackGabumon can’t exactly armor-digivolve like you guys can.” Cora adds.

“Ugh, Taeka, you always run into situations without thinking, you need to stop and think when it comes to these things for once!” Erik angrily says.

“Taking things slowly isn’t going to help us defeat the demon lords!!” Taeka snaps back. The kids continued arguing, the Digimon having their own argument as well.

“No offense Dracomon, but you could’ve won against MarineDevimon if you used your Dragon’s Arrow instead of using Blaze Sonic Breath over and over again!” Labramon barks.

“Hey! Full offense, but I was the first to Digivolve to ultimate, and I’m the only one here who can fly, so maybe you two should learn to take a page from my book! Especially you, BlackGabumon! We could’ve won if you were there to help us! ” Dracomon snaps.

“What?! I’m not very smart, and even I know that makes no sense!” Labramon responds.

“Hey, it’s not my fault I dedigivolved to Tsumemon, I only just Digivolved to ultimate recently!” BlackGabumon says angrily. “And there’s no need to discriminate against me just because I wasn’t born with wings!” Everyone continues arguing back and forth, as Lily only looked nervously, clutching onto Lopmon and Gummymon.

“...I don’t like seeing them fight like this...” Lily whimpers.

“Me neither, there’s no way we can fight the demon lords if we’re too busy fighting each other.” Lopmon adds.

“What do you think we should do, Lopmon?” Lily asks.

“I don’t know, I feel like we’d need a way to fight just one of the demon lords, and maybe use armor Digivolution until we can figure out how to Digivolve to mega.” Lopmon responds.

“Well these arguments are stupid then, when I know I simple solution!” Gummymon blurts out, Lily and Lopmon looking in confusion.

“What do you mean, Gummymon?” Lily asks.

“Well, if you wanna solve your problems, then just find a place where you can only find one of the demon lords, and each of you can digivolve into whatever you want, either armor or normal Digivolution!” Gummymon exclaims, everyone halting their arguments to listen to Gummymon.

“Whoa, Gummymon’s got a point...” Erik says. “It’s not like we all have to use the same type of Digivolutions.”

“Yeah, then whoever gets to the mega level first, or whoever defeats one of the demon lords first, we can just follow them to defeat the rest.” Cora adds.

“That does help us, but where exactly could we find just one of the demon lords?” Lopmon asks. “It’d have to be a place where they’d be at often, so we could maybe corner them.”

“Hmm...” Taeka tries her best to think, reaching into the depths of her thoughts.

‘Daemon and Belphemon are usually together, so not them...And Leviamon lives in the ocean, so that wouldn’t work...Lucemon is most likely still in a slumber, so that leaves...Barbamon...Beelzemon...Laylamon...’

‘...Wait a minute...Where have I heard the name Laylamon before?’ Taeka continues thinking hard, continuing to reach into her memories...

...When suddenly it hits her, remembering something their old friend, Soulmon, had said to them.

“Well, she’s one of the seven great Demon Lords, and she’s taken over most of this forest with her army, who all live deeper in the woods...”

“Guys, doesn’t Laylamon live in the same forest that the Bakemon house is in?” Taeka asks, grabbing everyone’s attention.

“Yeah, I remember now, Soulmon said that Laylamon lives deep in the woods.” Cora says. Taeka quickly opens up her bag and rummages through it, pulling out the map that Gabumon from Palmon’s village had given her a while back.

“Here we go! Why don’t we just look for the Bakemon house, then Soulmon can then help lead us to Laylamon, where we can fight her, and see how strong she is! How does that sound, guys?” Taeka confidently says, everyone looking back and forth, nodding in agreement.

“Sounds good to me.” Erik says.

“Me too, but...” Lily’s voice trails off for a second. “Can we please, just...Stop fighting each other?” Everyone looks between eachother, looks of embarrassment crossing their faces.

“Yeah...Sorry about that, sis.”

Meanwhile, with Blaine and Ryudamon...

The two had found another area in the Rocky Beach far enough away from where they fought Leviamon, but also close enough that they didn’t have to walk far. The area also had a small pond in the rocky terrain, where Blaine was now helping to train Tylomon.

“Alright Tylomon, I’m gonna throw another one.” Blaine says, holding a rock in one hand before throwing it up in the air.

“TORPEDO ATTACK!!” Tylomon strikes at the rock, shattering it into dust. Afterwards, Tylomon sticks his head out of the water.

“Hey Blaine, I’m a bit tired...Would you mind if we took a break for a bit?” Tylomon asks, as Blaine looks up in the sky for a moment, thinking.

“...I guess we have been training till sunrise. Yeah, let’s take a break and eat.” Blaine sits on the rocky ground, as Tylomon slinks out of the water, dedigivolving back to Ryudamon and sitting next to Blaine as he pulls food of out his bag. The two started eating in quiet for a bit, until Ryudamon broke the silence.

“Hey, Blaine? You mind if I ask you something?” He asks.


“I’ve been thinking...Is there a reason why you decided to separate from the group and have us train on our own? I’ve always thought we’d be better off trying to defeat the demon lords with everyone else, since we’d be better in numbers against such strong enemies.” Ryudamon asked, as Blaine was silent for a moment, trying to figure out the answer.

“Well...Do you remember when we challenged the underwater trial? Back then, it felt like it was something I had to accomplish on my own, and I kind’ve feel the same way with this situation too.” Blaine says, Ryudamon cocking his head in question. “I just feel like training and battling one of the demon lords on our own is something I have to do. It’s not like I don’t wanna be around the others right now, I’ve just always felt like a better thinker, and have gotten more done when I’m by myself. So I just want to do my best to figure out how to defeat at least one of the demon lords, or figure out how to get you to Digivolve to mega, so I can do my best to help the others as wel.” Blaine says, Ryudamon now nodding in agreement.

“And also...” Blaine continues. “I think we might be the only ones who can defeat Leviamon.” Ryudamon raises an eyebrow curiosly.

“Leviamon lives and fights underwater, and I know Tylomon’s the only evolution who can fight underwater, so...”

“Ah, that explains why you’ve been training me only as Tylomon.” Ryudamon says, Blaine nodding in response. “Um, if it helps...” Ryudamon says, Blaine looking curiously.

“Something I’ve been thinking about...Whenever I’m Tylomon, I feel this sort’ve...Strong power in my digicore. I don’t know how to describe it fully, but I think there’s some kind of hidden power within Tylomon...That I can unleash somehow.” Blaine thinks about Ryudamon’s statement for a moment. “Hm...You think we could find a way to tap into that power...and use it to defeat Leviamon?” Blaine asks.

“I think that’d be good...” Ryudamon responds. “It beats smashing rocks all day, heh.” Blaine smiles in response. 

“Alright, but first...Let’s finish eating. I’m still pretty hungry, heh.”

A few hours later...

Taeka and the group found their way to the woods with the Bakemon house again, trying to find directions. They looked from behind the bushes until they saw their old friend Soulmon, wandering in the woods.

“Hey, Soulmon!! Over here!” Taeka calls to the Digimon, who shrieks in surprise from her voice.

“Oh good, it’s just you kids...” Soulmon signs in relief. “Wh-What are you all doing out here? The Dark King’s been defeated, so we uh, don’t have any danger right now...”

“Oh, we know that! We actually defeated him, and now we came here to defeat Laylamon!” Taeka proudly exclaims.

“Wha-wha-wha-What?! Y-You’re joking, right?” Soulmon whimpers, horror rising on his face.

“Nah, we’re completely serious!” Dracomon exclaims. “We have to defeat all the demon lords now, and we came here to ask you for directions to Laylamon’s lair!”

T-trust me, that’s not a good idea...” Soulmon whimpers. “L-like I said, Laylamon and her army are ruthless and will attack a-anyone that enters their territory...”

“It’s no worries Soulmon, we just wanna see where Laylamon is and how strong she is...” Erik says. “It’s also a way for us to test our own strength as well.”

“Oh, um...Alright...I, um, I guess I can show you where her lair is, but...” Soulmon mutters, his voice getting shaky. “Laylamon’s lair is very dangerous, I just don’t want you guys to get h-hurt is all...”

“We’ve all got a pretty decent plan, and can all both armor-Digivolve and Digivolve to the ultimate level...” Lopmon adds. “So we should be fine.”

“Oh, um, alright...I guess I can show you guys the way to her lair then...” Soulmon mutters. “Follow me, but slowly...” Everyone starts to follow Soulmon, being careful not to make too much sound.

“Hey, Soulmon...If you don’t mind me asking, what were you doing out here by yourself?” Taeka asks.

“Oh, uh, I’ve actually been...Training.” Soulmon responds. “I’ve been trying to get myself to Digivolve to the ultimate level.”

“Woah, seriously? That’s so cool, Soulmon!” BlackGabumon exclaims.

“Heh, I guess so...” Soulmon mutters shyly. “I just wanted to find a way to protect me and my friends, and help you guys out a bit...I don’t even know what my ultimate form will be yet...”

“Well, whatever it is...” Taeka smiles at the thought of it. “I’m sure it’ll be great.”

Sometime later...

Blaine and Tylomon continued their training, now trying to figure out how to unleash the power Ryudamon was talking about. Tylomon was now starting to feel the power in his core, still trying his best to unleash it.

“Just try your best to focus, Tylomon.” Blaine says. “If you can focus on wherever your power is, you should be able to unlock it.” Tylomon stayed still for a moment, closing his eyes to focus, trying to find the power beneath him. After a short moment, Tylomon started to feel power emanate inside of him, as his body, particularly his jaw, started to shake violently.

“...Hrk...” Tylomon started feeling a large lump in his throat, nearly choking.

“Don’t worry Tylomon, just stay calm and in control, and try to unleash it.” Blaine says calmly. Tylomon’s body shook even more as he tried to control himself and keep calm...But it didn’t last for long.

“...URGH...HEAVY ANCHOR!!” Tylomon spats out a gigantic anchor twice his size, the metal object flying fast like a boomerang. The anchor flies towards Blaine, who dodges it at the last second, crashing into the rocky terrain as Blaine loses his balance, tripping and falling onto a sharp rock, slicing the palm of his left hand open.

“OW! Oh, god...” Blaine whimpers in pain as thick, bright blood starts to ooze from the wound.

“Blaine, I...Cough, cough...” Tylomon coughs heavily as he slinks out of the water, dedigivolving back to Ryudamon. “I’m sorry, I...I didn’t mean to attack, I just-“

“It’s fine, I just-I need something to stop this bleeding.” Blaine winces as he quickly yanks his headband off, wrapping it tightly around the wound.

“Is it ok? You think it’s gonna need...cough...stitches?” Ryudamon asks worriedly. Blaine loosens the band for a moment, looking at the cut.

“No, I don’t think it’s that bad...Just hurts is all...” Blaine winces as he tightens the band around the wound again, Ryudamon looking in worry and sadness.

“Blaine, I’m sorry, I...I didn’t mean to nearly hit you with that attack, I just...Couldn’t control it.” Ryudamon mutters weakly, his head slumped.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, I know you didn’t do it on purpose.” Blaine looks over at the gigantic anchor, which was now dug into the crushed rubble. “That’s a super strong attack though, we could definitely make some use with that.” He says, slightly smiling.

“I know, but...” Ryudamon’s voice sounds weak. “I couldn’t even control it, and it...Kind’ve hurt me to use. And I almost killed you with it, I don’t know what I’d do if that happen again, and you wouldn’t be able to dodge next time...”

“We just gotta practice a bit more then is all.” Blaine says. “We’re always bound to make mistakes the first time we try something...Don’t feel bad, we just gotta train more to control it...” Blaine smiles, trying to console his partner. 

“...And I’ll make sure to stand a bit farther away next time.”

Meanwhile,with Taeka and the others...

Soulmon quietly led the group to a small hill, hiding behind some bushes. When they carefully peaked above the bushes, they saw it...Laylamon’s lair.

From their view, the group could see a garden area, a wall that surrounded the area, a giant tower farther away in the distance...And multiple types of Digimon, many unfamiliar faces...


‘ShadowWereGarurumon: Ultimate level, Virus. A Garurumon type Digimon infected with a wicked virus. Most powerful attack is Shadow Claw, where it slashes the opponent with its sharp claws.’

A few ShadowWereGarurumon were outside the walls, patrolling.


‘Karatenmon: Ultimate level, Virus. A crow-like wizard Digimon that has been taught arcane abilities from many masters. Most powerful attack is Enlightenment, where it can read the opponent’s spirit to anticipate their attacks, then fighting accordingly.’

Multiple Karatenmon were patrolling the skies, the group having to hide carefully to avoid being spotted by them.


‘Indramon: Ultimate level, Virus. Horse deva Digimon that fights with the trumpet shell on its back. Most powerful attack is Horn of Desolation, where it lets out supersonic waves with its trumpet shell.’

And one Indramon, also standing guard inside the area. 

Despite seeing these multiple types of Digimon though, they saw no sign of Laylamon.

“They always have multiple Digimon scouting every entrance.” Soulmon whispers. “You’re all g-gonna have to be careful...And that tower over there...” Soulmon points to the tower in the distance. “That’s where Laylamon lives. This is actually like her backyard, but it’s the easiest place to go to if you all wanna...Attack her.”

“Wow, this is perfect Soulmon, thank you.” Erik says.

“N-no problem. Being around here makes me n-nervous, so I’m gonna leave now, but good luck to you all.” Soulmon waves goodbye before wandering off.

“Bye Soulmon! Thank you!” Lily says. Everyone quickly looks at the guarding Digimon, before quickly ducking behind the bushes again.

“Alright guys, so...What types of Digivolutions are we all gonna use?” Taeka asks.

“I think...I’m gonna stick with armor Digivolution for now.” Erik says. “Togemogumon.”

“Me too.” Lily adds. “I wanna use Pteramon.”

“And normal Digivolutions all I got, so...” Cora adds. “Mummymon.”

“Alright good, I’m gonna use Wingdramon, so...” Taeka thinks for a moment, silent.

“Ok, heres the plan then. Wingdramon and Pteramon can attack the Karatenmon in the skies, and Mummymon and Togemogumon attack the ShadowWereGarurumon and Indramon, then we can storm into the castle and look for Laylamon! How’s that sound, everyone?” Everyone looks back and forth between each other, nodding in agreement.

“Sounds like a good enough plan to me.” Cora says.

“Hey, I wanna fight too!” Gummymon says, looking determined.

“Sorry Gummymon, but unless you can armor-digivolve or digivolve to ultimate, you’ll just end up getting yourself hurt.” Lopmon says.

“Just hide and stay safe for now, ok?” Lily says, as Gummymon grumbles, ducking into Lily’s backpack.

“...Alright guys, we ready?” Taeka asks, everyone nodding.

“...LETS GO!!”









“MISSILE STORM!!” Wingdramon and Pteramon quickly attack the Karatenmon, knocking them off their balance.

“SNAKE BANDAGE!!” Mummymon entangles the ShadowWereGarurumon by their legs, also knocking them back.

“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me.” Indramon grumbles. HORN OF DESOLATION!!” Indramon then unleashes a loud ringing sound from its trumpet, knocking everyone back for a moment. 

“FEATHER FLARE!!” All the Karatenmon flap their wings, jet black feathers driving into the Digimon. Everyone continues attacking back and forth, equally overpowering one another.

“Silence, everyone!” Until a squeaky voice comes from nowhere, a smaller Digimon flying into view.


‘Demidevimon: Rookie level, Virus. A cunning, mischievous Digimon that lives to serve higher-class Digimon. Main attack is Demi Dart, where it throws a gigantic syringe at the opponent that drains their blood.’

The second Demidevimon pops up, all the Digimon halt their movement, silently turning to face him.

“Everyone halt your movement, lady Laylamon is now arriving!” The little Digimon announces, as the tall, feminine Digimon slinks gracefully into view.


“Ugh, what is with all the racket out here?” Laylamon yawns, a tired look on her face. “You’re all interrupting my beauty sle-“ She pauses when she notices the kids, her expression changing to a more curious look.

“Humans? Hmm, now this is interesting...” Her eyes cautiously dart back and forth between the kids, as they stand frozen, unsure of what to do.

“EVERYONE ATTACK HER!!” Taeka suddenly screeches.




“PLASMA GUN!!” Everyone attacks at once, but Laylamon deflects with her long claw arm, brushing off the attacks like they were nothing.


“BEAK PIERCE!!” Pteramon charges at Laylamon, but she quickly grabs her beak, stopping her in her flight.

“...Goddamn vermin.” Laylamon hisses, a power welling in her claw. 

“RAZOR NAIL!!” She slices devastatingly through Pteramon as she screeches in pain, immediately dedigivolving back to Lopmon as Laylamon throws her hard across the area, crashing into the grounds.

“Lopmon, NO!!” Lily cries in worry, running after Lopmon.

“Yeah!! Go, queen Laylamon!” The evil Digimon cheer for her.

“HEY!! Who do you think you are, hurting my friend like that?!” Gummymon hisses, popping out of Lily’s backpack.

“Quiet down pipsqueak, lady Laylamon wasn’t speaking to you!” Demidevimon pipes up. 

“Well, I wasn’t talking to you either ugly!” Gummymon barks.

“HA! You should look in a mirror before you start calling me that!” Demidevimon says, giggling maniacally as Gummymon growls in anger.

“WINGDRAMON!! You can’t let her get away with that!!” Taeka screeches.

“Taeka, hold on a minute...” Erik tries to stop her, but gets ignored as Wingdramon readies another attack.

“DRAGONS ARROW!!” Wingdramon strikes, but Laylamon dodges, the arrow flying far away and striking the faraway tower, crumbling a part of its walls. Laylamon looks up at Wingdramon, fury in her face.

“How DARE you destroy my beautiful tower?! YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!

EMPRESS EMBLAZE!!” Suddenly a giant, ghostly hand rips out from the ground, tightly grabbing Wingdramon as it slams him to the ground, causing him to also dedigivolve back to Dracomon. Laylamon and her servants all then glance towards Mummymon at once, who had nothing but horror in his eyes.

“...You’re next.” Laylamon and the servants all prepare attacks, striking at him...

“NO!! CRYSTAL GUARD!!” Until Togemogumon steps out at the last minute, taking all the attacks for him, the force of all the attacks at once also causing him to dedigivolve.

“MUMMYMON!! GET OUTTA THERE!!” Cora screams in fright. Mummymon, despite his body shaking with horror, quickly scoops up Dracomon and Labramon as the group makes a break for it, dashing away with great speed.

“You all got lucky this time, NEXT time you all step on my grounds you won’t be as lucky!” Laylamon shouts as the group runs out of sight.

‘It happened again...’ Taeka thought, her heart and mind racing. ‘Like with Daemon...They all got knocked out with one hit!’ Her head was starting to hurt with all the thoughts racing through them, doing nothing but upsetting her more and more.

‘What...Do we do now?’