Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 20
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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Frogmon Vs. the Ninjamon | Chapter 18

“Man, Digidestined...The word just sounds so cool, doesn’t it?” Taeka says, happily marching down the path.

“Sure does...Man, I can’t wait to see that new Digi-egg!” Cora says happily. “I hope we’ll be able to use it, BlackGabumon...”

“Yeah, me too! I wonder what kind of Digimon I could turn into...” BlackGabumon says, thinking.

“Well, whatever Digimon you turn into, I’m sure it’ll be great!” Cora and BlackGabumon continued chatting while walking down the path, everyone else doing their own thing; Lily tended to the new baby Zerimon, while Blaine and Erik were looking at a map that Gabumon and Palmon drew for them.

“...I can barely understand the map he drew.” Blaine mutters, looking at the squiggly lines drawn out.

“Well, atleast Palmon’s handwriting looks nice.” Erik says. Erik then starts tracing his finger along the route they were walking on, leading to a drawing of a small town.

“Gekomon Village...It’s nearby the forest that Gabumon says the egg is in... So I think we can stay there for the night, and take down another tower if there’s one built there...”

“Then tomorrow we can look for the egg!” Labramon says.

“That sounds alright.” Blaine says.

“Cool, I’ll go tell Taeka then.” Erik folds up the map, him and Labramon walking ahead of Blaine. Blaine crosses his arms, thinking.

“Looks like you’re thinking about something...” Ryudamon says. “What’s up?” Blaine was silent for a moment before answering.

“I don’t know, it’s just...I don’t really understand the point of those Digi-eggs...Wouldn’t it  just be easier to figure out how to Digivolve normally again?” Ryudamon was silent for a moment, trying to think of an answer.

“Maybe, but...We’ve been in the Digital World for a few days now and we’ve still haven’t figured out regular Digivolution...” Ryudamon says. “There might be something in the air that straight up prevents regular Digivolution, and if armor Digivolution can bypass that, then it might just be stronger then we think...”

“That sounds true, but...Ultimate Digivolution seems a lot stronger then armor Digivolution, and if the Dark King is as powerful as he sounds, then we might just need a way to bypass whatever restrictions there are...” Blaine says.

“...Well, let us know if you figure it out.” Ryudamon responds.

“...I will.”

“Hey Erik, is that the village that’s on the map?” Taeka blurts out, pointing to a faraway village.

“...Cause I see another tower built there.” Sure enough, everyone could see the tall, dark tower pointing high in the sky.

“...Let’s be cautious, guys. We don’t wanna run into trouble again.” Erik says.

“Aghhh, that’s so boring...” Taeka grumbles.

“...But you’re right.”

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Come on guys, it’s the perfect plan!” Kogamon boasts. “If me and the Ninjamon attack them in the middle of the village, they’ll be super caught off guard!”

“Yes, but we already chipped those Gekomon and hid them for a sneak attack...” One Mikemon says. 

“Exactly, so what would be the point in that if we already planned something?” The other Mikemon says, rolling his eyes. “Besides, I doubt FlameWizardmon would be ok with it.”

“...I’m fine with it.” A deep voice cuts through the conversation, revealing himself from the dark bushes.


“What? Seriously?!” Mikemon blinks in confusion.

“Yes! We’re totally gonna slice up those Digidestined, we’ll see!” Kogamon excitedly runs away through the bushes.

“FlameWizardmon, why’d you agree to his stupid plan?” Mikemon asks.

“...Doesn’t hurt to let him try. He can hurt or destroy any of those kids without us having to do anything, and besides... 

No matter who wins or loses, we’ll be taking out the trash.” FlameWizardmon smirks, both the Mikemon chuckling.

“Haha...You’re so right.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Everyone had carefully walked up to the Gekomon village, but it was...Surprisingly empty. Not a single Digimon, bad or good, roamed around outside. Everyone decided to split up in single groups and look around the town for any signs of Digimon.

“This is strange...” Blaine says. “Where are all the Digimon?” 

“I don’t know, but it sure is odd...” Ryudamon adds. The two continue walking around the village for a while, but still see no signs of other Digimon. It was eerily quiet...

“...Hey Blaine, can I ask you something?” Blaine looks back at Ryudamon curiously. “I want you to be honest about this question...How exactly do you feel about armor Digivolution? Cause I notice that you don’t seem as excited about it as the others do.”

“I already told you how I feel about it earlier.” Blaine says, not hesitating to answer. “I’m not a fan and I’d rather use regular Digivolution.”

“Well yeesh, alright then.” Ryudamon huffs.

“I mean come on, what’s the point to it? Armor Digivolution isn’t much better then your champion forms...I mean look at Frogmon, he’s barely much bigger then your rookie form, and I doubt he’s more powerful then Ginryumon, or whatever your ultimate form is...” Blaine rants. “I mean to me, he just looks like a dumb looking frog.”

Dumb?” Ryudamon was taken aback by Blaine’s sudden insult. “Blaine, do you ever think before you say rude stuff like that?”

“What does it matter? I’m just saying what’s on my mind.” Blaine straightly says.

“Well, you need to learn to judge a book by its cover...Frogmon may be small, but he’s very agile, and pretty practical. Frogmons also got plenty of helpful gear on him, as well as being able to fly...And all that gear makes for a pretty wide range of-“ Ryudamon quickly froze when he looked around a corner, hearing some hushed voices nearby.

“...Blaine?” Blaine turned around, seeing Ryudamon motioning for Blaine to walk over, but to also be quiet. When the two carefully looked around the corner...


‘Ninjamon: Champion level, Data. A small, mysterious Digimon that’s very good at concealing itself. It’s most powerful attack is a Shadow Slash, where it slashes using its katana with lightning fast speed.’

Two Ninjamon. They were speaking in hushed voices, and one had two other Digimon tightly held in each arm.


‘Gekomon: Champion level, Data. Amphibian Digimon that charms others with a surprisingly pleasant singing voice. Main attack is Symphony Crusher, where it lets out a high energy sound with the trumpet wrapped around its neck.’


‘Otamamon: Rookie level, Data. Amphibian Digimon that lives underwater and often practices its vocal training. Main attack is Stun Bubble, where it spouts bubbles that put the enemy to sleep.’

Both the Otamamon and Gekomon were clearly struggling to be let free from the Ninjamon’s grasp, but to no avail.

“We’re gonna need Kogamon’s help to find those last dang kids!” One Ninjamon speaks in a quiet tone.

“He’s not gonna be happy about this...” The other Ninjamon says.

“Whatever, he can get over it! It’s worth it if we get to meet the Dark King...”

“Is that really true that he’s coming over here...Today?!”

“He hardly ever leaves his castle, but...Kogamon said its possible!”

“...We need to help them.” Ryudamon whispers. Blaine starts to think of how they can help, when he starts to think about what his Master had said to him...

Can you please try to practice your sword-fighting some more when you get to the Digital World? No offense, but your skills have gotten a little...Rusty since you started all this fighting.’

“...I have an idea.” Blaine carefully draws both his Katanas from his back; One that he got from Master, the other with the odd linework in it. “Just follow my lead, you won’t need to Digivolve for this.” Ryudamon seemed unsure at first, but he nodded in agreement. The two of them carefully crept around the corner, sneaking behind the Ninjamon with the captors...

“HIYAH!!” Blaine forcefully thrusted both the Katanas right through the Ninjamon!

“IAI BLADE!!” Ryudamon spits a final blade through the Ninjamon, poofing it into dust! The Otamamon and Gekomon run behind Blaine and Ryudamon, the other Ninjamon backing away in disbelief. “Leave these Digimon alone!!” Blaine shouts, aiming both his blades at the Ninjamon. “Wha-Wha WHAT?! Where’d you two come from?!” Ninjamon sputters in disbelief. “This isn’t good...” The Ninjamon grumbles to itself before instantly leaping away out of sight. “Hey, where are you going?!” They were both about to charge after the Ninjamon, but he was already gone.

“Oh, thank you both so much for saving us!” Otamamon whimpers.

“Yeah, those crazy Ninjamon just came here and tried to kidnap us!” Gekomon exclaims. “They kidnapped the rest of our friends as well!” Blaine looks around for a moment, thinking. “Yeah, I think they did the same to our friends as well...”

‘...Where are they?’

“Blaaaaaaaaaine!!” Before Blaine can look around again, he sees Lily and Lopmon running towards them, looking clearly upset. “Blaine, I’m so glad to see you!” Lily quickly runs up to Blaine and hugs him tightly, quietly sobbing. “Blaine, it’s so bad, these Digimon took our friends! They took them inside this building! They even took Zerimon too...”

“They almost got us too, but we got away...” Lopmon says. Before Blaine can respond, everyone hears a loud horn in the distance, and rapid foot steps...

“SHADOW SLASH!!” Suddenly another Ninjamon appears in the blink of an eye, attacking everyone but missing. Around them, more and more Ninjamon appeared, surrounding the group... At least ten Ninjamon...And Kogamon.

“...RUN!!” Everyone quickly dashes away as the Ninjamons all charge after them, everyone hiding in a corner.

“Lily, listen to me...” Blaine crouches down, his face serious. “I need you to go and find the others, and then go knock down that tower, alright? Me and Ryudamon will take care of these guys.”

“Wha-What?! But you can’t fight all those Digimon on your own!” Lily says.

“It’s fine, I know what to do...Now go, alright? The others need you...” Lily hesitates for a moment before answering. “Oh okay...” Lily quickly hugs Blaine before walking away, Lopmon, Otamamon and Gekomon following after. “Be safe, ok?” Lily calls.

“Yeah...You too.”

“SHADOW SLASH!!” Another Ninjamon attack nearly hits them both.

“Blaine, I know you don’t like armor Digivolution but we’re gonna need to do it, alright?” Ryudamon says.

“Urgh...Yeah, I know.”



“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon throws two shurikens at two different Ninjamon, sending them flying. Meanwhile another Ninjamon steps in front of Blaine, ready to attack.

“Blaine!!” The Ninjamon tries to strike at Blaine, but he deflects the attack.

“I’ll be fine Frogmon! Just go...” Blaine says, holding back the Ninjamon.

“...Alright Blaine...I’m gonna show you just how powerful I really am!” In an instant Frogmon charges at the two Ninjamon... “LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon continues fighting the two as Blaine duels another Ninjamon, thrusting both his Katanas through him until he poofs into dust, Frogmon finishing off the other two.

“I think there’s only seven more!” Blaine calls to Frogmon. Before Frogmon can respond, two other Ninjamon grab Frogmon, pinning him down. “Frogmon, use your leaf propellers to get outta there!” Blaine says. Frogmon then notices that the blades on the propellers were inches away from both the Ninjamon’s faces...

“...I have a better idea!”

“...LEAF CUTTER!!” The propellers start spinning wildly, cutting right through both the Ninjamon and turning them both to dust! “Pretty impressive, right Blaine?!”

“Wow, Uh...Yeah...” Blaine was too distracted by Frogmon’s feat that he only just noticed the remaining five Ninjamon all circled around him.

“Blaine, follow me, I have an idea!” Frogmon hops in another direction, Blaine quickly dashing between the Ninjamon and following Frogmon. Everyone runs between the buildings until Frogmon stopped on top of a higher building, Blaine hoisting himself up with his katanas.

“Taste THIS!” Frogmon throws a couple of leaf shurikens at the group of Ninjamon, both missing and hitting the dirt.

“HA! Missed us you stupid frog!” One Ninjamon taunts.

“Oh, I didn’t mean to hit you.” Frogmon taunts, the Ninjamon looking at eachother in confusion...

Then, in the blink of an eye, Frogmon grabs and flips both the guns from his holster.

“GUN GUN!!” Frogmon shoots at both the leaf shurikens and they instantly burst into huge balls of flames! The flames completely engulf all the Ninjamon until the smoke and fire completely dissipate, the Ninjamon all completely gone.

“Those shurikens were actually something that I call Frog Bombs!” Frogmon says. “They look just like my leaf shurikens but are much more powerful!”

“Wow, really? They sure fooled me...” Blaine looks around, making sure there wasn’t any more Ninjamon. “Hey, Frogmon, I-“

“WHAT?!” Suddenly Kogamon appears out of nowhere. “All of those idiots really couldn’t take down just ONE kid?! Argh, guess I’ll just have to do this myself!” Before they can attack, Kogamon instantly vanishes into the air.

“Wha-Where’d he go?!” Frogmon looks around, worried.

“...What if he’s camouflaged himself?” Blaine asks. “Like that Chamelemon we fought in our first fight?”

“Ooooh yeah, you’re probably right! Hmmm, let’s see..” Frogmon and Blaine stand carefully still and silent, scanning their surroundings...

...And they feel a presence. To their left.

“Over there!”

“LEAF SHURIKEN!!” Frogmon strikes the air to their left, and sure enough, the shurikens hit Kogamon, revealing himself from thin air.

“Arrrrgh, that does it! SHADOW SLASH!!” The two Digimon start dueling each other, going back and forth with each of their different weapons.


Blaine looked behind himself, and noticed that the tower was starting to rumble off its hinges. He tried his best to motion to Frogmon, without Kogamon noticing, but to no avail.


Blaine saw the tower now falling down, and he knew he couldn’t stay silent anymore.

“FROGMON! THE TOWER!!” Both the Digimon looked up and saw the tower about to fall down on them. Frogmon quickly hopped out of the way, but Kogamon wasn’t as quick.

“WOOOOOO! THAT WAS AWESOME!!” Blaine could hear Taeka shouting happily, everyone now running over to Blaine and Frogmon.

“Oh gosh, I’m so glad you both are ok!” Lily says, running up to Blaine and hugging him.

“Lily said you were fighting a ton of Digimon by yourself...” Erik said. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, we were able to manage...” Blaine says. “So what happened to you guys?”

“It’s kinda hard, to explain, but... We were just walking around looking for any signs of Digimon, and we just...Felt something hit us in the heads and knocked us out.” Cora explains. “I don’t really remember much after that until Lily came to help us.”

“Oh, well...I’m glad you guys are ok-“ Blaine is immediately silenced when a ball of fire strikes out of nowhere, nearly hitting everyone.

“That’s enough.” A deep voice silences everyone, appearing through the shadows, alongside a couple other Digimon.

‘FlameWizardmon: Champion level, Virus. A Digimon related to Wizardmon, but it’s much more confident and wields fiery magic. Most powerful attack is Match Ignition, where it fires a stream of fire with its matchstick-like cane.’

‘Mikemon: Champion level, Data. Cat Digimon with nimble movements, often fighting in a martial arts style. Main attack is Neko Claw, where it slashes with hardened claws.’

“My King, here are the kids.” FlameWizardmon motions to someone in the darkness, who finally steps out to reveal himself.


The Dark King was...A kid?

And he had another smaller Digimon by his side.

‘ExTyrannomon: Ultimate level, Vaccine. Puppet Digimon that hides its true form inside of a Tyrannomon plush. Main attack is Pretty Attack, where it expels it’s true form from its body to attack.’

It indeed was a kid, and he looked very...Odd. He wore a jumpsuit that was ripped, a jagged crown made of stone...But the oddest part of him was the odd fragment covering one of his eyes. It looked like it was plastered onto his skin, and it looked like cracks were forming in the skin around the fragment. Everyone backed a step away, looking very disturbed by his appearance.

“So...These are the kids?” The Dark King slowly looks over to the fallen tower for a moment. “Knocked another one of my towers down? Aren’t you guys getting tired of messing with my stuff?”

“Wait a minute...You’re the Dark King we’ve been hearing so much about?” Cora asks, confused and disturbed.

“That’s me...What else we’re you expecting?” The Dark King asks, an odd smirk on his face.

“You’re...You’re a kid.” Erik says.

“Yeah, what of it?! Yeesh, take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He says, rolling his eyes.

“Wait a minute...” Taeka’s silent for a moment, thinking. “If Belphemons not the Dark King, then...Where is he?”

“What?! You know about...” The Dark King looked very shocked, looking down silently.

“...They know too much.” Dark King clenches his fists, his eyes filled with anger.

“...Kill them. THEY KNOW TOO MUCH!!” All the Digimon by his side strike at the group.

“Everyone RUN!!” Not knowing what else to do, the group makes a mad dash out of the village, the Dark King and his allies all running after. The group tried running as fast as they could, running into a nearby forest, but they knew they were all still close.

“Guys, what do we do?!” Taeka worriedly asks.

“Hey, over here!” They hear a voice whisper to them, but they look around and see nothing.

“Over here!” Right next to them, they see Tanemon’s head...Phasing through a tree?

“Tanemon?! How are you-“

“This tree is hollow! Hurry, hide in here before they see you!” They didn’t have time to think as they heard the pounding footsteps getting closer. Everyone managed to phase through the small tree, which indeed was hollow, but thankfully concealed them as well.

“Where’d they go?!” Everyone held their breaths as they heard the Dark King’s voice, sounding as if he was inches away. “They couldn’t have gotten too far.” FlameWizardmon says. Everyone waits for what feels like forever until they finally hear the sounds of their footsteps and voices finally gone, phasing out of the tree.

“Wow, thanks Tanemon...You really saved us there!” BlackGabumon says.

“Glad to help!” Tanemon responds, nodding.

Everyone looked back and forth between eachother, varying expressions of confusion, distress...Anger on each person’s face.

“...Guys?” Everyone looks at Taeka, attentively.

“...Let’s just find that house, alright?”