Digimon: Dark Worlds

3 years, 7 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
43 145281

Chapter 16
Published 3 years, 5 months ago

Why are Digimon appearing and attacking the Human World? A group of kids, who soon become partnered to their own Digimon, ask that question also. The more they fight the evil Digimon, the more trouble they soon realize they’re in. A very powerful evil Digimon that is capable of destroying both worlds is soon to be awakened. Can they stop this Digimon, and save both worlds?

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No good at goodbyes | Chapter 14

(This is kind’ve a boring chapter where they just say goodbye to their parents, so this one can be skipped if you’d like. I just wrote it to show more of the connection between the kids and their parents.)

The kids now had the teleporter cube so they could finally travel to the Digital World, and finally put a stop to this mess once and for all. Cora kept the cube safe in her room, and they all planned to call her once they told their parents all about the Digimon and everything else, and they would all finally depart on their adventure as soon as possible. All the kids knew it was going to be tough telling their parents. How would they feel if their kids suddenly told them they had to go to another world full of dangerous creatures to save their world? 

Well, they had to convince their parents to let them go, whether they liked it or not.

Now, Taeka, Lily, Lopmon, and Dracomon all sat in Taeka’s room. They all had their stuff ready and packed up in their closets, but they were still trying to figure out how to break the News to their parents.

“You’re the older one here Taeka, so I think you should tell them!” Lily says.

“Agh, I guess so...” Taeka mumbles. “Man, I hate being the responsible one...” 

“How about I jump out and surprise them? I’m sure they’ll get a kick outta that!” Dracomon says.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, unless you wanna give their parents a heart attack...” Lopmon says.

“Aw, alright...” Everyone sits with their arms crossed in silence, trying to think...

“Taeka, honey! Could you please come down here?” Their mom suddenly calls from downstairs, and her voice sounded more stern and serious then usual.

“Stay here guys, I’ll be right back...” Taeka leaves the room, walking down the stairs and into the living room. There, her mom was standing next to the couch with her arms crossed...

And Taeka almost froze when she saw what was on the TV. Her mom had a recording of the News paused, and it showed a picture of Wingdramon, with Taeka shown visibly riding on his back. Taeka knew that Cora saw them both on the News during the MetalGreymon fight, but she really didn’t think much of it at the time.

“Taeka, can you please tell me why I see a giant dragon on the News... That it looks like you’re riding on?” Her voice sounded quiet, but also stern and angry.


Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh...” Taeka stutters, having no idea what to say.

“Ow! You’re stepping on my ear!” Taeka hears Lopmon mutter around the corner.

“I’ll get off when you stop stepping on my tail!” Dracomon mutters back. Her mom heard the two of them and looked over curiously, while Taeka smiled nervously.

“Come on guys, knock it off!” Lily mumbles to them. Taeka hears the three of them mumble and argue with eachother until Lopmon and Dracomon suddenly fall down the stairs and crash into the floor, Lily walking down to make sure they’re ok.

“Wha- What the?!” Their mom’s eyes widen in horror seeing the Digimon for the first time.

“Owww, hey...” Dracomon grumbles, standing up. He freezes when he sees their moms reaction. “...Oops.”

“Well, if you’ve already seen us...” Lopmon says, getting up. “Then we might as well introduce ourselves. Hi, my name is Lopmon. I’m a Digimon, and I’m Lily’s partner.” Lopmon bows, speaking very politely.

“And my name is Dracomon! I’m Taeka’s partner Digimon!”

“Wha...What?!” Their mom’s eyes widened in horror and confusion. “Y-you too, Lily?”

“Yeah, sorry we didn’t tell you momma...” Lily mumbles.

“Yeah, it’s kind’ve a long story...” Taeka says.

“Explain it to me then.” Their mom crosses their arms, a stern expression on her face. “Why have you both been keeping these...Digimon in my house without telling me?”

Taeka takes a deep breath, trying to think for a moment.

“Well, you see...”

Taeka takes her time explaining everything. The Digimon, the attacks, the fights, Digivolving, and their situation with the Digital World, while Lily and the Digimon chime in occasionally during her long speech.

“...No. You’re not going to the Digital World. Neither are you, Lily.” Their mom says sternly after Taeka finally finishes talking.

“What?! But mom, why not?!” Taeka groans.

“Why not?! It’s already bad enough you’ve both been getting mixed up in these monster fights without telling me!” Their mom says angrily, throwing her hands up. “I’m not gonna let you go and get either of you hurt!”

“But come on, we’ve been fine this whole time!” Taeka says.

“Yeah, our Digimon have been protecting us, and they’ll do the same in the Digital World!” Lily says. Their mom sighs heavily, crossing her arms.

“...Can’t we at least wait until dad gets home so we can ask him too?” Taeka pleads. Their mom doesn’t respond, looking around and thinking.

“...Ask me about what?” Everyone looked to the open door to finally see their Dad who just finally got home from work, with a big bag slung on his shoulders and his hair a mess.

His eyes then widen when he sees the Digimon. “Whoa, what did I just walk in on?” He says surprisingly casually.

“Honey, these two are talking about going to some world call a Digital World to fight these monsters! You have to tell them how ridiculous and dangerous it is.” Their mom pleads.

“...Digital world, huh?” He walks towards the Digimon and leans down, looking at them carefully.

“We’ll, were actually the ones who do all the fighting...” Lopmon says. “They just help us Digivolve.”

“Yeah! The names Dracomon, and me and Lopmon are gonna save the Digital world! And, your world too of course.” Dracomon says. Their dad smiled at this, chuckling a little.

“...Heh, what cute little guys.” He stand up, smiling down at them both. “Well, I’m sure you two will be in good hands, you both can go if you want!” He says cheerfully. Everyone was surprised by how unfazed he seemed reacting to the Digimon, but Taeka and Lily were still really happy about it.

“Really?! YES, thank you thank you so much dad!!” Taeka squeals happily, giving her dad a quick tight hug.

“Yeah, thank you so much daddy! We won’t get hurt, we promise!” Lily quickly joins in on the hug before the two of them let go.

“What?! Honey, this isn’t just some computer game we’re talking about here, we’re talking about our kids actual lives here!” Their mom says, visibly upset. Their dad grabbed a glass of water, still acting casual about the situation.

“If they really want to go, then I think it’s fine.” He says, taking a sip of water. “Besides, if they have those little Digital monsters there to help protect them then I think it’s fine.” Their mom was very surprised by this statement, her eyes widened.

“Wha-What? Honey, those monsters that have been attacking our and nearby cities these past few months? Those are the ones our kids have been fighting! Look!” She points to the TV which still had the video of Taeka and Wingdramon on it.

“Whoa, I remember that day! That big dragon is Dracomon? Wow, now that’s something!” He says, looking very impressed.

“Aw, thanks...” Dracomon says, blushing a little.

“B-bu-but-“ Their mom stammered, trying to find something to say.

“...Mom? One more thing...” Taeka quietly interupted, her tone more serious now. “We have no idea what’s going to happen in the Digital world, but as long as we have our Digimon with us, then I think we’ll be fine... They- No, we’ve been fighting these monsters for the past few months now, so we know what we’re doing!”

“Yeah, and our friends also have Digimon that help fight and protect us as well!” Lily adds. Their mom was silent, not knowing how to respond.

“Mom... If you let us go we’ll promise to never ever fight Digimon again when we get back! Would that be...Ok?” Taeka asks. Their mom has a very perplexed look on her face, still trying to think. She stood there silently with her arms crossed for a moment... Until she finally let out a sigh.

“...Fine. You can go.” Their mom says, finally giving in.

“YES!! Thank you so much mom!!” Taeka squeaks happily, giving her mom a tight hug. “Come on guys, let’s go finish packing!” Everyone rushes up the stairs, their parents still downstairs.

“...Honey, you think they’ll be fine?” Their mom asks, still a little worried. Their dad puts a hand on her shoulder, with a reassuring smile.

“I’m sure of it.”

Meanwhile, with Cora and BlackGabumon...

Earlier that day, Erik had already called Cora saying that he told his mom was fine with him going to the Digital World. Now, she just got a call from Taeka and Lily, who also got approval from their parents. Now, she was just waiting for Blaine to call, then they would be all set to leave. Since Cora’s mom was still on a business trip, she figured she’d just have her grandma tell her when she got back from her trip, so Cora didn’t worry too much about it.

“Lunch is almost ready, kids!” Cora’s grandma calls.

“Ok! I’m gonna go wash my, uh, paws quickly!” BlackGabumon says, running to the bathroom.

“Alright, I’ll set the table then.” Cora says, grabbing some plates and cups and setting them on the kitchen table. Afterwards she sits down at the table, waiting for Gabumon to get out of the bathroom.

BAM! Cora is startled when the front door suddenly slams open! Her mom was at the door, out of breath.

“Mom?! What are you doing here?” She asks, very surprised by her sudden appearance.

“I-Ive seen the monster attacks on the News! A-are you okay?!” She asks, clearly distressed. Cora knew she was talking about the Digimon, but she didn’t know who, since a lot of Digimon attacks had happened the past couple weeks.

“Uh, yeah, I’m fine...” Cora says.

“Oh, thank goodness! I-I was so worried...” She says, hugging Cora tightly.

“Um, you could’ve just called...” Cora says, leaning into the hug.

“I-I know, I just... Wanted to make sure.” Her mom says, letting go of the hug. She then sighs, rubbing her forehead. “...Ugh, I need to use the bathroom.”

Cora’s eyes widen when she realizes Gabumon is still in the bathroom. “Mom, wait!” She gets up to try and stop her, but it’s already too late.

“Wha- WHAT THE?!” Her mom shouts in horror, finally seeing BlackGabumon.

“Huh? Oh, sorry I was just washing my paws, I’ll be out in a minute!” BlackGabumon says casually.


“AAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!” Cora’s mom lets out a high pitched shriek! Cora quickly runs to the bathroom to see what’s going on.

“C- Call the police!! There’s a weird little creature in our house!!” Her mom yells.

“N- No mom, it’s fine! He’s my, um... My friend.” Cora stammers nervously.

“Wha- WHAT?!” Her moms eyes widen in disbelief.

“Do I really look that weird?” BlackGabumon whimpers.

“My goodness, what is going on in he-“ Cora’s grandma asks before walking into the bathroom. “...Oh. I see you’ve finally met Cora’s little friend, huh?” Her grandma says, chuckling.

“Wait, what?! Mother, you knew about this too?!” Cora’s mom asks in shock.

“Oh course, I met him right after you left... Nice little guy, actually. Him and Cora have been fighting all those monsters we’ve seen on the News.” Her grandma says. Cora’s moms eyes widen at this statement. “WHAT?! You mean to tell me, you’ve been keeping one of those dangerous monsters in MY HOUSE? AND YOU’VE BEEN FIGHTING THEM?!” Cora’s mom yells even louder now, horror and disbelief in her voice.

“W-well, it’s a little more complicated than that...” Cora stammers nervously.

“Yeah, I still can’t understand it fully...” Cora’s grandma says. “But apparently these two have to go to some Digital world tomorrow to fight even more of these digital monsters.”

“...Well, you’re NOT going.” Her mom says sternly, walking out of the bathroom.

“What?! But mom, I need to, my friends are counting on me!” Cora pleads.

“No! You seriously expect me to let you go after you lied to me about something so important?!” Her mom yells, her voice full of anger and worry. “What if you got hurt?! What if you get hurt in the next fight you have?! What if...You...” Her voice starts to trail off, getting weaker now.

“Mom, my friends and I know what we’re doing. We’ve been fighting these Digimon since the beginning of Summer break and we haven’t gotten hurt yet, so we’ll be fine!” Cora tries her best to plead to her mom. “And besides, I already told grandma, and she said it was ok...”

“Cora...” Her mom lets out a sigh. “Your grandma may have said it was ok, but... She’s a bit...You know...”

“Old?” Cora’s grandma suddenly interrupts them. “Honey I may be old, but I can tell when someone is in the wrong here.” Everyone goes silent, paying attention to what she’s saying.

“Cora’s growing up now, of course she’s going to end up having secrets she’d rather keep to herself...

And it’s not like you... No, we haven’t been keeping secrets from her either.”

Cora’s mom rubs her arm nervously, looking a little guilty.

“Mom, what’s she talking about?” Cora asks. Her mom stays silent.

“...Does this have to do with Dad?” 

Her mom’s eyes widened for a moment, before looking guilty again, rubbing her arm nervously.

“...Because I remember the last day I saw him, and it just seemed like he was gone so suddenly.” Cora says quietly. “And when I think about it, I remember that he seemed very upset a lot, and it makes me think...” Cora went silent for a moment.

“...Did he leave or something? Because of me?” Her voice cracked for a moment, upset at even thinking or muttering that statement.

“What? Honey, n-no, why would you even think that?!” Cora’s mom was upset by how she would think or say this.

“...Cora, look, when you’re older, things are just a lot more... Complicated. The situation with your father is something I just... wanted to wait until you were older to tell you.”

“People say that a lot, that I’m too young to know certain things...” Cora mumbles.

“Yeah, I know. You’ll understand when you get older...” Her mom says. 

Cora’s mom stays silent for a moment before letting out a sigh.

“...I guess we can make a deal here. If you get back from that trip of yours safely, I suppose I can tell you what really happened to your father, alright?” 

“...Really?” Cora looked up at her mom, finally starting to cheer up. “...I’d love that, thank you.” Cora smiles warmly at her mom, hugging her tightly.

“Um... I hope you two didn’t have that argument...Because of me...” BlackGabumon mumbles, finally putting himself in the conversation. Cora’s mom lets go of the hug, leaning down to his level.

“What? No, of course not! I’m sorry about what I said earlier.... You’re actually kinda cute.” Gabumon blushes from the compliment, Cora’s mom smiling warmly at him.

“...Promise you’ll keep my daughter safe from any more monsters, alright?” BlackGabumon smiles, nodding his head.

“I’ll do my best!”

Meanwhile, with Blaine and Ryudamon...

“My, I certainly wasn’t expecting anything like this...” Blaine’s Master scratched his chin, looking down at Ryudamon. Blaine had just finished telling him everything about the Digimon, and the Digital world.

“Yeah, sorry I didn’t tell you all this earlier.” Blaine says, rubbing the back of his head. “I was worried you’d be upset with me.”

“Oh no, I totally understand...” Master says, standing up. “I don’t even know what I would’ve done if I were you, heheh. But maybe that just means you’re smarter then I am...”

“...But seriously, you’re a really smart kid, Blaine. You’ve grown up a lot faster then I imagined you ever could. I can’t blame you for keeping secrets. Everyone does... Even me.” Blaine cocked his head curiously.

“...I was gonna wait until you were 18 to tell you some of those secrets, but...

...You want me to tell you one now?”

“Uh, sure.” Blaine says. Master stays silent for a moment, tapping his chin and thinking.

“Alright, this is a little one, but I might as well tell you... Your last name, Austin? It’s not your real last name. Or, atleast it’s not your original one.” Blaine was clearly confused by this fact. “What, really? That’s kinda weird...What reason did you have to change it?” Blaine asks.

“Well, it’s kind’ve a long story...” Master says. “But I’ll tell you more about it when you get back from the Digital world, alright?”

“Wait, does that mean...I’m allowed to go?” Blaine asks, and Master nods his head. Blaine smiles warmly for a moment, before quickly putting on a serious expression. “...Thank you, Master. I won’t let you down.” He says, bowing.

“I know you won’t. But... Can you promise me something?” Master asks.

“What is it?” Blaine asks.

“Can you please try to practice your sword-fighting some more when you get to the Digital World? No offense, but your skills have gotten a little...Rusty since you started all this fighting.”

“...Yes, of course.” Blaine says, nodding his head.

“I don’t mean to interrupt you two, but...” Ryudamon says, interrupting them. “We should probably tell everyone that we’re ready now.”

“Yeah, you’re right Ryudamon. Master, can I excuse myself for a moment?” Blaine asks, walking over to a nearby phone, then dialing Cora’s number into it.

Blaine: “...Hello, Cora?”

Cora: “Hi Blaine....Did you tell your parents as well?”

Blaine: “Yes...I’m ready now.”

The next day...

Everyone had now told their parents everything, and they were finally ready to leave. They all planned to meet up at the local park first thing in the morning, so they could finally activate the cube.

Now, Erik was readying all of his stuff, him and Labramon just about ready to leave.

“You have everything, Erik? Your toothbrush, your clothes, and the extra food?” Erik’s mom hurriedly lists everything she can think of.

“Yeah mom, I got everything! I even triple checked it all.” Erik says, reassuring her.

“Oh, sorry honey...I’m just...I’m just worried is all. You’re the most important person to me, and I don’t know what I’d do if anything happened to you.” She starts to get emotional. Erik then hugs her tightly. “It’s ok mom. As long as I have Labramon and all my friends with me, then I know I’ll be fine.”

“Oh, alright...But just remember, you’ll always be my baby and I’ll always love you, alright?”

Erik smiles warmly at his mother. “I know mom. I love you too.”

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Alright guys, you all finally ready?!” Taeka excitedly says to everyone.

“...Seems like it!” Erik says cheerfully.

“I am a little nervous, though....” Cora says, carefully pulling out the cube.

“That’s completely normal. As long as we stick together, I think we’ll be fine.” Lopmon reassures.

“Yeah, and we may have lost our memories, but we still know our way around the Digital World.” Ryudamon says.

“Yeah! Whatever or wherever you need to go, we’ll help out however we can!” Labramon says excitedly.

“So let’s go and save the Digital World!” Dracomon says, pounding his fists into eachother. “And, your World too of course...” The pep talk from the Digimon seemed to  cheer everyone up.

“Alright guys, let’s huddle up! We can’t leave anyone behind!” Taeka says. Everyone huddles up into a circle, squishing as close to eachother as they possibly can.

“Ugh, this is uncomfortable...” Blaine mumbles.

“Aw, shut it man, this’ll only be for a minute!” Taeka says. “Ooh, can I press the button?!” Taeka asks excitedly. Cora nods, holding the cube out to her, the button side showing. Taeka hovers her hand over the button, ready.






Taeka hits the button with a hard smack! The second she presses it, the lines on the cube start to glow white, and everyone feels an odd tingling sensation through their bodies. In an instant, white smoke and a bright light forms around the group, enveloping 


Then they vanished into thin air.