Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 5 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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I choose...You? || Chapter 1



Professor Oak promised me that on my 10th Birthday, he’d finally give me my first Pokemon...Which means I can finally become a Pokemon trainer and go on my own journey!! In the Kanto region, kids can finally become Pokemon trainers when they become 10 years old, and Professor Oak is known for also giving those new trainers special starter Pokemon. He even said he had a special Pokemon just for me, and I’m so excited!!

“Sam, honey! You ready yet?” I hear my mom call for me downstairs.

“Yeah mom, give me a second!” I yell back to her, quickly stuffing a few items into my backpack, before zipping it up and rushing down the stairs. My mom looks down at me, a slight smile on her face.

“...Can’t believe today’s finally the day. You sure you don’t want to have a Birthday party? Or any other gifts?” She asks.

“No mom, a Pokémon’s the only thing I want today!” I respond. My mom smirks, grabbing a hat off a nearby table.

“Heh, I thought that’s what you’d say...” She ruffles my hair a bit, placing the hat on my head. “I know you’re going to be an amazing trainer, Sam...Now go to the lab and get your first Pokemon!” 

“I will! Thanks mom!!” I dash out of the house in a hurry, forgetting to close the front door...

...Sorry mom, I’m just so excited! I hurriedly ran down the dirt path, quickly running past all my neighbors, down a path that led to the Professor’s Laboratory...

Man...I wonder what kind’ve Pokemon the professor has for me...It could be one of the special starters he usually gives out...Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Charmander...Or something even cooler!

Well, whatever Pokemon he gives me...I just know it’s gonna be the best...Pokemon...EVER!!

BAM!! I arrive at the Lab, powerfully thrusting the doors open. I look around the small room, with other lab workers in there, working on computers, and other stuff...But for some reason, I didn’t see Professor Oak...


“Yo, Sam!” Instead my face fell to a frown, spotting my rival, Blue, in the Lab instead. Ugh...And he had that same cocky smirk on he always had. If you all want the short version of our story, Blue and I have always been rivals, since we were practically babies. And I knew it was going to stay that way when we both become trainers as well.

“Ugh, Blue...” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. “Where’s Professor Oak?” I asked.

“You tell me. Gramps just ran off to Route 1, freaking out cause he found some rare Pokémon out there.” Blue says, as he leans against a table. “He was gonna give me a Pokemon today, so I’ve just been waiting here since.”

“Whoa, you too?” I asked.

“Heh, of course! I’m obviously ready to become a trainer already! After he gives you your Pokemon too, we gotta have a battle together! I’m sure my Pokémon’s gonna kick your’s butt!” Blue boasts, smirking.

“Whatever Blue.” I simply roll my eyes at him, running out of the Lab. I ran down another path, making my way over to Route 1...

...Man, I wonder what kind of Pokemon was out here to make the Professor run off like this? I finally make it to Route 1, walking through the grass for a bit, until I immediately spot the Professor, who was hiding behind a rock.

“Professor, hey!” I get his attention, immediately running over to him.

“Ah, hello Sam! Be quiet for a moment...” Professor Oak immediately shushes me, motioning for me to hide behind the rock as well. I duck down, as we both carefully peek over the rock.

“See that over there?” Professor Oak whispers, pointing a close distance away...


...Pointing to a small, yellow Pokemon, that was digging around in the dirt.

“That’s a Pikachu! They’re very rare, and usually don’t hang around this area!” Professor Oak looked pretty excited, as he slowly pulled a Pokeball out of his pocket.

“...And I’m gonna catch it! HYAH!!” In a flash, the Professor chucks the ball at the Pikachu, the ball bouncing off its head, as the Pokeball absorbs Pikachu into the ball before it could react. The ball falls to the ground, shaking...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...

...Click! The ball clicked, signifying that the Pikachu was officially caught.

“Yes! I caught it!” Professor Oak smiled happily, running over to the ball and grabbing it.

“Woah...That was awesome, Professor!” I say, amazed at how easily he caught it.

“I know, I didn’t think I’d actually be able to catch it that quickly, heh...But, ah, enough about this Pikachu. You must’ve come over here because I wasn’t at the lab, right? Sorry about that, kid...” Professor Oak smiles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

“It’s alright...It was worth it coming out here and seeing that Pikachu!” I say, smiling.

“Heh, I’m glad then...Alright then, enough chit-chat. Come on, let’s head back to the lab and I’ll give you your first ever Pokemon!” Professor Oak stuffs Pikachu’s Pokeball in his pocket, as we walk back to the Lab, inside where Blue was still waiting.

“Gramps, come on! I’m fed up with waiting!” Blue calls to us, tapping his foot impatiently.

“I know, I know, I’m sorry you two!” Professor Oak apologizes. “I’ll give both of you your Pokemon...But you’ll be going first, Sam!” He smiles at me, excitement flowing through me, despite Blue looking pretty annoyed next to me.

“You see that Pokeball over there?” Professor Oak points to a lone ball, sitting on a nearby desk. “The Pokemon that’s in there is yours. Go on, take it and find out what Pokemon is in there!” 

“Woah, seriously?! Awesome!” With a wide smile, I run over to the Pokeball, eyes sparkling as a stare at it. Meanwhile, Blue was carefully watching me, practically glaring daggers at me, but I didn’t care. 

I finally get my own Pokemon...I wonder what kind it is?! Man, I am so...Excited!!

“...NO!!” Suddenly then, Blue runs over to me, pushing me roughly to the side, as I fall to the ground, as Blue grabs the Pokeball.

“Ow...Hey! What’re you doing?!” I ask, glaring at him.

“Blue, that’s supposed to be Sam’s Pokemon!” Professor Oak says.

“Not anymore! Gramps, I want this Pokemon!” Blue says.

“But, I...” Professor Oak tried to object, but looked at how happy Blue was holding the Pokeball...Before sighing in defeat. “...Oh, alright then. That Pokemon is yours.”

“Yes!” Blue pumped his fists in excitement. All I could do was just stare, with my mouth wide open with shock.

I can’t believe it...Did Blue seriously just take my Pokemon?!

“Sam, you come over then.” Professor Oak motions for me to walk over, as I stand up and walk to him. 

“I was gonna give this Pikachu I caught earlier to Blue, but...” Professor Oak pauses, looking over at Blue. “Ah, change of plans...You can keep this one now.” He places the Pokeball in my hands, as I admire it.

“Whoa...Awesome, thanks so much, Professor!” I say, smiling widely.

...Ah, you know what?! I’m not mad anymore! A Pokemon is a Pokemon, no matter what kind it is! And Oak said that Pikachu is a rare Pokemon, so...I’m pretty satisfied! I’m gonna train this Pikachu to become the strongest...Pokemon...Ever!!

“Well, I’m glad you’re happy! Enjoy your new Pokemon!” Professor Oak says, smiling.

“Yes! I will!” I gladly start walking away...

“Sam, wait!” But Blue calls to me, stopping me in my tracks. I turn to him, as he walks over to me, holding up his Pokeball.

“Sam, let’s battle! Right now!” Blue smirks, and I couldn’t help but smile back at his sudden offer. “Let’s check our Pokemon, see who’s really the strongest!”

“Heh, alright then, Blue...” I hold up my ball as well. “My Pikachu’s gonna kick your Pokémon’s butt!”

“We’ll see about that!” We both back away for each other, readying our Pokeballs...

“GO, PIKACHU! I CHOOSE YOU!!” I throw the ball, Pikachu popping out, looking pretty ready. Then, Blue does the same...


...As a Pokemon, known as Eevee pops out.

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I tried thinking, of whatever moves Pikachu could possibly use.

Sam: “Pikachu...Use Thundershock!!”

Blue: “Eevee, use tackle!”

Both the Pokemon attacked at once, but Pikachu was faster, hitting first. Both the Pokemon seemed to do an equal amount of damage to one another.

Sam: “Again, Pikachu! Thundershock!”

Pikachu attacked again, doing a good amount of damage, as a current of electricity runs through Eevee’s fur afterwards. Man...This battle was so simple, but I could feel my blood pumping with excitement!! This was...Awesome!!

Blue: “Eevee, use tackle! Full power!!”

Eevee tackled Pikachu pretty roughly this time, looking like it was a critical hit. It did a lot of damage, as Pikachu looked like he was close to fainting.

Blue: “Heh, seems your Pikachu is already done for! Seems I chose the right Pokemon after all!”

Blue smirks, and I could already feel dread flowing through me. Was I already...About to lose?

Blue: “Eevee, finish Pikachu off with one last tackle!”

Eevee was about to attack...But suddenly froze, grumbling in pain as an electric current flowed through his fur. Wait a minute...Was Eevee...Paralyzed?! This might just be my chance!

Blue: “Eevee, what the heck is wrong with you?!”

Sam: “Pikachu, finish him off with one last thundershock!!”

Pikachu attacked, with one last powerful that knocked Eevee down...As he fainted.

Blue: “What? I lost?! Ugh, you just got lucky!”

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“Ugh...” Blue returned Eevee back into his Pokeball. He looked clearly annoyed, but had a forced smile on to hide it.

“...Well, I just gotta train Eevee then to make him stronger!” Blue says. “Sam, gramps, smell you later!” Blue causually waves over his shoulder, as he walks out of the Lab.

“Man...That was amazing! Good job Pikachu, you can return too!” Pikachu quickly looks over to me, as I bring him back into his ball, stuffing it in my pocket.

“Thanks again, Professor!” I wave over to him, about to leave. “I’m going to-“

POP! But suddenly then, Pikachu’s Pokeball pops open, Pikachu looking up at me with an annoyed expression.

“...What the...”

“Wow, would you look at that!” Professor Oak walks over to us. “It seems that your Pikachu dislikes being in his Pokeball!”

“Woah...Is that true, Pikachu?” I looked down at Pikachu, who nodded a bit, looking away as he puffed his cheeks a bit in annoyance.

...Aww, this must mean that Pikachu wants to be outside of his Pokeball...With me!!

“Aww, I understand, Pikachu...You really like me!” I pick up Pikachu, giving him a tight hug. 

“Pikachu...We’re gonna be the best of friends!”