Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
37 97631

Chapter 16
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Operation: Rescue Mr. Fuji || Chapter 16

After what Meredith had told us about what happened to Mr. Fuji, me and Leaf immediately started making our way over to Lavender Town, determined to save him from the clutches of Team Rocket.

“Ugh, I really don’t like going to Lavender Town... That place has always creeped me out.” Leaf says.

“Yeah, that makes two of us... But hey, we have the Silph Scope now, and besides... It’ll be a lot less scary if we’re going together.” I say.

“Yeah, that it true...” Me and Leaf walk in silence for a bit, until she gives me a bit of a concerned look. “Hey Sam, you alright?” She asks. “You look a bit upset right now.”

“Ugh, honestly, I’m just so sick of Team Rocket! All they’ve been doing is causing trouble for everyone, and it’s the worst...” I say.

“Yeah, I get that... Team Rocket is the worst, especially with how much trouble they’ve been causing in Saffron City.” Leaf states.

“Why exactly are they causing so much trouble in that city anyways?” I ask.

“I don’t know exactly, but... Team Rocket did take over the Silph Co, and made it their main headquarters...” Leaf sighs, her tone getting serious. “If there’s anywhere that they’re keeping Zapdos... It’s gotta be in there.”

“Man...” I sighed. “We should check that place out after we rescue Mr. Fuji.”

After some more walking, we finally arrive in Lavender Town, arriving at the base of Lavender Tower... Me and Leaf grabbed each other’s hands, nodding at each other in reassurance... Before walking in. We slowly started making our way up the tower, but... It was really weird. The tower was strangely empty, not seeing a single other human in there. Despite it though, me and Leaf felt a chilling presence behind us, Leaf shivering uncomfortably.

“Is it just me who feels that presence?” Leaf asks.

“Pika pi...” Pikachu mumbled in agreeance, as I reached into my backpack, pulling out the Silph Scope. I pressed the lever on the side, activating the Silph Scope... The scope scanned the air, slowly revealing three ghost Pokémon...



“AAAAAGHHHH!!” All three of the Haunter’s suddenly screeched, sticking their tongues out wide as they spooked all of us, the Haunters laughing loudly.

“Geez, what is your guy’s problem?!” Leaf snaps, only making the Haunters laugh even harder.

“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!” Pikachu tried attacking, but the Haunters quickly dodged it, all firing Shadow Ball attacks at us, us just barely avoiding the attacks. Me and Leaf tried grabbing our Pokeballs to send out more Pokémon, but the Haunters were attacking so rapidly that it made doing so impossible, so instead...

“...RUN!!” We all dashed away from the Haunters, dashing through as many rooms and stairs as we possibly could... But the Haunters continued chasing us, and eventually, we slid to a halt, getting tired of it...

“UGH, COME ON!! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt again!” Pikachu attacked, this time hitting all the Haunters. “Geez, you Haunter are so annoying! Would you all just leave us alone already?!” I snapped, the Haunter’s faces all suddenly turning to a horrified expression, quickly running away from us.

“Huh...? What’s up with that...?”

“Uh... Sam?! You might wanna look behind you...” Leaf mumbled, both her and Pikachu looking pretty terrified. I turned around... To see a huge, shadowy ghost behind us, looming over us as it raised its arms, chanting with a deep voice...


“Sam... P-please use the Silph Scope!!” Leaf whimpered, as I quickly grabbed the device, activating it once again, to reveal an unfamiliar Pokémon...


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Sam: “I’m not running away this time... Go, Wartortle! Use Water Gun!”

Marowak uses a Bone Club attack, but Wartortle’s attack does more damage.

Sam: “Again, use Water Gun!”

Marowak tries using a Bone Club attack again...

Sam: “Wartortle, dodge it! And finish em off with Bite!”

Wartortle quickly attacked... Knocking out Marowak.

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Despite knocking out Marowak, it managed to stand up again, like it wasn’t hurt at all...But now, Marowak didn’t look angered anymore... Now it was calm, like the battle put it at peace... Marowak’s spirit slowly floated upwards, it’s body slowly starting to fade... Before finally vanishing into thin air... 

That Marowak... That Marowak spirit was the mother of that Cubone... Wasn’t it? Ugh, of course once again, Team Rocket is doing nothing but causing trouble and pain for everyone... And I’ve had enough of it.

“...Rest in the afterlife, Marowak. You deserve a good, long rest.” I looked up the stairs, quickly making my way up.

“Sam, wait up!” Leaf quickly ran after me, as we now arrived at the top floor... And upon arriving, we immediately spotted Mr. Fuji at the end of the room, who was surrounded by two Team Rocket grunts.

“Stupid old man... Just give us the dang flute already!!” One grunt snaps.

“Now now... You two need to calm down already...” Mr. Fuji casually responds.

“HEY!! Leave that man alone already!!” I snapped, turning the Rocket Grunt’s attention to us, the two scoffing as they approached us.

“Pfft! Or you’ll do what, kids?” One grunt says.

“Come on...” I hissed. “You already know the answer.”

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Rocket Grunt 1: “Go, Golbat!”


Rocket Grunt 2: “Let’s go, Raticate!”

Sam: “Go, Nidorino!”

Leaf: “Let’s go, Poliwhirl!”

Rocket Grunt 1: “Use Bite, Golbat! On Poliwhirl!”

Rocket Grunt 2: “Use Hyper Fang! On Nidorino!”

Sam: “Use Double Kick on Raticate, Nidorino!”

Leaf: “Use Double Slap, on Golbat!”

Hmm, wait a minute... I just remembered a new move that I taught to Nidorino earlier... Now would be a good time to test it out...

Sam: “Nidorino, use Horn Drill!! On Golbat!”

Nidorino charged, landing a direct hit, that... Instantly fainted Golbat! Woah, this move is powerful... I’m glad I taught it to Nidorino!

Leaf: “Woah... Poliwhirl, use Water Gun, on Raticate!”

Rocket Grunt 2: “Raticate, use Hyper Fang, again on Nidorino!”

Sam: “Horn Drill again, Nidorino!”

Nidorino charged again, but this time he completely missed, nearly crashing into the walls. Ok, I guess this move isn’t the most accurate... Whoops.

Leaf: “Hypnosis, Poliwhirl!”

Rocket Grunt 2: “Ugh, wake up already, Raticate!”

Sam: “Nidorino... Finish Raticate off with a Double Kick!!”

Nidorino attacked... Fainting Raticate.

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“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” One Grunt growls, the two of them quickly running off, both shouting something before leaving. “You little brats won’t win next time!!”

“Hey, you’re Mr. Fuji, right? Are you alright?” I ask.

“Of course I am, those Rocket weirdos don’t scare me...” Mr. Fuji says casually. “Although I do appreciate you both going through all this trouble just for me! Thanks, you two... Now, why don’t we all head back to my daycare!”

Sometime later...

Mr. Fuji lead us all back to the daycare, safely being lead back as Meredith was happily waiting for us.

“Oh, Mr. Fuji! I’m so glad you’re alright...” Meredith says, sighing with relief.

“Hey, Mr. Fuji, how come those Rocket Grunts were after you in the first place?” Leaf asks.

“Ah, I’m pretty sure it was my Poke Flute they were after...” Mr. Fuji says, pulling out a fancy flute from his pocket.

“Poke Flute...? Does that flute have some kind of special powers or something?” I ask.

“Yeah, it has the power to wake up sleeping Pokémon, like Snorlax...” Meredith answers. “They must’ve wanted to capture one for themselves.”

“Yup, but now I’m not so sure if I can keep it safe for much longer...” Mr. Fuji says, eyeing me as he hands me the flute. “Here, Sam. I think you should have this.”

“Wha... Me?! I’m flattered Mr. Fuji, but... Why do you want me to have the flute?”

“Only a talented, strong trainer like you could put this flute to use...” Mr. Fuji says, smiling. “Besides, I think it could help you on your journey.”

I grabbed the Poke Flute, tracing my fingers on the delicate carvings.

“Of course... Thanks, Mr. Fuji.

Sometime later...

Me and Leaf went back to the Pokémon Center, as I quickly headed over to the phone booths inside, determined to make an important call.

“Hey, Sam, who are you calling?” Leaf asks.

“I wanna call Professor Oak real quick...” I respond. “I wanna know if he knows anything more about the legendary birds.”

“Ah, ok... Wait a minute... You KNOW Professor Oak?!” Leaf suddenly goes wide eyed.

“Huh? Uh yeah, I’m from Pallet Town, so I’ve known him my whole life...” I respond. “He’s the one who gave me Pikachu, and my Pokédex.”

“Oh my gosh, that’s amazing! I’ve always been such a huge fan of Professor Oak!!” Leaf says, smiling excitedly, as she slowly backs away. “D-don’t worry, I won’t interrupt your call or anything! I’ll just, uh... Stay over here... A safe distance away...”

As Leaf slowly backs away, I dial the Professor’s number, waiting for a bit before he quickly answers.

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Professor Oak: “Hello, Sam! It’s nice to hear from you again! How are you doing?”

Sam: “Um, I’m fine. I got my 4th badge earlier today...”

Professor Oak: “That’s amazing, great job Sam! And how’s your Pokédex going lately?”

Sam: “Um, it’s going alright... But to be honest, I haven’t been catching as much new Pokémon lately... I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, and I wanted to ask you about something.”

Professor Oak: “Hm? What’s on your mind?”

Sam: “Professor... Do you know anything about the legendary birds? You know, Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres?”

Professor Oak: “The legendary birds...? I know they all live in different parts of the region... Zapdos is rumored to live in the Power Plant, Articuno in the Seafoam Islands, and Moltres in Victory Road.... And I’m sure it’s easy to tell what their types are by their names... Sorry, but I really don’t know much else about them. Sam, is there a reason you want to know about the birds so suddenly?”

Sam: “Yeah, well... I’ve been fighting Team Rocket a lot lately, and I know that they’ve captured Zapdos... I just wanted to know as much about them as I can, so I can try to rescue Zapdos, and prevent the same from happening to the other two.”

Professor Oak: “Goodness, you’re fighting with Team Rocket? That’s really not a good idea Sam, it’s not safe to get tangled up with those criminals...”

Sam: “I know I shouldn’t, I just... I’m just so worried about Zapdos.”

Professor Oak: “I know you are, but you should really just let the grown ups deal with this... You’re still just a kid after all, you should just enjoy your journey! Look Sam, whatever you decide to do next, I can’t stop you, just... Please, try and stay safe, ok?”

Sam: “...Yeah. I will.”