Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 31
Published 1 year, 18 days ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Now for the Sevii Islands! || Chapter 31

Hey, everyone! As of now, it’s been over a week since I’ve become the champion of the Kanto region… Man, I’m just so freaking happy that I’ve finally become the champion!! All my hard work and training has really paid off…

This past week or so I’ve pretty much been hanging out back at home in Pallet Town, resting for a bit. Um… Is it bad that I haven’t really been battling at all since my champion battle? After all the training this past year or so, I just wanted to take a break for a bit. And don’t get me wrong, it was nice to take a bit of a break, but now I’m really itching to do some battling again…

…But I’ll worry about that later. Professor Oak said he had a surprise for me today in his lab. He actually had me drop off my Pokédex at his laboratory last night, said he had an important upgrade to give it… I’m guessing the surprise is related to that? Either way, I hope it’s something cool…

Me and Pikachu quickly left my house this morning, making my way over and into the lab, approaching Professor Oak, who had both mine and Blue’s Pokédex laid out on a table in front of him.

“Hi, Professor Oak!” I happily greeted him. “So, what was the surprise you had for me?”

“Hey, Sam!” Professor Oak smiled, turning around to face me. “I know I’ve already told you this before, Sam, but I’m really proud of you for managing to become champion, and for all the Pokémon you’ve caught as well!”

“Aw geez, um… Sorry I haven’t been capturing as much Pokémon as I should…” I apologized. “I just got so focused on training and battling…”

“Hey, it’s no worries, I’m not mad at all!” Professor Oak says. “In fact, I have a perfect present for you for all your hard work… It’ll be a way for you to take a bit of a vacation, while also looking for more new Pokémon at the same time…” Professor Oak reached into his pocket, handing me multiple passes, which each read: Sevii Island passes. Passes for Island One, Island Two, and so forth.

“These are passes for the Sevii Islands! When you go to these islands, you can ca-“

“HEY!! Gramps!!” Suddenly Blue burst into the room, walking up to me and Oak, with a bit of an annoyed expression. “You’re giving Sam these passes, but not me? Last time I checked, I’m your grandson, not him!”

“Blue, relax, I was gonna give you passes as well…” Oak says, reaching into his pocket and also handing Blue Sevii Island passes.

“Anyways, the Sevii Islands contains a lot of Pokémon from other regions, including the Hoenn and Johto regions…” Professor Oak explains. “So you’ll both get a chance at capturing all different kinds of rare Pokémon not found here!”

“Woah… This sounds so awesome! Thank you, Professor.” I say, already feeling excited.

“Cool… I won’t let you down gramps!” Blue says, looking down at the passes. “Hmm… I can get to the Sevii Islands on the boats in Vermilion City…”

“Oh my gosh, this is so exciting! Hey Blue, you wanna head over to the Sevii Islands together? Like right now?” I asked.

“What? No thank you, I’m going by myself.” Blue says, quickly brushing me off and leaving the laboratory.

“Hmm, alright then…”

Guess I’ll head over there by myself then… Man, I’m so excited! Sevii Islands, here I come!!

Sometime later…

I quickly flew over to Vermilion City, using the Sevii Island passes as I hopped onto one of the boats, the boat quickly sailing and zooming across the ocean, getting closer and closer to the islands. Eventually, after a quick hour or so, I could see one of the first islands slowly coming into view, until we finally stopped at the first island, the sigh at the entrance reading: One Island. I quickly walked through the entrance, which was a small town next to a smaller beach, with a big Pokémon center at the top of a small hill.

“Whoa… Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so much fun! Right, Pikachu?”

“Pika pi!” Pikachu happily smiled and nodded.

“Ooh, we gotta find and look for some rare, new Pokémon… But where…?”

I looked around, seeing a small stand with some maps on it, walking over and grabbing one. The map was more of a small booklet, with multiple pages that showed maps for each of the islands. I looked at One Island’s map first, looking at some of the areas around us, where a nearby area captured my attention first.

“Let’s go here first, Pikachu…” I pointed to the spot on the map. “Treasure Beach, here we come!”

Treasure Beach was right around the corner, quickly bringing out Blastoise and riding down his back down a small strip of water… Where we quickly arrived at the beach.

“Ooh, pretty…” I know I’ve only just arrived at this island, but everything here really was beautiful… It felt like the perfect area to be on vacation at.

“Hmm, so this place is called Treasure Beach… So there must be some treasure here too… And some new Pokémon from another region… And I’ve gotta find them!” I looked down at Pikachu, kneeling down to his level. “Hey Pikachu, if you want, maybe you can try looking around the beach for treasure, and I can go looking for some rare Pokémon! How’s that sound?”

“Pika…? Pika pi!” Pikachu nodded, happily jumping up and down, looking determined.

“That’s the spirit, buddy! Now let’s go find some treasure!” We both quickly dashed off into different directions, as I hid behind a rock, peeking out carefully. This beach was actually a bit small, so I wasn’t too worried about losing sight of Pikachu… But that also means there might be less Pokémon here too. But hey, it doesn’t hurt to at least try…

As I kept looking around, I saw the head of a Pokémon suddenly pop out from behind the sand…


It was a Pokémon I already recognized though, a Slowpoke. Hmm, hey, it may be a familiar Pokémon, but I have yet to capture one… Aw, what the heck?

I quickly chucked an ultra ball at the Slowpoke, as it went inside…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…


Yeah! I picked up the ball, putting it away as I slowly started walking down the beach, keeping my eyes fixated on the water. I quickly stopped though when I saw some bubbles forming in a small spot in the water… Ooh, maybe this time it’s a rare Pokémon…


…But instead a Pokémon I’ve already seen before popped it’s head out… A Psyduck. Hmm… I mean, it is a Pokémon I also don’t own… I chucked another ultra ball at the Psyduck, as it went inside…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…


Nice! I grabbed Psyduck’s Pokeball, putting it away. Hmm… Don’t get me wrong, I’m still glad to have caught some new mon’s, but they’re still Kanto mons that I’ve already seen before. I really wanna catch something new… Hey, I still have my fishing rod… Maybe I could try fishing for a bit! Yeah, let’s do that…

I took out my fishing pole, casting it out into the water, as I sat down on a nearby rock, waiting patiently for something to bite.

“Pika! Piii…” I turned around to see Pikachu slowly walking up to me, carrying various nuggets, jewelry, and fancy looking shells, sturggling to carry all of them as they kept falling from his grasp, leaving a slight trial of treasure behind him.

“Whoa, buddy! That’s a lot of treasure… Here…” I stuck my rod into the sand, hopping down from the rock to help Pikachu carry some of the treasures, opening up my backpack as we started scooping some of it inside.

“Wow, I guess they don’t call this place Treasure Beach for nothing… Good job, Pikachu! You found so much cool stuff! Here, you can keep some of this jewelry, if you want…” 

Pikachu looked down at the jewelry scattered in front of him in the sand… His eyes landed on this pearl necklace, pointing at it as he held it up. I took the necklace from his grasp, putting it around his neck, Pikachu looking down at the loose necklace with a sparkle in his eyes. “Aww… You look so cute!” I patted Pikachu on the head, Pikachu purring happily.

“Piiii… Pika?! PIKAA!” Pikachu suddenly started panicking and lunged forward, grabbing ahold of the fishing rod, which now had something tugging on it from the ocean.

“Whoa!” I quickly grabbed the rod from Pikachu, roughly pulling on it as it pulled the Pokémon from out of the water…


…It was a Krabby. The Krabby was launched into the air for a moment, before crashing right down on top of Pikachu.

“Pikachu! Are you alright?!”

Pikachu groaned and wiggled around, the Krabby tightly grabbing onto Pikachu’s necklace with its pincers.

“Pika…CHUUUUU!!” Pikachu blasted a Thunderbolt right on the Krabby, causing it to let go as it collapsed on the sand… However, Krabby’s grip on the necklace caused it to snap apart, the pearls all rolling out onto the sand.

“Oh no, your necklace!” I glared down at the Krabby, holding up a Pokeball. “Oh, that’s it, you’re getting it now…” I chucked the ball at Krabby…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…


I put Krabby’s Pokeball away, kneeling down to Pikachu’s level, who stared down at the broken necklace pieces with a saddened expression. “Sorry about your necklace, Pikachu. But hey, look on the bright side…” I picked up a bunch of the pearls, putting them all into my backpack. “I’m sure we can find some string later on and get this necklace fixed back up!”

“Pika…? Pika pi!” Pikachu perked back up a little, giving me a small smile as I patted him on the head. “There you go… That’s the spirit, buddy.”

Sometime later…

Afterwards I continued looking around the beach for a bit, but I still couldn’t find any new Pokémon. So after a while of looking I got a bit bored, challenging some of the trainers on the beach to some battles. After a bit I ended up leaving the beach, heading back to the big Pokémon center in town to heal up. After my Pokémon were finished healing up, I noticed this big machine in the lobby, and I saw these two guys working on the machine, and one of the guys actually looked familiar to me, so I decided to go up and talk to the two…

“Hey, is that you, Bill?”

“Sam?! Whoa, I wasn’t expecting to see you here! Hey!” Bill smiled at me, looking over to the man next to him. “Hey Celio, remember that kid I was telling you about the other day? Well, this is him! He was the one who helped me when I accidentally turned myself into a Clefairy, heheh…”

Err, yup, that was where I remembered seeing Bill last time. I couldn’t possibly forget that day…

“Well it’s really nice to meet you Sam!” Celio says, with a smile on his face.

“Yeah, you too! So, what are you guys working on here?” I asked.

“Ah, well, it’s a transportation system I’ve been working on. But I’m having some issues with it…” Celio says. “You see, there’s these two gemstones that I need to get this thing working. A ruby and a sapphire. I know they’re supposed to be somewhere around these islands but I’m not sure where…”

“Ooh, I could try and look for them if you want!” I quickly suggest. “I’m gonna be traveling all over the islands anyways, so I bet I could find both of them…”

“Really?! That’d actually be really helpful, thank you Sam!” Celio smiled. “If you haven’t visited Mt. Ember, maybe you could try looking there first?” He suggested. “It’s right on this island… I wanted to check the place out myself, but I’m not much of a battler…”

“Mt. Ember… Hmmm… Alright, I’ll go check that place out right now!”

Sometime later…

This is gonna be fun! It’s a funny coincidence that Celio brought up Mt. Ember, since I was planning on visiting it next, since I saw it on the map. Ooh, maybe this time I’ll find a rare Pokémon up there! Yeah, I hope so…

Mt. Ember was a bit farther away, and I had to ride on Blastoise’s back a bit to reach another small area of land, known as Kindle Road, which the map said would lead me to Mt. Ember. I had to battle a few trainers to get through the path, but luckily at the end there was a little hot spring where I was able to rest for a bit, which was nice… Afterwards I had to get through some more water until I eventually reached Mt. Ember. Upon arriving here, I could understand why the place was called Mt. Ember, because it was pretty hot up there… I think there’s supposed to be a volcano at the top of this mountain, but I’m not sure if I wanna get too close to it. Or at least, I hope I don’t have to…

Well, while I was walking around the mountains, I had to quickly duck behind some rocks when I saw something weird. I peeked out to see that there was… Some Team Rocket members? What the heck? I thought Team Rocket disbanded… What are they doing here? I was carefully watching the two grunts, who looked like they had just cracked open a small hole on the sides of the mountains, as I slowly snuck closer to listen into their conversation…

“Whew, we’ve punched through at last…” One of the grunts says. “Now let’s go treasure hunting!”

“Any treasure we find, we haul back to the Warehouse, understood?” The other grunt says sternly.

“Oh, right… And what were the passwords again? At the Rocket Warehouse?”

“Pfft, you seriously forgot the password?” The other grunt scoffed, chuckling a bit. “There’s actually two passwords. The first one is: Goldeen need log. And the second one is…” The grunt’s voice started to trail off when he looked in my direction, quickly noticing my presence as he pointed at me. “Hey! I see you over there, kid! You trying to snoop into our conversation or something?!” The grunt snapped.

“Wha… I, um… Wh-what’s it to you?!” I quickly snapped back, stomping up to the two. “Whatever’s in these mountains, I’m not letting you get a hold of it!”

“Oh, you think you can steal our treasure, huh?” The grunt hissed. “…Well, don’t bet on it.”

I quickly had to engage in battle with both of the Rocket Grunts, which were both pretty easy battles, none of my Pokémon barely breaking much of a sweat defeating their Pokémon.

“Urgh, what a setback…” One of the grunts groaned after the second battle was done. “Guess we’ll have to regroup. You! Don’t even think about taking a step inside here!” The grunt snapped at me. “If you know what’s good for you, don’t even think about this!” And with that, the grunts quickly ran off. Geez, what a bunch of weirdos. I’m glad they’re out of my way now, at least. Now I can see what’s inside this hole… 

I crawled into the hole, which revealed to be a bigger cave. I keep walking deeper and deeper down the cave, slowly going down a few levels. The cave was a lot bigger and deeper than I thought it would be, and I had to use Nidoking’s Strength to push some big boulders out of the way as well. But eventually, I ended up reaching the last part of the cave… Which was a bigger room, which contained a bunch of plagues with some code on them that I couldn’t understand. Nearby there was a ladder, which I climbed down, and on a small pedestal… There was a ruby placed atop it. YES!! I was honestly surprised I’d find it so soon, but I’m sure glad I did. At least now I can head back and give this to Celio. I wanted to look around a bit more, but the heat was getting to me now, as I was sweating so much that my clothes were practically sticking to my skin. Besides, it was almost night time anyways… 

I picked up the ruby and put it in my backpack, climbing up the ladder. But when I reached the top of the ladder…


“Whoa!” I was faced with a small Pokémon that I’d never seen before. It looked like it was made out of lava or something, and I could feel an intense amount of heat radiating off its body, the Pokémon staring up at me with a curious look. I quickly pulled out my Pokédex, which said that this Pokémon was called a Slugma, which originates from the Hoenn region. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe it… A NEW RARE POKÉMON!! EEEEEK THIS IS THE BEST!! OH MY GOSH I CAN’T LET IT GET AWAY-

“Pikachu quickly, use Thunderbolt!” I quickly commanded.

“PIKAAACHUUU!!” Pikachu quickly zapped the Slugma, as it fainted, falling to the ground. I immediately pulled out a Poke ball, chucking it at the Slugma…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…




The next day…

After I found the ruby last night, I went back to the Pokémon center, giving the gemstone to Celio. Of course he thanked me gracefully for the gemstone, but did say that he actually had no clue where the sapphire was, only that he knew that it was somewhere on the Sevii Islands. I didn’t mind though. I mean, I’ve only explored the first island so far, and I have all the time in the world to explore and look around the others! But of course I had to wait for a bit and go to bed…

Well, today was a bit more of a chiller, less event filled day. When I woke up I decided to leave one island, and head over to two island, which was a bit of a smaller island. When I arrived at the island, I first decided to check out this place called Cape Brink, where I was able to capture a Meowth. Cape Brink had a small hill with a waterfall coming out of it, and there was a small house at the top of the hill. When I arrived at the house, there was this old man there, who got pretty excited when I told him I had a Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise with me. For many hours, I ended up staying at the house for a bit, while the man taught the three these special moves. Let’s see… For Venusaur, he taught her Frenzy Plant. For Charizard, it was Blast Burn… And Blastoise had learned Hydro Cannon. I was watching the man train the three of them in learning the moves, and man did they look powerful! I was actually pretty hyped to try out these moves in battle, especially since the man said that these were the most powerful grass, fire, and water type moves in existence. Man, even when I think my Pokémon can’t get any more powerful too… I really do love watching my team grow stronger and stronger every day.

…Anyways, after that, I continued looking around the island, where I wound up in this small Game Center, where this man was freaking out about his daughter Lostelle, who still hadn’t returned home yet. I quickly volunteered myself to help look for her on the next island, since I was gonna head over there tomorrow anyways… Normally I would have looked for her today, but it was getting pretty late…

So, yeah… That’s pretty much all that happened today? I can’t wait to explore more of the islands tomorrow! Maybe I’ll find some new rare Pokémon, or some more treasures. Or that sapphire. No matter what it is…

…I can’t wait!