Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 9
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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The troublesome Squirtle || Chapter 9

Alright...Now that I’ve made my way through the underground tunnel, and down the next route, and fought a few more trainers, I was finally here... In Vermilion City! Yeesh, I’m honestly just glad this city didn’t have a forest, or some terrifying cave standing in my way to arrive here...What a relief...

...Anyways, I still wanted to do some training before my next gym battle, so my next stop now... Is the S.S. Anne! Bill did tell me that there was a bunch of tough trainers on that ship, so battling as many trainers as I can will be good training for me! 

Now, I had healed up at the Pokémon center, ready to go look for the S.S. Anne... But while I was walking around the city, I heard a loud commotion...A bunch of people yelling. I looked for the source of it, seeing a crowd of people angrily yelling, looking up at a small Pokémon sitting atop the roof of a smaller building.


Woah, a Squirtle... Awesome! But why was everyone so angry at it? I walked closer, squeezing myself carefully into the crowd, noticing that Squirtle was eating some food.

“Stupid Squirtle...Give me my lunch back!” A man in the crowd yelled, but the Squirtle only stuck its tongue out at him, finishing the rest of the food.

“I’ve really had enough of you, Squirtle...” An officer lady steps in front of the crowd, with a Pokémon next to her.


“Growlithe, use Ember!!” The officer commands, Growlithe attacking, but Squirtle promptly dodging, firing a powerful Water Gun at Growlithe...Then at the officer, blasting her right in the face.

“Stupid Squirtle...Stop being such a meany!” A little girl in the crowd pouts, Squirtle staring blankly at her...Before spraying her in the face with a Water Gun as well.

“WAAAHHH!! MOMMY!!” The little girl started sobbing and screeching, her mom picking her up and running away. Squirtle then stuck his tongue out, as it let out a barrage of more Water Guns, hitting multiple people.

“Squirtle, stop doing this! What’s the matter with you?!” I shouted, catching its attention. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you need to-WAUUGHH!!”

“SQUUIRT!!” Squirtle cuts me off, attacking me as well.

“PIKA!! PIKA PI!!” Pikachu yelled angrily at Squirtle, who tried attacking Pikachu as well, but Pikachu hopped out of the way of the blast. “Pika...CHUUU!!” Pikachu blasted out a Thundershock at Squirtle, who then dodged it, suddenly then running away, out of sight.

“Yeah, you better run away! Ugh...” One man grumbled, the crowd of people all starting to walk away, each and every person all mumbling different things under their breath.

“Hey...You alright?” I walked up to the officer lady, as she stood up, rubbing her head.

“Yeah, don’t worry about me, kid...” The officer says. “That’s not the first time that Squirtle’s caused trouble around here.”

“What’s the deal with that Squirtle, anyways? Why was it attacking people like that?” I asked her.

“Oh, I wish I knew...” She sighs. “I have no idea where that Squirtle came from, but a few months ago, he just... Suddenly popped up in this city, out of nowhere! And ever since then, he’s been doing nothing but causing trouble, stealing food, and attacking both people and Pokémon...Ugh, he’s been making my job a nightmare lately...” I looked out into the sky, thoughts crossing my mind, as I thought about that Squirtle... Man, it was pretty powerful...

“...Hey, officer?” I asked her. “Um...Would you mind if I helped you out, and caught that Squirtle myself?” The officer had a surprised reaction to my request. “Whoa...You sure this, kid? That Squirtle’s pretty tough...” She says, sounding unsure.

“Yeah! I’m pretty tough too, I’ve won two badges!” I say, confidently. “Besides, I think that Squirtle would make for a perfect final addition to my team... I’d love to train that Squirtle and make him into a tip top, fighting machine! And so he stops causing havoc around here too, heh...” The officer was silent, looking at me for a bit, before a smile formed on her face. “Ah...You know what? I think that’s the best thing that Squirtle needs right now...A good trainer to whip him into shape...You know what, kid? Sure, I’ll help you out! You can always count on old officer Jenny right here!”

“Yes, thank you! Then I guess I’m officer Sam for the day, then! Heheh...” I giggled, me and officer Jenny high fiving each other, Pikachu and Growlithe doing the same.

Sometime later...

Me and officer Jenny walked down the streets, chatting about Squirtle as we tried to make up our first plan.

“Honestly, I think Squirtle ran away earlier because he sensed how strong your Pikachu is, Sam...” Jenny says. “So we should try and have Pikachu and Growlithe fight Squirtle at once!”

“Sounds like a plan to me!” I happily agree. “But um...How do we find Squirtle again?” I ask.

“EEEEEEEEK!!” As if on cue, we heard a loud screaming nearby, running up as we see Squirtle chomping down on someone’s sandwich, trying to wrestle it from a younger girl. “This...Is my...FOOD!!” The girl screeched.

“Whoa, this is our chance...Pikachu, use Thundershock!” With this distraction, Pikachu attacked, Squirtle being hit powerfully as he flopped to the ground.

“Alright...Poke ball, let’s go!” I chucked a ball at Squirtle...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

POP!! But the Pokeball popped open, Squirtle looking around in a panic, as he started running away.

“Pikachu, chase after him!”

“You too, Growlithe!” We all run after him, our Pokémon running ahead, nearly catching up to Squirtle...But Squirtle suddenly takes a turn, squeezing his body through a slim sewer pipe, now out of sight. Pikachu and Growlithe tried squeezing themselves into the pipe as well, but they couldn’t fit.

“Ugh, it’s no use... Neither of our Pokémon will fit down there.” Jenny sighs. “If only your Pikachu was a bit slimmer, then maybe...”

“Hey, it’s not my Pikachu’s fault!” I snapped, Pikachu sighing and looking away with embarrassment. Man, why do people gotta keep fat shaming my Pikachu?! Ugh...

“This is annoying...” Jenny huffed. “Now how do we get Squirtle out of there? We can’t exactly just... Wait for him to come out...” We were both silent for a while, both thinking of plans, before an idea popped into my head... That Squirtle was pretty sassy, so what if I used an equally sassy Pokémon to get him out of there...?

“Jigglypuff, come on out!” I released Jigglypuff, who looked up at me curiously. “Jigglypuff, could you go over to that drain pipe over there, and try to talk Squirtle out of it?”

“Jiggly!” Jigglypuff happily nodded, walking over to the drain pipe as she angrily puffed up her cheeks. “Jiggly jiggly! Puff puff puff!” Jigglypuff started angrily spouting a slew of words and angry squeaks, speaking into the drain pipe as it echoed inside... Man, I wish I knew what Jigglypuff was saying, especially with Pikachu and Growlithe’s reactions, who both gasped in shock at whatever she was saying, exchanging wide eyed glances... We all then waited a moment...

“...SQUIRTLE?!” As Squirtle suddenly jumped out of the pipe, glaring angrily at Jigglypuff. “Squirtle squirtle squirt squirt!” Squirtle then snapped back with a bunch of angry grunts, making Jigglypuff gasp as she slapped Squirtle across the face. Squirtle then blasted her with a Water Gun attack, quickly running away.

“You three, stay here and guard the drain pipe!” I shouted to Growlithe, Pikachu and Jigglypuff, as me and Jenny dashed off towards Squirtle. “You’re not getting away this time... Go, Bulbasaur!” I sent out Bulbasaur, as Squirtle became cornered against the side of a building, unsure of what to do.

“Squirtle...I challenge you to a battle!” I shouted at him. “And if I win, you have to come with me and finally leave these people alone, got it?!” Squirtle looked up at me with a surprised expression, still for a moment... Before he used Water Gun on Bulbasaur, giving me my answer.

“Nice... Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!” Bulbasaur attacked, but Squirtle dodged it, attacking with a barrage of Tail Whips, then followed by a Tackle attack.

“Bulbasaur, get up... You can do this!” I cheered Bulbasaur on, as she struggled to get up... Then, out of nowhere, her body started glowing and shifting...


...As she evolved. Into an Ivysaur!

“Whoa, amazing...” I stared in awe at Ivysaur, looking over at Squirtle who had a shocked expression, slowing backing away from Ivysaur.

“Ivysaur, use Vine Whip! Don’t let Squirtle get away!” Ivysaur attacked, slamming Squirtle roughly into the ground. “Now use Tackle!” Squirtle was now weakened, struggling to stand up...

“Nows my chance... HYAH!!” I chucked a Poke ball at Squirtle...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Yeah...We did it! Great job, Ivysaur!”

“Ivy! Saur!” I ran up to Ivysaur, grabbing Squirtle’s Pokeball, as I gave her a quick hug.

“Whew, finally...” Jenny sighed, smiling down at me. “Good job there, kid.” 

“Yes! The Squirtle has finally been captured!” I hear a man cheer, as I look up to see a crowd of people cheering and clapping for me.

“Whoa...Thanks, everyone! It was nothing...” I say, giving everyone an embarrassed smile. I then looked up at the sky, noticing how dark it had gotten, as the sun was almost out of sight. “Whoa... It’s probably too late to board the S.S. Anne today...”

...Well, even if it was too late now, atleast I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow... First thing tomorrow morning...

“...I’ll be coming for you, S.S. Anne!!”