Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 7
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Grass and fire || Chapter 7

I’m finally here...In Cerulean City! Man, even though I just spent all that time in Mt. Moon, I feel anything but tired... I’m still ready to explore the city, and do some more training! There’s even another gym here I can battle too...Second gym badge, here I come! But first, before I do anything else...I have an important task to do. Professor Oak wanted me to call him and give an update after I got my first badge, which I’ll admit, I did forget to do earlier, heh...But I didn’t forget today! Anyways, right now I’m at the Pokémon center, calling Professor Oak on a phone service, that also had a built in screen...

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Professor Oak: “Ah, there you are, Sam! It’s been a while! How have you been?”

Sam: “I’m great, Professor, thank you! Sorry about calling so late, heh...I just got through Mt. Moon, and I’m in Cerulean City right now!”

Professor Oak: “Woah, you’re already in Cerulean? That’s amazing! Is Blue with you there too?”

Sam: “Yeah, but he’s not exactly...With me right now...”

Mom: “Oh my goodness! Is that Sam on the phone?!”

I hear my mom’s voice in the distance, who pushes Professor Oak to the side, nearly falling to the ground as she squeals with in excited smile on her face.

Sam: “Mom?! Hey! What are you doing with Professor Oak?”

Mom: “Oh, that’s not important right now...Sam, honey, it’s so nice to see you again! How’s Pikachu doing?”

Pikachu: “Pika pika!”

Professor Oak: “Whoa, Pikachu’s looking pretty happy and healthy! You must be taking really good care of your Pokémon!”

Sam: “Yeah, I sure am! My teams getting stronger everyday...Ooh, speaking of Pokémon, how are the other Pokémon I sent over doing?”

Professor Oak: “They’re doing great! Thanks so much for calling, Sam, I really appreciate it! Make sure to call again when you can...Maybe when you receive your 4th badge or so? And make sure to keep catching more Pokémon...The more you send over, the better!”

Sam: “I will, Professor! I’ll go catch and send over some more later...Bye!”

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I finally hung up, looking down at Pikachu with a smile. “So, Pikachu...What should we do now?”

Sometime later...

I decided to take a bit of a rest at this small Pokémon daycare center, which had a nice outdoor backyard, with a few other trainers taking care of their Pokémon as well...Hey, my Pokémon fought hard today, as we all deserve a bit of a break! Anyways, I sat on a bench next to some flowers, brushing Pikachu as he purred happily, Nidoran and Jigglypuff next to me as well.

“Look at your fur now, Pikachu...It’s all soft and clean!” I smiled, scratching Pikachu’s chin softly. “Chuuu...” I could tell Pikachu loved this, as he purred even louder.

“Aww, you like that, Pikachu? I’ll make sure to give you chin scratches everyday then, heh!”

“Nido nido!” Nidoran happily hopped up on the bench, raising his head a bit. “You want chin scratches too, Nidoran! Well, I can’t refuse your cute little face!” I used my other hand to scratch Nidoran’s chin, who also enjoyed it a lot.

“Jiggly! Puff puff!” Jigglypuff hopped up next to me too, giving a pouting face that also cried out for attention, as I stopped scratching Pikachu’s chin and started running Jigglypuff’s head softly. “Pika? Chuu!” Pikachu whined, trying to push Jigglypuff off of my hand. “Puff puff!” This made Jigglypuff puff her cheeks up in annoyance, everyone starting to push each other out of the way, all trying to get my affection.

“Whoa, everyone, chill out! I only have two hands here...” I giggled, wrapping my arms around all of them, capturing us all in a tight group hug as they all snuggled against me. “Aww, you guys really love me, don’t you! You’re all so adorable, heh!” We all giggled happily, and as I looked up for a moment, I saw a younger woman across the backyard, her eyes fixated on me. I saw her look down for a moment, almost looking like she was speaking to someone...Or maybe herself? I don’t know, but after a bit, she stood up, slowly walking over to me.

“Um, excuse me...” The woman says. “Sorry to bother you, but um...What’s your name?” She asks.

“Um, it’s Sam...Why are you asking?”

“Well, you’re a Pokémon trainer, right? I noticed you playing with your Pokémon, and I apologize if my staring weirded you out, but I noticed how much your Pokémon seem to like you, and...” She paused, looking down behind her legs. “It’s alright, you can come on out...” She speaks softly...


“...Bulba?” As a smaller Pokémon shyly walks out from behind her.

“Whoa, is that a Bulbasaur?!” I happily kneeled down to the Bulbasaur’ level, smiling at the little Pokémon. “Isn’t this one of the three starter Pokémon Professor Oak gives out? Awesome!”

“Yeah, she is...But um, I actually found this Bulbasaur out in the wild. She was pretty hurt and I nursed her back to help, but...” The woman paused, looking down at Bulbasaur. “I’m not a Pokémon trainer, so I can’t really train her...So I um, wanted to ask you...Would you mind doing me a favor, and keeping Bulbasaur and training her?”

Oh...My...Gosh...Was I dreaming right now?! This almost felt too good to be true!!

“Woah, really?! I’d love to! But um...Is there a catch to this?” I suspiciously ask her. “Like...Do you want money for this Bulbasaur? Cause no offense, but I’m extremely broke at the moment!”

“Oh no, not at all!” The woman raised her hands up defensively. “She’s free, there’s no catch! In fact, I’d be giving you money to help raise her myself...If I wasn’t broke too, heh...” 

I paused, looking down at Bulbasaur, who had a sparkle of happiness in her eyes.

“Aw geez, I can’t say no to that adorable face!” I gently patted Bulbasaur on the head. “Welcome to our team, Bulbasaur! I’ll train you to become the strongest Bulbasaur ever, so don’t you worry!”

“Pika pika!” Pikachu smiled, all my Pokémon happily saying hi to Bulbasaur.

“Bulba?! Bulba bulbasaur!” Bulbasaur happily squeaked, hopping up and down.

“Ooh, yay! This is so amazing! Thank you so much!” The woman happily handed me a Pokeball. “Here’s Bulbasaur’s Pokeball. Thanks again, Sam! By the way, my name is Meredith, and I work over in Lavender Town, at a daycare center, so stop by if you ever come to that town, alright?” I nod at Meredith, giving her a thumbs up. “I will! And thank you as well...Alright Bulbasaur, you ready to do some training?”


Sometime later...

After what happened, I immediately ran down to Route 24, crossing the nugget bridge as I fought a few trainers. I kept making my way down, until I found some grass, immediately sending out Bulbasaur.

“Hey, Bulbasaur! Wanna help me catch a new friend? I wanna see how strong you really are!”

“Bulba! Bulba!” Bulbasaur seemed pretty happy with my plan, smiling.

“Awesome! Alright, here’s a game we like to play...Let’s close our eyes, carefully walk around a bit...And when we open our eyes, we’ll catch the first Pokémon we see! You ready?” I asked Bulbasaur, as she nodded, Pikachu covering her eyes, as I covered mine. I carefully walked forward a bit...

“And...I choose...You!”


And opened my eyes, pointing to a Pokémon...Known as Oddish.

“Alright Bulbasaur, what moves do you know...? Ok, use Leech Seed!” Bulbasaur’s attack immediately starting draining HP, Oddish flailing around in shock, before using an Absorb attack, but it doesn’t do much.

“Ok, now use Tackle!” Bulbasaur attacked, Oddish now struggling to stand up. I grabbed an empty Pokeball, chucking it...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Yeah! That was awesome, Bulbasaur! Great job!” Bulbasaur grabbed Oddish’s Pokeball with her mouth, running up to me as me and Pikachu patted her on the head.

“Ugh! I give up...” I hear an unfamiliar voice groan from nearby, as I look in the distance to see a boy slumped down on the ground, next to a Pokémon, but I couldn’t make out what kind. “Hmm...Hold on a second, Bulbasaur. Return.” I brought Bulbasaur back into her ball, walking up to the boy, where I could finally see the Pokémon.


Whoa...A Charmander! Another Kanto starter too...And the Charmander was in the same position as the boy, sadly looking down at the ground.

“Another battle lost...I’m sorry Charmander, this is all my fault...” The boy mutters.

“Char...” Charmander also sadly whimpers. “Hey...You alright? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I’m a horrible trainer...All I do is lose battles, and let my poor Charmander down...And I can’t take it anymore!” The boy says. “Maybe I should just...Give up on becoming a trainer...And release Charmander.”

“What?! Are you crazy?!” I suddenly snap at him. “Come on, Charmanders an awesome and rare Pokémon, with so much potential! You’d be crazy to give up on him, just because of a few lost battles...”

“Hmm...” The boy was silent for a moment, before looking up at me. “...Why don’t you have Charmander for yourself then?” He says casually.

“Woah, me?! I don’t know, I...” The boy’s eyes then looked over at my Pokédex still on my hand, gasping quietly as his eyes widened. “Woah...You have a Pokédex? That means you know Professor Oak?!” He asks.

“What, this? Uh, yeah, he gave it to me...He’s also the one who gave me my Pikachu...” I respond.

“Oh my goodness...You must be an amazing trainer then!” He says, suddenly standing up. “Come on, please, you have to take Charmander and train him then! I’m sure you’ll be able to train him properly! Charmander, having a dex holder train you...Wouldn’t that be amazing?!”

“Char char!” Charmander’s mood also lifted up quickly, as he looked up at me with a smile...Man, I almost had a hard time believing this...Getting both a Bulbasaur, and a Charmander in one day? For free?! This must be my lucky day! 

“Ok, alright...Don’t worry, I’ll train Charmander to become the strongest he can possibly be!” I finally give in, giving a thumbs up to the boy.

“Yes, thank you so much!” The boy quickly hands me Charmander’s Pokeball, before kneeling down to Charmander’s level, with a smile. “I guess this is goodbye now, Charmander...But don’t worry! You’ll be in capable hands now with this trainer...Just have fun, do your best, and I know you’ll be able to become a Charizard someday!”

“Char char!” Charmander gives the boy a high five, before he starts walking away, waving goodbye.

“Alright, Charmander...It’s time to do some training!”

Sometime later...

I continued making my way down the route, fighting more and more trainers, as I managed to train Bulbasaur even more, and Charmander a bit as well...I have to say, Charmander’s a pretty strong Pokémon as well! I really was building a great team now...I just need one more Pokémon, then my team will really be complete! But who should I choose...?

...Anyways, that doesn’t matter now. Now I was at the end of the route, with no more trainers...Or atleast, that’s what I thought, until I saw a house nearby, running up to it, to see Blue suddenly walk out, with a freaked out expression. He was also mumbling something to himself under his breath, but I couldn’t make ouf what.

“Blue, hey!” I caught his attention, nearly surprising him as I ran up to him, Blue quickly putting on a cocky smirk. “You again, Sam? Finally caught up to me, huh?”

“Yeah! Blue, remember how you said we were gonna battle next time we meet up? Well, I’ve caught stronger Pokémon now, so I’m ready to kick your butt!” I say, confidently.

“Huh...? Oh, right. Well, you’re not the only one who’s been catching strong Pokémon, so prepare to lose!” Blue says. Blue seemed a bit spaced out, like something was on his mind, but I wasn’t gonna worry about that right now...

...Nows the time to kick his butt!!

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Sam: “Go, Nidoran!”

Blue: “Go, Pidgeotto! Use Gust!”

Sam: “Double Kick, Nidoran!”

Pidgeotto’s Gust attack nearly blew Nidoran away, but he kept his ground, his attack doing a good amount of damage.

Blue: “Use Sand Attack!”

Sam: “Poison Sting!”

Nidoran missed the attack, now struggling to see.

Sam: “Keep using Poison Sting! Until it hits!”

Blue: “Quick Attack, Pidgeotto!”

Pidgeotto landed a critical hit...Fainting Nidoran...Oh man. I refuse to lose this battle...

Sam: “Go, Pikachu! Use Thunder Wave!”

Blue: “Use Quick Attack!”

Pidgeotto tried to attack, but froze from the paralysis.

Sam: “Finish him, Pikachu! Use Thundershock!”

Pikachu’s attacked then fainted Pidgeotto.

Blue: “Alright...Go, Eevee! Use Growl!”

Sam: “Pikachu, use Thunder Wave!”

Blue: “Dodge it! Then use Tackle!”

Sam: Use Quick Attack!!”

Blue: “Use Tackle!”

Both attacked, doing an equal amount of damage.

Sam: “Thundershock, Pikachu!”

Blue: “Eevee, use Tackle!”

Despite doing a good amount of damage, Eevee landed a critical hit...Fainting Pikachu.

Sam: “Dangit...Go, Bulbasaur! Quick, use Vine Whip!”

Blue: “Sand Attack, quickly!”

Bulbasaur’s attack made Eevee faint, but not before Eevee got some sand in her eyes.

Blue: “Go, Rattata!”


Sam: “Use Tackle!”

Blue: “Quick Attack!”

Both attacked, doing an equal amount of damage.

Blue: “Rattata, use Tail Whip!”

Sam: “Bulbasaur, Leech Seed!”

Blue: “Keep using Tail Whip! As much as possible!”

Sam: “Vine Whip, Bulbasaur!”

Despite doing a lot of damage to Rattata, Bulbasaur’s defense was getting lowered to a now dangerous state.

Blue: “Use Quick Attack!!”

Sam: “Use Tackle!!”

Both attacked simultaneously...Knocking each other out. Ugh, I only have two left now. Hmm...

Blue: “Go, Abra!”


Sam: “You got this...Go, Charmander! Use Ember!”

Blue: “Abra, use Teleport!”

Abra teleported, dodging the attack.

Sam: “Charmander, use Scratch!”

Blue: “Teleport! Keep dodging!”

Once again, missing...Geez, does this Abra actually know any moves?!

Sam: “Ugh, come on...Charmander, try and focus...And use Ember!”

Charmander carefully looked around, finally attacking and hitting Abra.

Sam: “Quickly, use Scratch!”

Charmander landed a critical hit...Fainting Abra.

Sam: “WOO!! Good job, Charmander!”

Blue: “Man, take it easy, you won already!”

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“Geez...I really need to train more.” Blue huffs, returning his Abra to his ball. “I-Ive just been too busy catching Pokémon lately is all!”

“Hey, Blue...You alright? You seemed kinda...Freaked out earlier.” I asked, quickly catching his attention again.

“Huh? Uh yeah, I just...Man, either I’m losing my marbles lately, or talking Pokémon are more common then I thought!” Blue responds, as I give him a confused expression. “This house over here belongs to Bill, a man who made the PC system...I just came over to see his Pokémon collection...But instead I found a talking Clefairy! Ugh...” Blue grumbled, rubbing his forehead. “You know what? Whatever’s up with that Clefairy, you can deal with it yourself...I’m off to do some more training, so smell you later!” Blue quickly walks off, as my gaze fixates on the house.

“Another talking Pokémon? How cool...Charmander, let’s go check it out!”

“Char char!” Charmander happily agrees, as we walk to the door, carefully entering the house. We looked around, first seeing a big machine, with two big doors on each side, tubes connecting between them...

“Hiya! How you doing?” As a voice suddenly speaks to me, as I look down, indeed seeing a small Clefairy looking up at me.

“Whoa!” I backed up, surprised. “You really can talk...”

“Hey, calm down! P-please don’t leave! I really need your help...” The Clefairy says, pausing as he turns and looks back at the machine. “You see, I’ve been experimenting with this machine lately, and accidentally turned myself into a Pokémon...Could you please help me? All I need you to do is activate the cell separation system while I’m inside the teleporter...”

“Um, alright...” The Clefairy clapped happily, running into the teleporter. Charmander stared at the machine curiously, while I walked over to the computer, booting it up and activating the system...The machine immediately started rumbling, as lights blinked, and the sounds of gears were heard...

DING!! As a loud beep is heard, the other side of the teleporter opened...And a man walks out.

“Wha-What the heck?!” “CHARR?!” Me and Charmander both shared the same shocked reaction, the man smiling as he walked up to me.

“Aw yeah, that’s better! Thanks so much dude, I really owe you one...” The man says.

“Yeah, um...By any chance, are you Bill?” I ask him.

“Yeah, I am! I don’t know if you came over to see my Pokémon collection, but um, now might not be a good time...But I know how I can make it up to you! Let’s see here...” Bill pauses, as he digs through his pockets. “Aha! Here you go...” He hands me a ticket, that read: S.S. Anne, one-person access ticket.

“That ticket gives you access to a cruise ship in Vermilion City.” Bill states. “There’s tons of trainers there to fight too! Those fancy types of parties aren’t me thing, so...”

“Whoa, awesome...Thanks so much, Bill!” I stuff the ticket into my pocket, smiling at him. “Man, today’s been such a weird day...Not only did I meet one talking Pokémon, but two...A talking Meowth as well!”

“Wait a minute...You met a talking Meowth?” Bill’s eyes suddenly widened in shock.

“Yeah...Um, do you know who that Meowth is?” I asked, Bill silent for a moment before looking away.

“Um...no, I don’t.” Bill says quietly.

“Oh, alright...Well thanks for the ticket, Bill. Bye!” I walk out of the house, me and Charmander looking out into the distance...

“Well...Only one thing to do now...Next stop...

...The Cerulean Gym! Second gym badge...HERE I COME!!”