Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 5 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 10
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Cruisin for a bruisin || Chapter 10

Haha, yeah! Today’s the day where I’ll be boarding the S.S. Anne! Where I’ll be able to have battles, and have a bit of a mini vacation at the same time too, heh... This is gone be... AWESOME!!

Anyways, I made my way down the paths in the city, pausing when I saw the gym that was nearby, with a big line of people outside... Man, I’m glad I didn’t have to wait in that long line today! Hopefully that won’t be the case tomorrow...

“...Pika...” Pikachu stared at the gym as well, with a bit of a nervous, and serious expression. The gym was an electric type gym, so I’m sure he was feeling some sort of competition because of it...

“Hey Pikachu, don’t worry.” I say, kneeling down to his level. “After today, we’ll all be able to kick the gym leader’s butt!” Pikachu looks up at me curiously, as i grah my backpack, shifting through the contents of it. “I got something for you... Here!” I pulled out a pair of sunglasses, putting them on Pikachu, which fit pretty well. “There... Now you’re looking pretty snazzy! And ready for the cruise!”

“Pika... Pika pi!” Pikachu smiled, looking at his sunglasses happily. “Come on, race you to the ship!” The two of us ran down the paths some more, finally seeing the gigantic ship come into view. I made my way to the entrance, showing the man at the front my ticket... Before heading onto the ship.

“...Whoa...” I looked around the main area of the ship, which was a gigantic room, filled to the brim with many people. Alongside the walls were also a bunch of shops and restaurants, and on the other side of the room, there was multiple battlefields, with a bunch of trainers fighting, and many others watching the battles.

“Ooh... Come on Pikachu, let’s find someone to battle!” We ran over one of the battlefields, watching as two trainers just finished a fight, returning their Pokémon back to their balls.

“Hoho, told you I’d win! Now pay up, sir.” The older man who won smirks, his opponent sighing as he handed him some money. All the people who were watching were also doing the same... Hmm, they must be betting on trainers or something...

“So, who wants to battle me next?!” The man says, everyone nodding no as they backed away from him. “Heh, nobody?! Come on everyone, don’t be a bunch of wimps!” The man says, chuckling.

“I’ll battle you!” I blurt out excitedly, everyone gasping and murmuring, as the man looked at me, smirking.

“A kid, huh? Heh, you’ve got guts, little boy...” The man says. All the people in the crowd whispered to each other, probably making their next bets for this battle.

“...Let’s do this.”

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Man: “It’s a one-on-one battle, got it?”

Sam: “Yeah, let’s do this! Go, Squirtle!”

Man: “Let’s win this one, Horsea!”


Man: “Horsea, use Bubble!”

Sam: “Squirtle, you use Bubble as well!”

Man: “Now, use Smokescreen!”

Sam: “Use Tackle!”

For some reason, Squirtle didn’t listen to me, using Water Gun instead, struggling to see Horsea now because of all the smoke.

Man: “Horsea, keep using Bubble!”

Sam: “Squirtle, please listen to me! Focus and use Tackle!”

Squirtle listened this time, hitting Horsea with a critical hit. 

Man: “Aw geez... Horsea, use Bubble again!”

Sam: “Finish Horsea off with one last Tackle!”

Squirtle’s Tackle did a lot of damage... Fainting Horsea.

Man: “Wait a minute... I actually lost?!”

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A bunch of gasps and cheers erupted in the crowd, as everyone exchanged more money. “Man, I gotta say, kid... You’re pretty good! Here you go...” The man smiles, handing over some money.

“Woah... Thanks so much, sir! And thank you too, Squirt-“

“SQUUUIRT!!” Squirtle out of nowhere then blasts a Water Gun attack directly in the man’s face. “Oh my gosh, sir! I’m so sorry about that!” I quickly apologize.

“Wait a minute... Is that the same Squirtle thats been causing trouble in the city?” One person in the crowd says, everyone glaring at Squirtle. Squirtle then looks around at the people nervously, before quickly running away.

“What the- Squirtle, get back here!” I chased Squirtle through the crowds of people, as he ran out of the area, darting through some hallways, and running through a door. Eventually, I was able to corner Squirtle, in an area where we were now outside, that had a pool area that overlooked the ocean. “Squirtle, what’s the matter with you?! You really need to- WAAUGHH!!” Squirtle cut me off, as he blasted me in the face with a Water Gun attack as well.

“Squirtle, how dare you attack me?! Ugh, return!” I quickly returned him back to his ball, finding some towels, as I dried my face off. When my face was finally dried off, I looked over at the ocean once more... It was beautiful, a dark blue color, that sparkled against the sunlight. Pikachu also admired the ocean as well, slowly walking over to the edge of the balcony, trying to climb to the top. I then lifted him up, placing him on the top, where we could both get a perfect view of the ocean.

“Pika...” Pikachu’s eyes sparkled, lifting his sunglasses up to admire the view.

“It really is amazing, isn’t it Pikachu?” I say, Pikachu nodding as we stare at the water for a decently long time, until we start hearing footsteps running towards us.

“Hey... Kid...” I turned around, seeing a younger man, who looked like he was out of breath, holding up his own Pokeball. “Sorry if I’m bothering you right now, but... I just watched your fight earlier... And I really wanna battle you as well! If, uh... That’s alright with you?” I looked over at Pikachu, the two of us giving a glance, where we knew we shared the same answer to the man’s question.

“...Yeah. Let’s do this!”

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Sam: “Go, Charmander!”

Man: “Alright... Let’s do this, Poliwag!”


Sam: “Charmander, use Scratch!”

Man: “Hypnosis, Poliwag!”

Poliwag quickly put Charmander asleep, who flopped to the ground.

Man: “Now, use Water Gun!”

Sam: “Charmander, wake up! Please!”

Man: “Yeah, keep up the Water Guns, Poliwag!”

Poliwag kept spamming multiple Water Guns, Charmander still asleep. Oh no, I knew he couldn’t last this for much longer...

Sam: “Charmander, please... WAKE UP!!”

Man: “Use Bubble, Poliwag!”

Poliwag’s Bubble attack finally woke up Charmander, who now struggled to stand up, his body shaking... And glowing, as it started to morph and change...


...And evolved. Into a Charmeleon!

Man: “Wh-What the heck?! Aw geez...”

Sam: “Woah... Amazing! Charmeleon, use Scratch!”

Charmeleon striked pretty quickly, landing a powerful critical hit.

Man: “Use Hypnosis again, Poliwag!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Charmeleon! Then finish em off with another Scratch!”

Charmeleon attacks, finally fainting Poliwag.

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“Whoa... That was amazing! I didn’t expect your Charmander to suddenly evolve like that, heh...” The man says, smiling as he returns his Poliwag.

“Yeah, that makes two of us.” I say, smiling back.

“Well... Thanks so much for battling me! Bye!” The man quickly hands me some money, before running off. I then smile down at Charmeleon, as Pikachu walked up to him, patting Charmeleon on the back.

“Come on, everyone... We’ve got more trainers to battle!!”

Sometime later...

I spent the next few hours running around every inch of the ship, battling as many trainers as I could possibly find. Even though I managed to defeat every trainer I had fought, man... Were they all strong as heck! I could tell my team was getting tired now, so I managed to find someone to help heal my Pokémon, then I found a restaurant where I picked up some lunch, not only for me, but for my Pokémon as well. I brought the food back outside, to the same area where Charmeleon evolved, as I let everyone out of their Pokeballs, giving everyone an equal amount of food.

“It’s lunch time! Dig in, everyone!” We all happily started eating our food. All my Pokémon were eating on the floor, except for Pikachu, who happily took a seat next to me instead.

“Aw, wanna eat with me, Pikachu? I’m cool with that! Here...” I grabbed a second straw, putting it in my soda, as I slid it between me and Pikachu. “It’s a special gourmet strawberry soda. I was gonna buy one for everyone, but... They were pretty expensive. But just for you, you can share this with me!” Pikachu curiously took a sip, squeaking and smiling, as he quickly sipped it some more. We then took the rest of the time eating our food, the team now being pretty happy and well rested, as I stood up, looking over my team. “Man... Look how powerful you guys have gotten! I can’t believe I’ve been able to evolve three of you so fast...” I pause, smiling at Charmeleon, Nidorino, and Ivysaur, then looking over at Jigglypuff, Pikachu, and Squirtle. “The rest of you, don’t worry... We’ll all get stronger, and evolve as well! Then we’ll all be extra powerful...” Everyone smiled up at me happily, except for Squirtle, who had a frown on his face... As he suddenly stood up, running away from the group.

“Squirtle, hey! Get back here! Ugh, return, everyone...” I quickly returned everyone back to their balls, as me and Pikachu quickly chased Squirtle around the inside of the cruise ship once again, chasing him down the hallways. Eventually, Squirtle stopped, when he rounded a corner, running into a familiar face.

“Whoa! What the heck?!” Blue backed away from Squirtle with a surprised expression, looking up at me as he raised an eyebrow. “Sam? Is this your Squirtle?” He asked.

“Yeah, sorry about this, Blue! I just caught him...” I apologize, quickly returning Squirtle back.

“Dude, you really gotta get better at controlling your Pokémon...” Blue scoffs, silent for a bit before he smirks, lifting up a Pokeball. “But hey, looks like you’ve been catching some pretty cool Pokémon lately... Let’s have a battle right now, so I can really see them!” I look over Blue’s shoulder, noticing a sign over the room he just came out of, that read: Captain’s quarters.

“Blue, why were you inside of the captain’s room just now?” I asked him.

“Oh, I’ve got my reasons...” Blue responds. “But I ain’t telling you unless you defeat me in a battle!”

“Geez, you’re ridiculous, Blue...” I say, scoffing at him. “...Alright. Let’s do this.”

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Blue: “Let’s do this, Pidgeotto!”

Sam: “I choose you, Squirtle!”

Blue: “Pidgeotto, use Sand Attack!”

Sam: “Squirtle, dodge it and use Bubble!”

But Squirtle didn’t listen, taking the Sand Attack head on, struggling to see and missing his attack. Come on Squirtle, not again...

Blue: “Use Quick Attack!”

Sam: “Use Water Gun!”

Squirtle’s attack missed again, Pidgeotto doing a lot of damage to Squirtle.

Blue: “Finish Squirtle off, use Gust!”

Sam: “Squirtle, try and dodge it!”

Squirtle failed to dodge it, getting knocked out and immediately fainting.

Sam: “Ugh, come on... Go, Pikachu! You’ve got this! Use Thunder Wave!”

Blue: “Quick Attack, Pidgeotto!”

Sam: “Now, use Thundershock!”

Blue: “Quick Attack again, Pidgeotto!”

Both were taking a good amount of damage, but I could tell Pidgeotto was close to fainting...

Sam: “Finish em off, Pikachu! Use Slam!”

Blue: “Dodge it, Pidgeotto!”

Pidgeotto wasn’t fast enough, quickly getting slammed midair, as he fainted.

Blue: “Go, Raticate!”


Sam: “Use Slam, Pikachu!”

Blue: “Raticate, use Hyper Fang!”

Both did a lot of damage, but I could tell that Pikachu was close to fainting now...

Sam: “Quick, use Thunder Wave!”

Blue: “Use Tackle!”

Pikachu’s Thunder Wave quickly landed... Before he fainted.

Sam: “Dangit... Alright, you’ve got this, Nidorino! Use Double Kick!!”

Blue: “Use Hyper Fang!”

Both attacks did a good amount of damage, Raticate struggling to stand up now...

Sam: “Finish em off with a Horn Attack!”

Blue: “Use Quick Attack!”

Raticate attacked, but it wasn’t enough, as Nidorino quickly fainted it.

Blue: “Let’s do this, Kadabra!”


Sam: “Use Poison Sting, Nidorino!”

Blue: “Dodge it, by using Teleport!”

Sam: “Use Horn Attack!”

Blue: “Use Confusion, Kadabra!”

Before Nidorino could even attack, Kadabra landed a devastating attack... Immediately fainting Nidorino.

Sam: “Alright... You’ve got this, Charmeleon! Use Ember!”

Blue: “Dodge it! Use Teleport!”

Sam: “Ember, again!”

Blue: “Use Disable!”

Kadabra’s Disable quickly stopped Charmeleon, preventing him from using Ember.

Sam: “Charmeleon, stay calm and use Scratch!”

Blue: “Confusion, Kadabra!”

Kadabra landed a critical hit, nearly fainting Charmeleon...

Blue: “Confusion, again! Finish Charmeleon off!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Charmeleon!”

Charmeleon couldn’t dodge in time, getting hit as he fainted. Geez, this Kadabra was powerful... Now I only have two Pokémon left... What do I do...?

Sam: “Ivysaur, you’ve got this! Quick, use Leech Seed!”

Blue: “Use Confusion!”

Sam: “Now, use Vine Whip!”

Blue: “Dodge it! Use Teleport!”

Blue kept making Kadabra dodge, but now that it had Leech Seed on it, he and I both know Kadabra can’t keep this up much longer...

Sam: “Vine Whip, again! Don’t let Kadabra dodge this time!”

Blue: “Use Confusion!!”

Both attacked at once, each with full... And, in a surprise twist, both fainted each other. Great, now me and Blue both have only one Pokémon left...

Blue: “Let’s go, Eevee!”

Sam: “You’ve got this, Jigglypuff!”

Blue: “Eevee, use Sand Attack!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, use Disable! Quick!”

Jigglypuff disabled Eevee’s Sand Attack, but not before Eevee got some sand in her eyes. Ugh, I was really starting to get sick of this attack... Wait a minute, I just remembered something... I had a move on a TM that I taught to Jigglypuff a few days ago... Could it...?

Blue: “Use Tail Whip, Eevee!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, use Water Gun on yourself! Shoot it into the air!”

Blue: “Uh... What?!”

Jigglypuff shot her attack in the air, water spraying down on her face, that got most of the sand out of her eyes, now allowing her to see again... Man, I can’t believe that worked!

Blue: “Aw Geez... Eevee, use Tackle!”

Sam: “Quickly Jigglypuff, use Sing!”

Jigglypuff quickly put Eevee asleep, who flopped to the ground.

Blue: “Dangit Eevee, wake up!”

Sam: “Keep using Pound, Jigglypuff! Don’t stop!!”

Jigglypuff let out a barrage of attacks onto the sleeping Eevee... Eventually fainting him.

Blue: “Man... Atleast you’ve been training your Pokémon well!”

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Man... My breath was heavy now, and I felt completely exhausted. Blue’s definitely been training hard as well... I can’t believe how close I was to losing there.

“So, Blue, about earlier...” I mutter, the only words I can think of to distract myself in this moment.

“Huh? Oh, right... Well, earlier when I was walking around the ship...” Blue explains. “I kept hearing about how the captain of the ship has the HM for Cut... I went here to ask him about it, but just found the captain practically puking his guts out instead!” Blue paused, as I looked over to the captain’s door. “Oh, man... I hope he’s ok...” I say.

“Whatever, I’m not a doctor, so it’s not my problem... Besides, I’ve got some more training to do, so you can try and help him out if you want...” Blue waved goodbye, walking away, before he spouted out his catchphrase, of course. “Smell you later!”

Hmm... I should help out that captain. I carefully opened the door, entering the room, as I could see the captain in a corner, groaning in pain as he was hunched over a trash can.

“Hey, um... You alright?” That’s the only thing I could think of to say to the captain, slowly approaching him, as I gently starting rubbing his back for a moment. The captain didn’t respond for a moment, until he slowly straightened his posture, turning around to look at me.

“Ugh, thanks for that, kid... I’ll be fine eventually, don’t worry about me...” The captain grumbled. “I’ve got someone else coming over soon to captain this ship for me, so we’ll still be taking off today...”

“Today?! Aw man, I gotta get off this ship then...” I say, the captain raising an eyebrow at me.

“Really? You’re not staying on this ship?” The captain asks.

“No, I can’t... As much as I’d like to, I’m on my own Pokémon journey right now... And I can’t become champion if I decide to just... Take a vacation right now, instead...” I say, the captain nodding and smiling at me in understandment.

“I get it. You’ve got big dreams, I can’t get in the way of that...” The captain says, as he starts digging through his pockets, handing me an HM for cut. “Here... Least I can do for you is give you this. Hopefully it can help you on your journey somehow...”

“Nice... Thanks so much, sir. Bye now!” I quickly waved goodbye, making my way out of the room, as I fast walked my way around the ship, finally finding the exit, as I made my way onto the soft grass again. I paused, looking up at the ship, then up at the sky, where I could see that the sun was already starting to set...

Alright...Now that my training was done... First thing tomorrow...

“...The Vermilion City gym badge will be mine!!”