Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
37 97631

Chapter 8
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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An aquatic battle: Vs. Misty! || Chapter 8

Oh yeah, today’s the day...Where I’m finally gonna get my second gym badge!! WOO!! I made sure to spend the last few days training extra hard, so I know I’m ready now...And with a bigger team this time around, I know I’ll be ready! And besides, it’s a water type gym, and I got two typings to counter water types...Yeah, I’ve totally got this...

...But first, I had something to do quickly. I saw a bicycle shop, and I was curious on how much the bikes cost...You know how fun it’d be to travel around Kanto on my very own bike?! I kept thinking about it, but...

“These bikes cost a million dollars?!” I shouted, not wanting to believe the number, despite the cashier just saying it out loud.

“Yup. These bikes are pretty new, and high quality.” The cashier says casually. “One million or no deal.” I paused, looking over at all the fancy bikes. They were pretty nice, but...

“Ugh, no way I can afford these. Uh, sorry for bothering you...” I say, walking out of the store as fast as I could. “Man, that was awkward, wasn’t it Pikachu?”

“Pika...” Pikachu nods, mumbling in agreement. “Well, whether I have a bike or not doesn’t matter...It’s time to get our second gym badge! Race you to the gym, Pikachu!” Me and Pikachu ran down the paths, making our way to the gym, where we both arrived at the same time. We walked in, quickly running to the front desk, immediately shouting my request. “Hello! I’m here for a gym battle!”

“Alright. Misty’s battling another trainer right now, so wait here for a few minutes.” The man says, leaving the room as I sit down on a nearby couch. I look over, at the podium with the trainer names etched into it, where of course I saw Blue’s signature once again. Now I can remember my strategy again...Let’s see...5 Pokémon, against Misty’s team of two...Or, maybe three? I dunno...Pikachu and Bulbasaur are my best bets to win this, so I gotta keep them awake...Probably shouldn’t use Charmander...But when should I use Nidoran and Jigglypuff? Hmm...

“Ugh, dangit!” I hear a door slam open, seeing a boy angrily run out of the building. Guessing he must’ve lost...Yeesh...

“Hey, Misty’s ready now.” The man says, interrupting my thoughts. I got up, walking into the gym, the battlefield being full of water, with a few small platforms floating in a few spots. 

“Hello, challenger!” The gym leader, Misty, happily calls to me from the other side. “Ready for a battle?”

“Yup! My name’s Sam, and I’m ready to win!”

“Then let the battle between gym leader Misty, and the challenger, Sam...BEGIN!!”

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Misty: “Go, Staryu!”


Sam: “You got this, Jigglypuff!”

Misty: “Staryu, use Tackle!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, use Pound!”

Both attacked at once, doing equal damage to one another.

Misty: “Hop into the water, Staryu! Then use Water Gun!”

Sam: “Quickly, use Pound!”

Jigglypuff’s attack missed, as Staryu attacked, swimming around in the water like crazy. It was hard to pinpoint where Staryu was going...

Misty: “Again, Staryu! Water Gun!”

Sam: “Dodge it! Hop onto another platform and use Sing!” 

Jigglypuff dodged, singing, but Staryu kept darting around deep underwater...Oh no, being underwater like that must block out the singing...

Misty: “Staryu, use Tackle! Knock Jigglypuff into the water!”

Sam: “Counter it with Pound!”

Despite countering, Jigglypuff’s attack didn’t do much, as Jigglypuff was sent flying into the water, flailing her arms around as she struggled to swim.

Misty: “Finish Jigglypuff off with a Water Gun!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, get out of there!!”

Jigglypuff tried to swim away, but was too slow, getting attacked as she fainted...Aw geez that Staryus too fast. How do I get it out of the water...?

Sam: “Jigglypuff, return! Go, Bulbasaur!”

Misty: “Staryu, use Water Gun!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Bulbasaur! Hop on the platforms, and grab Staryu with Vine Whip!”

Bulbasaur promptly dodges, carefully watching Staryu dart around, as she grabs it, pulling Staryu out and slamming it onto the platforms roughly.

Misty: “Staryu, use Tackle!”

Sam: “Again, Bulbasaur! Vine Whip!”

Both attacked, but Bulbasaur’s attack did much more damage, slamming Staryu against the platform as it fainted.

Misty: “Whoa...Staryu, return! Go, Starmie!”


Sam: “Bulbasaur, use Vine Whip!”

Misty: “Starmie, use Harden!”

Starmie raised its defense, making the attack not damage it as much.

Sam: “Bulbasaur, use Leech Seed!”

Misty: “Starmie, use Harden again!”

Sam: “Vine Whip!!”

Misty: “Now use Tackle!!”

Bulbasaur’s attacks weren’t doing much, but Starmie’s attack sure did...

Misty: “Use Bubblebeam! Finish Bulbasaur off!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Bulbasaur!”

Bulbasaur couldn’t dodge it in time, quickly getting attacked with a critical hit, as she fainted.

Sam: “Ok...Bulbasaur, return! It’s your turn now, Pikachu!”

Misty: “Starmie, use Water Gun!”

Sam: “Pikachu, use Thunder Wave!”

Misty: “Starmie, use Bubblebeam, then hop into the water!”

Sam: “Pikachu, use Quick Attack!”

Pikachu tried attacking, but Starmie was too fast, jumping into the water as it also dashed around, but even faster then Staryu was.

Misty: “Starmie, use Water Gun!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Pikachu! Hop around on the platforms!”

Pikachu did so, as we both carefully watched Starmie dart around...Starmie was still paralyzed, so it couldn’t keep this up forever...

Misty: “Starmie, use Tackle!”

Starmie tried to attack, but paused from the paralysis...Yes, nows my chance...

Sam: “Pikachu, jump into the water and use Thundershock! Full power!!”

Pikachu attacked, the electricity flowing through the water, shocking Starmie roughly, as it floated to the top of the water...

“Misty: “Oh no...Starmie, use Bubblebeam!”

Sam: “Thundershock, again!”

Both attacked, but Pikachu’s attack did way more damage...Fainting Starmie.

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“Pikachu, we won! And you did amazing!”

“Pika pi!” Pikachu happily swam up to me, hopping out of the water as he jumped up, both hugging one another. Misty stared at me with a wide eyed expression, as she walked up to me. “Woah, I gotta say, Sam...That was an awesome battle! I didn’t expect you to have Pikachu jump into the water like that...” Misty smiled, reaching into her pocket, as she handed me a badge. “Congrats! Here, the Cascade badge is yours...”

The Cascade badge...Man...


Sometime later...

Man, I’m so happy! I’ve got my second badge...That fight was actually a bit easier then I thought it would be! My Pokémon really are getting stronger...

...Anyways, now that I’ve beaten the gym, I don’t really have a reason to stay in Cerulean City anymore...Next stop...Um, is it Saffron City...Or Vermilion City? I don’t know, but I’m heading to one of those cities! I healed at the Pokémon center, going outside to make my way out of the city, but...I noticed some commotion going on, by a house next to the exit... There was a team rocket grunt, arguing with some people. The grunt was holding a Pokémon too, that was trying to wriggle out of his grasp.


“P-please...Give back my Sandshrew, now!” The man pleaded to the Rocket grunt, who only scoffed at him. “Pfft, this Sandshrew knows Dig, ain’t no way I’m giving this up!” He says, as he starts to walk away.

“HEY!! Give this man his Sandshrew back, right now!” I yelled, stopping the grunt in his tracks, as he walked towards me. “Pfft, and what are you going to do if I don’t?” I didn’t respond to him, only raising up one of my Pokeballs, the grunt rolling his eyes.

“...Little brat.”

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Sam: “Go, Nidoran!”

Grunt: “Go, Drowzee!”


Sam: “Nidoran, use Horn Attack!”

Grunt: “Use Pound!”

Both did an equal amount of damage to each other.

Sam: “Use Poison Sting!”

Grunt: “Use Confusion!”

Drowzee’s attack did a lot of damage, Nidoran now struggling to stand up.

Sam: “Nidoran, get up, you can do this!”

Nidoran weakly stood up, suddenly letting out a loud yell... Suddenly then, Nidoran’s body started glowing a bright white, his body shifting and changing...As the glow dissipated.


Wait a minute...Did Nidoran just...Evolve?! Oh my gosh...HE EVOLVED!! Into a Nidorino!

Grunt: “Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me...”

Sam: “Yeah, amazing! Nidoran...Er, I mean Nidorino, use Horn Attack!!”

Nidorino attacked, landing a critical hit that instantly fainted Drowzee.

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“Ugh...You’ve gotta be kidding me!” The grunt growled, as Sandshrew hopped out of his grasp, running up to his trainer. “Oh, Sandshrew! I’m so glad you’re ok...” The man says.

“Little brat...You won’t be so lucky next time, kid!” The grunt says, quickly running off.

“I can’t believe you’ve really evolved...This is amazing, Nidorino! Come here!”

“Nidooo!” Nidorino happily ran up to me, hugging me and Pikachu as he nearly toppled us over...Man, he was a lot heavier now, too!

“Kid, thanks so much for helping me! And, congrats on your Pokémon evolving, too...” The man walks up to us, with a smile. “It all happened so quickly...That Rocket Grunt just...Broke into my house, smashed it up while yelling something about Team Rocket’s master plan or something!” The man stated, as I looked at his house, the side window being smashed, the inside of the house a total mess, with items strewn all over the floor.

“Yeesh, those Rocket members are nuts!” I say.

“I know, right?! Well...Thanks so much for helping me, kid...I gotta clean up this mess they made, so see you later!” The man waved goodbye, entering his house. Now I was able to leave the city returning Nidorino to his ball, making my way down the route, entering a gate to the next city...

“Hold it.” But a man, sitting in a seat nearby, held a hand up, stopping me from entering. “Gates to Saffron City are closed today.” He says sternly.

“What? Why? Did something happen?” I ask him.

“Yeah, I haven’t had my coffee yet.” He says casually. “And I ain’t opening the gate until I do!”

“What?! You’re seriously not letting me through just because you’re thirsty?!” I snap at him, not wanting to believe it. “But I have to get to the next city! I gotta win my next gym badge!”

“Kid, calm down. There’s an underground tunnel that leads to Vermilion city, where you can fight the third gym.” The man responds, pointing outside.

Ohhh, alright, thank goodness for that... Vermilion City also has the S.S. Anne there too, so now I have more then one reason to go there...

“Alright then...Vermilion City, here I come!!”