Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
37 97631

Chapter 6
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Trouble on Mt. Moon || Chapter 6

Mt. Moon...A huge cave, filled with many different Pokémon and trainers...The only thing standing between me and the next city...And today, we’re finally gonna get through that very cave! I woke up very early this morning, and bought as many potions and Pokeballs as I could for this trip...I almost made myself broke with all that I bought! Probably went a bit overboard, but...Better to be safe then sorry! Anyways, me and Pikachu were now resting at the Pokémon center in front of Mt. Moon, making sure I had everything in line. “Ooh, Pikachu! You wanna know something cool? A lot of people in Pewter City told me about a rare Pokémon species that lives in Mt. Moon...They’re called Clefairy! We should see if we can find and catch one before we make it out of the cave...I’m sure Professor Oak would love that! How’s that sound, Pikachu?”

“Pika...? Pika pika!” Pikachu smiled, happily nodding in agreement.

“Hey, kid...By any chance are you interested in...Rare Pokémon?” I hear a man speak softly to me, turning around to see an older man listening to me. “Whoa, um...Yeah, why? Ooh! Do you know where I can find a Clefairy?” I ask him.

“Not exactly a Clefairy, but... I have a Pokémon that’s even rarer.” The man paused, as he looked around for a bit, before leaning in a bit closer, his voice even lower. “Any chance you’ve heard of...Magikarp?”

“Magikarp? Never heard of it, but it sounds pretty cool! Could I see?” I ask the man, as he smirks, pulling out a Pokeball as a Pokémon pops out.


“Karp! Karp!” The Magikarp flopped around on the floor. “Whoa...That’s so cool!”

“Isn’t it? And best part is, this Magikarp here can be yours...For only 500$!”

“500$?! Aw geez...” I really wanted this Magikarp, but I wasn’t even sure if I had enough money for it. “Um...Could you give me a second!” I quickly opened up my wallet, counting all my money. “Let’s see...100, 200, 400, 500, 501...” Oh great, that’s literally all my money! I’ll be broke if I buy it, but...

“Alright. I’ll take the Magikarp.” I sigh, handing over all my money as the man smiles...This might be stupid, but I can’t resist a rare Pokémon chance like this!

“Good choice, kid...Enjoy your Magikarp! Thank you, it was pleasure doing business with you...Heh...” The man handed me Magikarp’s Pokeball, smirking as he quickly walked away. “Yeah...This gonna be awesome! Right, Magikarp?”

“Karp! Karp!” Magikarp kept flopping around, as I returned him to his Pokeball. “Alright...I’ll train you later. Ready for Mt. Moon, Pikachu?”

“Pika pi!” Pikachu smiled, as we finally made our way out of the Pokémon center, finding the entrance to Mt. Moon and promptly going inside. “Whoa...” The cave was pretty dark and huge, having a ceiling that stretched extremely high. The cave had many different directions to go to, as I looked around, thinking.

“Ooh, Pikachu...How about this...” I reached into my bag, pulling out an empty Pokeball. “Let’s play a game, where we catch the first Pokémon we see in here! How’s that sound?”

“Pikachu!” Pikachu nodded, as we both closed our eyes, carefully walking forward a bit.

“Alright, wild Pokémon...COME ON OUT!!” I opened up my eyes, screeching loudly, as I looked up to the ceiling...Seeing a bunch of Pokémon resting up there.


“...Aw, man...” The Pokémon, known as Zubat, all started grumbling, flying off the ceiling towards me. “AGHH!! G-GET AWAY!!” I ducked, all the Zubat flying right above me. “PIKA!! CHUUU!!” Pikachu used Thundershock, hitting one of the Zubat as it flopped to the ground. All the other Zubat luckily flew away from us, as I chucked the Pokeball at the weakened Zubat...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Ooh...Nice! That was easier then I thought, heh...” I picked up Zubat’s Pokeball, putting it away. “Alright then...Pikachu, let’s hurry on and find a Clefairy!”

“Pika pika!”

Sometime later...

“Alright, Jigglypuff! Finish em off with a Pound!” I got further into the cave, battling yet another trainer as Jigglypuff finished off her Pokémon.


“Aw, man! You won...” The girl pouted, returning her Pokémon back to its ball.

“Thanks for battling me! Um, if you don’t mind me asking...Where’d you catch that Clefairy of yours?” I asked her.

“Oh! I caught right her right here in Mt. Moon, actually!” The girl smiled. “The Clefairy are super rare, though...You’re gonna have to climb a bit higher in the caves to find them!”

“Woah, alright...Thanks for the help, miss! Bye!” I waved goodbye as the girl walked away, looking down at Jigglypuff. “Good job, Jigglypuff! Return!” 

“Jiggly!” I tried putting Jigglypuff back in her ball, but she dodged it, walking towards me with a smile. “Huh...You wanna stay out for a bit?”

“Jigglypuff!” Jigglypuff nodded, suddenly hopping up, perching herself on the top of my head. “Alright then...That’s cool with me! Let’s go, everyone!”

Sometime later...

Ok, I ended up getting even further into the cave, trying to look for a Clefairy, but...Ok, I’ll be honest...I got a bit distracted! Mostly by fighting a lot of other trainers in this cave...Heh, my bad, I just can’t resist a Pokémon battle! Luckily I was winning every fight, I could tell my team was getting so much stronger now! Anyways, I eventually found a ladder that lead up to a higher point in the caves, walking through a tunnel until I found a smaller room. I looked around, quickly hiding behind a rock when I heard a bunch of angry voices. When I peeked out, me, Pikachu and Jigglypuff all saw these two men, who looked like they were in black uniforms of some sort, with big red Rs on their shirts. They were both standing in front of a Pokémon, cornering it against the stone walls. When one of them moved their legs...I saw that it was a Clefairy.

“Stupid little Clefairy...” One man hissed. “You better come with us quietly if you know what’s good for ya!”

“Clefair...” The Clefairy whimpered, looking like it was about to cry, trying to back away even more if it wasn’t for being surrounded.

“Huh...? What are they doing to that Clefairy...?” I asked, in a hushed tone.

“Jiggly...Puff!” Jigglypuff puffed up her cheeks angrily, stepping off from behind the rock as she started yelling at the two men. “Jiggly! Jiggly puff!”

“What the...?” The two men looked over at her, with perplexed looks. “Ugh, it’s just a stupid Jigglypuff. Buzz off before we beat you up too!”

“She’s my Pokémon, so don’t you dare!” I popped out from the rock too, protectively standing in front of Jigglypuff. “And leave that Clefairy alone too!” The two men both stared at me, with perplexed looks before they started snickering a bit.

“Pfft, it’s just some little kid...” One man chuckles.

“Kid, don’t you know not to meddles with the likes of Team Rocket?” The other says.

“Team...Rocket? Ugh, I don’t care who you are. I’m not letting you harass these innocent Pokémon!” The two men exchanged glances, as they glared at me.

“Dude, it’s just a kid...” One says. “Just kick his butt in a battle and we’ll be done with this!” The other dude smirks, pulling out his own Pokeball. “Yeah, you’re right...Tike to show this brat a thing or two...Go, Grimer!”


“Jigglypuff...You ready to do this?” I ask.


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Sam: “Jigglypuff, use Pound!”

Rocket Grunt: “Grimer you also use Pound! Then use Disable!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, dodge it and use Sing!”

Jigglypuff sang Grimer to sleep, who flopped to the ground, unconscious.

Rocket Grunt: “Dangit, get up already Grimer!”

Sam: “Jigglypuff, keep using Pound! Knock Grimer out before we wakes up!”

Jigglypuff kept attacking, fainting Grimer before he could wake up.

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“WHAT?! How the heck did I lose?!” Both the rocket grunts stared at me wide eyed, as the one returned Grimer back to its ball. “Yeah, and there’s more where that came from if you don’t get outta here right now!!” I threatened.

“Pika pika!” Pikachu also growled at them, the two exchanging annoyed glances as they started walking away. “Ugh, stupid kid...” One mutters under his breath. “You’re just lucky that kid with the Eevee knocked out the rest of our Pokémon...” Before they walked away, out of sight. “Wait a minute...Kid with the Eevee? Was he possibly talking about...?”

Doink! Suddenly then, an empty Pokeball fell out of my backpack. “Clefairy...?” Clefairy curiously poked the Pokeball’s button, as she went inside...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Whoa! Well...That was easier then I thought! Heh...” I picked up Clefairy’s Pokeball, putting it away. “Don’t worry, Clefairy...Team Rocket won’t bother you anymore!”

Sometime later..

I got deeper and deeper into the caves, hopefully now starting to get close to finding the exit, finding a ladder that lead into a deeper part of the cave. Just as I was about to make my way down... POP!!

“Nido! Nido!” When Nidoran suddenly popped out of his Pokeball, running away towards something sparkly. “Nidoran, wait! Where are you going?” I chased after Nidoran, catching up as he turned around, happily holding a gray colored stone in his mouth.

“Whoa, wait a minute, that stone looks familiar...That’s a moon stone, isn’t it? I remember seeing one in the Pewter City museum! Good job on finding that, Nidoran...” I picked up the moon stone from Nidoran’s grasp, admiring the stone.

“Jiggly! Puff puff!” Jigglypuff looked up at the moon stone curiously, reaching up as she tried to grab it. “Jigglypuff, don’t worry! I’ll keep the stone safe...” I slipped the stone into my bag, returning Nidoran back to his ball. “Thanks, Nidoran! Return...And let’s keep going!” Me, Pikachu and Jigglypuff all made our way down the ladder, into another bigger area. We kept walking around, getting further in, when I saw someone farther away, ducked behind a rock. When I got closer...I finally recognized the face.

“Whoa...Blue, hey!” I called to Blue, running over to him. “Yo, Sam! Looks like you finally caught up to me, huh?” Blue said, with a smirk. “Bet you’re not catching as many Pokémon as me, though!”

“Well, you’d be surprised...Look! She’s one of my new team members!” I motion to Jigglypuff, Blue looking down at her with one eyebrow raised, snickering a bit.

“Pfft, that girly little puffball is your new team member?! Ha!” Blue laughed.

“Jiggly?! Puff puff!” Jigglypuff angrily tried lunging at Blue, but I grabbed her midair before she could do anything.

“Geez, dude! Keep that Pokémon of yours under control!” Blue snaps.

“Sorry, Blue! I just caught her pretty recently...” 

Then, we start hearing footsteps, and some voices getting closer to us. “Get down!” Blue suddenly pushes us down, as we carefully look around the rock, to see two Team Rocket grunts walking by.

“So...Those fossils are supposed to be down here...Right?” One grunt says.

“That’s what the boss told us, so they better be!” The other grunt says.

“We better not screw up this mission then...We don’t wanna make the boss mad! Remember how fast he fired Jerry last week?!”

“Yeah, but after Jerry lost to that 5-year old little girl, I don’t exactly blame him!”

“Haha, true...That was pretty pathetic! Alright, let’s hurry up and find those fossils...” The two kept talking and walking, until they were out of sight, me and Blue finally standing up again. “Those Team Rocket...They’re planning something...I overheard when they tried stealing a Pokémon from another trainer...” Blue says. “But I taught them a lesson! Heh...”

“Yeah, me too...” I respond. “I defeated one that was trying to catch a Clefairy.” Blue didn’t respond to me, only walking out from behind the rock, continuing down the tunnel. “Blue, wait for me!” I ran, catching up to him. “Blue, where are you going? Or...What are you doing?” He continued ignoring me, as we kept walking, starting to see more people coming into view, finally starting to hear their voices the closer we got.

“Stupid rocket thugs...These fossils are mine! I found them fair and square, so back off!” A man says, to two Team Rocket members. The closer we got, the more I could make out the Rocket member’s looks. One was a woman with long, reddish-pink hair, and the other was a man was shorter, lavender colored hair. They also had a Pokémon standing next to them, known as Meowth.


“Hey, Team Rocket!!” Blue yelled at the two, the Rocket members turning around as they glared at us. “Man, you guys are pathetic...How low you even gotta be to steal from other people? Too wimpy to catch Pokémon on your own? Ha!” Blue mocked them, the two exchanging glances.

“Heh...Really trying to pick a fight with us, huh little brat?” The woman says. “Kids sure are annoying, right James?”

“Sure are...But they wouldn’t be so cocky if they knew who they were dealing with, Jessie!” James says, snickering.

“Yeah...I think we should knock em down a peg or two!” Another voices says...But it came from the Meowth?!

“WHAT?!” Me and Blue exchanged glances, both having the same shocked reaction.

“D-did that Meowth just...Talk?!” Blue says.

“Thank god I’m not imagining this...” I say.

“Heh...I always get that reaction from people!” Meowth says, smirking and snickering. Both me and Blue tried thinking, as we saw the other man with the fossils behind us, giving us a pleasing look that shouted for help.

“Ugh, you know what?! I don’t care who you people are, I’m not letting you take these fossils from this innocent man!” I yelled.

“Pika pika!” “Jiggly!” Pikachu and Jigglypuff both looked pretty determined to fight as well.

“Hey, Sam...” Blue smiled at me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s team up and fight these two together!”

“Whoa, really? You wanna fight with me?” I asked, making sure.

“Yeah...” Blue said. “But only cause I’ve found some people that bug me more then you do!”

“Alright...Then let’s do this!”

“Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light...Surrender now, or prepare to fight!” The two suddenly chanted at once.


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Sam: “Pikachu, you’ve got this!”

Blue: “Go, Eevee!”

Jessie: “Go, Ekans!”


James: “Go, Koffing!”


Sam: “Pikachu, use Tail Whip on Ekans!”

Blue: “Eevee, use Tackle on Ekans!”

Jessie: “Little brats...Ekans, use Poison Sting on Pikachu!”

James: “Koffing, use Smog on Eevee!”

Both sides attacked, doing equal damage to one another.

Sam: “Thundershock, Pikachu! On Koffing!”

Blue: “Eevee, use Sand Attack on Ekans!”

Eevee’s Sand Attack made it difficult for Ekans to see, Jessie grumbling with annoyance.

Jessie: “Oh, come on! Ekans, use Poison Sting on Eevee!”

James: “Koffing, Smog on Eevee!”

Both attacked Eevee, who whimpered with pain, now being poisoned.

Blue: “Ugh, no...Eevee, Sand Attack again! On Ekans!”

Sam: “Pikachu, use Quick Attack! On Ekans, full power!!”

Jessie: “Ekans, Poison Sting! On Pikachu!”

Ekans missed its attack, Pikachu attacking hard enough for Ekans to faint.

Jessie: “WHAT?! UGH!!”

James: “Aw geez...Koffing, use Tackle on Pikachu!”

Sam: “Pikachu, Thundershock on Koffing!”

Blue: “Tackle, Eevee! Finish Koffing off!”

Both attacked Koffing at once, immediately fainting it.

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“Aw, man...Jessie, these kids are stronger then they look!” James sighs, returning Koffing.

“No...UGH!! I refuse to be taken down by these brats!!” Jessie hisses angrily.

“Pika pika!” “Eevui!” Pikachu and Eevee both smile at eachother, giving a high-five.

“Hey, let me take a crack at this too!” Meowth’s claws stick out, suddenly using a fury swipes attack on Pikachu. “Pikachu, no!!”

“You’re next, little Eevee!” Meowth growls.

“NO!! Quick Jigglypuff, use Sing!” 

“Jiggly...Puff...” Before Meowth could attack, Jigglypuff quickly sung Meowth to sleep, flopping to the ground.

“Ugh, dangit...Wake up already, Meowth!” Jessie picked up Meowth, trying to shake him awake, but to no avail.

“Jessie...” James sighed. “We failed our mission...We should go already.”

“Ugh, fine! You’ve gotten lucky this time you brats, but don’t think you’ll get off so easy next time!”

“Looks like Team Rockets...BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!” The two shouted, before quickly running away.

“Man, those guys are weird...” I say. Blue looks down at Eevee, returning him to his Pokeball. “Man, I gotta hurry to the Pokémon center...” He says.

“Wow, um, thanks so much for helping me, you two!” The man smiles, walking up to his. He’s then silent for a moment, looking down at the two fossils in his hands. “You know what? For saving me, I want you two to have these fossils as a reward! You both seem like pretty good trainers, so I know you’ll put them to use! Um here, you, kid with the hat, you take the helix fossil...And you, take the dome fossil!” The man hands one fossil to each of us, as I admire the swirly shell-shaped pattern in the fossil.

“Whoa...Awesome! This’ll definitely become a rare Pokémon when I revive it!” Blue puts the fossil in his bag, already starting to walk away.

“Blue, wait! Where you going?” I call to him.

“Um, Cerulean City, obviously! The exits right here, you dummy!” Blue smirks, pointing towards a small door with light filtering out of it. “Let’s have a battle next time we meet up! Smell you later!” And with that, Blue was out the door. I quickly ran after him, ouf the exit as well, finally feeling relieved to see the light of day. Blue was already gone, though...Man, he’s fast! I looked around, where I could finally see the next town in the distance...Cerulean City, here I come!!