Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 2 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 5
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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The sassy Jigglypuff! || Chapter 5

Man...I feel great today! Not only did I finally earn my first gym badge, and my Beedrill stings have fully healed up, but my team really has become so much more powerful now! I can tell that the win definitely raised their confidence too...Pikachu looks a lot happier, and Nidoran no longer runs away from everyone Pokemon he sees...The little guy went from running away from Metapods, to taking down a freaking Onix! It really was amazing! I’m really proud of those two...

...Anyways, enough of my rambling, you wanna know what I’m doing now? Well, thing is, I have to go through a huge cave known as Mt. Moon to get to the next town, and I don’t know what’s waiting for me down there, but...I wanted to be ready for it. After my first loss with Brock, I don’t wanna take any chances anymore, so I’m making sure to train before we go through Mt. Moon...Gotta be extra sure we’re ready for anything! I’ve been fighting a lot of trainers, and training on Route 3 all day now...I was also gonna try and catch a new Pokémon here today too, but I don’t know what to catch yet! Gotta save my Pokeballs for something extra important...

“Pikachu, use Quick Attack! Full power!” Pikachu charged at a rock, going right through it as he smashed the rock to pieces, as me and Nidoran both cheered for him.

“Yeah, great job, Pikachu!”

“Nido, nido!” Nidoran squeaked happily, before turning his head to another nearby rock, with a determined expression. “Heh, you wanna try that too, Nidoran? Alright! Then use Double Kick!” Nidoran charged and attacked the rock, flying through it as it smashed to pieces. “Yeah, awesome! Nidoran, come back here.” I tried calling for Nidoran, but he was suddenly out of sight, disappearing into the grass. “Umm...Nidoran, where’d you go?” Me and Pikachu kept looking around...Until Nidoran’s head suddenly popped out the grass. “Ah, there you are!” Then, Nidoran’s body raised upwards from the grass even more...Until I realized he was sitting atop another Pokémon.


...The Pokédex identified it as a Jigglypuff. “Whoa...Awesome!” 

“Jiggly...Puff!” The Jigglypuff looked pretty mad, puffing up her cheeks in anger as she yanked Nidoran off her head, using a Pound attack on him as it sent Nidoran rolling back to me. “Whoa! You alright, Nidoran? Jigglypuff, chill out! We’re not trying to hurt you or anything!”

“Pika! Pika!” Pikachu also looked like he was trying to plead to Jigglypuff.

“Jiggly...Puff!” Jigglypuff didn’t listen to us though, only smirking as she stuck her tongue out at Pikachu. “Pika?! Pika...CHUUU!!” Pikachu angrily let out a Thundershock at Jigglypuff, who dodged the attack as she started playfully running away.

“Woah, this looks like fun...Pikachu, Nidoran, try to catch Jigglypuff!” The two started chasing the pink Pokémon, but despite how much faster they were, Jigglypuff gracefully dodged each of their attacks, with a smirk on her face. After a while, Jigglypuff slowly floated upwards, resting herself atop a taller boulder.

“Jiggly...Puuuff...” Jigglypuff then started singing, a melodic tune that echoed throughout the area. “What...What is she...” Suddenly then, I started getting...Sleepy. Pikachu and Nidoran too. “What’s...” I couldn’t fight against it...As I slowly fell to the ground...Completely drifting off.

Sometime later...

“Ugh...” I rubbed my eyes, groaning as I sat up from the rocky ground, looking around as I saw Pikachu and Nidoran also waking. “What...Happened?” I looked around, seeing that the Jigglypuff was now gone. “Aw geez...That Jigglypuff used Sing, didn’t she? That’s why we fell asleep...”

“Pika...” Pikachu grumbled, with an annoyed expression.

“Man...That...Was...Awesome!!” I quickly stood up, feeling excitement run through me. “That Jigglypuff was so cool...I gotta catch it!!”

“That Jigglypuff...She used Sing on you, didn’t she?” I heard a voice suddenly speak to me, as I turn around to see an older hiker man. “Uh, yeah...Why?”

“Heh...You’re not the only one that Jigglypuffs done that too. That little ones got a lot of sass. Does that to pretty much any trainer that wanders down this route.” The man says.

“Well, I’m gonna catch that Jigglypuff, just you wait and see!” I say confidently, the man chuckling a bit. “Good luck with that, kid. That Jigglypuffs a slippery one.” The man says.

“Well, I know I can do it! If I can beat Brock, I can catch a silly little Jigglypuff!” I say, the man thinking for a bit.

“Well, good luck with that then, but...I really think you should ask around town for the rumors about that Jigglypuff...” The man says. “Heh, some say that Jigglypuff used to even belong to another trainer! I think you should find out all that for yourself, though...Later!” The man waved goodbye to me, as he walked away. Hmm...The rumors? What the heck has this Jigglypuff been doing to cause so much rumors around the city?! She must be tougher then I thought...Well, whatever it is...I’m gonna find out!

Sometime later...

“So, is it true that the Jigglypuff used to belong to another trainer?” I sat down with a younger man, letting me ask him some questions.

“Thats one of the rumors at least...” The man says, nodding. “I never believed it, but...Everyone else in town seems to. Either way, that Jigglypuffs almost been a sassy little heap of trouble...She’s always very mischievous, likes messing around with other trainers and their Pokémon...One of her favorite things to do is use Sing, and when trainers fall asleep, she’ll steal any valuable items they have!”

“Wait, what?! Aw geez, she better not have taken anything from me...” I quickly zipped open by backpack, looking around at the contents inside...

“Oh, man...SHE TOOK MY LUNCH!!”

“Yup, food is definitely her favorite thing to steal...” The man says nonchalantly.

“Dangit...She even stole the sandwiches I made for my Pokemon too..” I grumbled.

“PIKA?! Chuuu...” Pikachu mumbled sadly at this, looking down at the ground. 

“Ugh...You know what?! Jigglypuff may have stolen my food now...BUT SHE WON’T GET AWAY WITH THIS!! IM GONNA CATCH THAT JIGGLYPUFF NO MATTER WHAT!!”

“PIKA PIKA!!” Pikachu also yelled with me.

“But, I have one important thing to do first...

...I gotta make more sandwiches...I’m starving!”

Sometime later...

Ok, I’m pretty sure I spent almost the entire day walking around the city, asking pretty much anyone I could possibly find about Jigglypuff...And, honestly? I’m not sure how much it helped... I think this only just confused me even more! Almost every person I talked to had a different rumor or story about Jigglypuff...Of course, the most popular rumor I kept hearing was her once belonging to another trainer, but each story always had some variation to them...Yeah, some of the ones I remember are...

“Ah, yes...That Jigglypuff used to belong to another trainer, but that trainer wasn’t exactly a nice person, so...She eventually ran away!”

“That Jigglypuff did have a trainer, but Jigglypuff knew they weren’t worthy of her power, so she ran away!”

“Yeah, Jigglypuff’s trainer released her after getting attached to another Pokémon...Isn’t that just rude?!”

“Yup...Some say that Jigglypuff used to belong to even Lance himself!”

See what I mean?! That wasn’t even the most ridiculous one I heard too...Listen to these ones!

“Yup, yup...Some say that Jigglypuff was born from the DNA of Arceus!”

“Yeah! Mewtwo raised that Jigglypuff since she came from her egg!”

“Jigglypuff was born from outer space itself...Its the aliens, I tell ya!”

Yeah, some of these rumors I’m not sure I can believe or not, so...Was all this a total waste of time? Probably. Honestly, I don’t care what kind of past that Jigglypuff has...I’m still determined to catch it! And of all the things I heard today, there’s only one bit of info I have that’ll help me...

“Yeah, that Jigglypuff always uses Sing to escape from any foes...Unless you’ve got a way to cover your ears, you’ll never catch that slippery little puffball!”

That’s it...All I need is a way to block out Jigglypuff’s singing, and she’ll really be mine! Luckily I still have plenty of money, so I went to the store and bought some cotton balls, stuffing enough of them into my, and Pikachu and Nidoran’s ears...Heh, Jigglypuff totally won’t see it coming!

...Anyways, we all headed back to Route 3, the sun now starting to see as the sky was a beautiful golden color. “Whoa...Beautiful...” We all stood still, staring up and watching the sky for a moment. “Can’t let this distract me, though...When you see Jigglypuff, you guys know the plan, right?” 

“Pika!” “Nido, nido!” The two nodded with determination, as we continued walking down the route, scanning the grass...Until we eventually saw Jigglypuff walking around in the grass, humming to herself. We all quickly hid behind a rock, as I gave a thumbs-up signal to the two. 

“Nido...NIDOOOOO!!” Nidoran then squealed loudly, charging out and using Tackle at Jigglypuff, but Jigglypuff moves out of the way, Nidoran crashing into a rock.

“Jiggly?! Puff puff!” Jigglypuff started laughing loudly at Nidoran...

“Pika...CHUUU!!” Using this distraction, Pikachu let out a Thundershock at Jigglypuff, completely catching her off guard as she flopped to the ground.

“Yeah...WE GOT THIS!! HYAH!!” I chucked a Pokeball at Jigglypuff...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...POP!! But Jigglypuff popped out of the ball, glaring at me as she puffed up her cheeks. “Jiggly! Jiggly...Puff...” Jigglypuff then started singing, as we all pressed our hands to our ears, making complete sure we couldn’t hear her singing...After she finished singing, Jigglypuff looked around at all of us in complete shock after seeing us not fall asleep. “Jiggly?!”

“Yeah, can’t sing us to sleep now, Jigglypuff! Nidoran, use Double Kick! And Pikachu, you use Quick Attack!!” Nidoran attacked Jigglypuff, as she was sent flying into the air, Pikachu charging and attacking her midair, sending Jigglypuff crashing to the ground as she now struggled to stand up.

“Alright...Second times the charm! HYAH!!” I chucked a second Pokeball...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Yeah...WE DID IT!! WOO!!” We all cheered, as I picked up Jigglypuff’s Pokeball. “I knew we could all do it...Jigglypuff, come on out!” I let Jigglypuff out of her Pokeball, who looked around at us, puffing her cheeks and crossing her arms in annoyance. “Welcome to the team, Jigglypuff!” Jigglypuff looked at me curiously, as I picked her up. “We’re all gonna get stronger together, don’t and worry...And with me, you’ll no longer have to steal other people’s food! I’ll make your own meals every day, just for you!”

“Jiggly?! Puff puff!” Jigglypuff’s mood instantly lifted as she smiled, suddenly hugging me.

“Yeah...And now, I know we’ll be ready for our next mission...Next stop...MT. MOON!!”

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Sorry this a sort’ve lame and shorter chapter, I promise I’ll upload something better next lol