Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
37 97631

Chapter 36
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Back to Kanto: Sam vs. Leaf || Chapter 36

It’s been a few days since that incident that happened with Deoxys and that bounty hunter… Me and Ethan have pretty much spent the past few days looking around any other places in the islands we still haven’t visited yet, and revisiting any other areas we’ve already been to… And relaxing a bit too, of course. We didn’t really find anything surper interesting, but hey, we had fun, and that’s all that really matters! Well, yesterday was the last day of us hanging out in the Sevii Islands, since we decided that we finally had to go off on our own separate directions… And today was the day we were finally gonna leave. Me and Ethan were now at the dock, next to a boat that would take me back to Kanto, as we said our goodbyes.

“I’ll miss you, Sam…” Ethan says, smiling at me. “Thanks for traveling through the Sevii Islands with me, it was the most fun I’ve had in a while.”

“Hey, I’m the one who should be thanking you!” I say, smiling back. “I’m glad I traveled with you through these islands! It really was a lot of fun…” Me and Ethan quickly hugged, shaking hands as well. “Hey, I’ll miss you too, but if you ever wanna see me again, you can try and visit me in the Kanto region! I live in Pallet Town.”

“Yeah, I can try to visit you someday.” Ethan says, nodding. “I think I’d like to find the courage to go back to my family first…”

“Yeah, I get it. I hope you’ll be able to find that courage.” I say. Ethan looked down at Pikachu, kneeling down to his level. “I’ll miss you too, Pikachu. Keep on getting stronger.”

“…Pika!“ Pikachu smiled at Ethan, Ethan giving him a little high five.

“Alright… Goodbye, Ethan!“ Me and Pikachu hopped onto the boat, waving goodbye to Ethan one last time, the boat slowly driving away from the island.

“…Goodbye Sam.”

Sometime later…

After the boat ride where I finally arrived back in Vermilion City, I flew back over to Pallet Town, running back to my mom’s house, who happily ran over to me and hugged me the second I walked into the house.

“Sam! It’s so nice to see you again, sweetie…” My mom says, letting go of the hug. “Did you have fun in the Sevii Islands?”

“Yup! It was a ton of fun!” I say.

“That’s great! I think your friend Leaf is waiting for you, too…” My mom says. “She’s over in Professor Oak’s lab right now!”

Oh right, Leaf did say that she wanted to have a battle with me when I got back…

“Ooh, awesome! I’m gonna go talk to her right now! I’ll be back later!” I say, quickly running out of the house, making my way over to the lab. Upon entering the lab, I saw Professor Oak, who was at a desk writing and doing some research.

“Hey, Professor Oak!” I greeted him, Professor Oak looking up at me with a smile.

“Ah, it’s nice to see you back, Sam! If you’re looking for Leaf, she’s out in the backyard with your Pokémon.”

“Alright, thanks!” I quickly ran out to the backyard, where I quickly saw Leaf, who was hanging out with Charizard.

“Leaf, Charizard! Hey!” I called to the two, quickly catching both their attention.

“Sam! Hey!” The two quickly ran up to me, Charizard running up to me faster as he hugged me tightly.

“Agh… I’m happy to see you too Charizard, but you’re squishing me…” I groaned, Charizard quickly letting go of me as I patted him on the head, Leaf also giving me a tight, but quick hug.

“Man, are you two trying to break my bones today or something?” I say jokingly, Leaf chuckling and smiling in response. “Heheh, sorry about that… I’m just so excited to see you again! I’ve been so ready to have this battle that I can’t wait anymore! Come on, let’s hurry up and battle!”

“Whoa, wait? Right here, and right now?”

“Yeah! I refuse to wait any longer for this fight!” Leaf says, jumping up and down excitedly.

“Heheh, alright then… Let’s do this! But first…”

I went back into the lab, exchanging Crobat’s Poke ball for Charizard’s, and then…

…It was time to fight.

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Leaf: “Let’s do this, Nidoqueen!!”

Sam: “Let’s go, Nidoking! Use Strength!”

Leaf: “Use Body Slam!”

Sam: “Now, use Earthquake!!”

And with that… Nidoqueen was knocked out.

Leaf: “Aw, alright then… Well, I’m just getting started! Go, Poliwrath! Use Hypnosis!”

Hypnosis quickly landed, putting Nidoking asleep.

Sam: “Oh man… Nidoking, wake up!”

Leaf: “Use Bubblebeam, Poliwrath! Then use Surf!”

Poliwrath landed both the attacks before Nidoking could wake up… Knocking him out.

Sam: “Alright… Let’s go, Venusaur! Use Frenzy Plant!!”

Venusaur’s attack did a ton of damage… Knocking out Poliwrath with one hit. Whoa… That was the first time I’ve used that attack… That really was awesome.

Leaf: “Alright, two can play that game… Come on out, Venusaur! Use Body Slam!”

Leaf’s Venusaur attacked, my Venusaur not able to move this turn due to using Frenzy Plant.

Leaf: “Awesome! Use Body Slam again!

Sam: “You use Body Slam as well!”

Both attacked, doing a good amount of damage to one another.

Leaf: Use Leech Seed!”

Sam: “Quickly, use Frenzy Plant!!”

Frenzy Plant did a ton of damage… Knocking out Leaf’s Venusaur.

Leaf: “Ok… Let’s go, Machamp! Use Karate Chop! Then use Vital Throw!”

Machamp unleashed two attacks… Knocking out Venusaur.

Sam: “Let’s go, Charizard! Use Fly!”

Charizard flew into the air, landing the attack next turn.

Leaf: “Use Seismic Toss!!”

Sam: “Use Fire Blast!”

Leaf: “Hang in there, Machamp… Use Karate Chop!

Sam: “Dodge it and use Dig!”

Charizard quickly dug underground, dodging the attack, hitting next turn… And knocking out Machamp.

Leaf: “Let’s go, Golem! Use Rock Slide!!”


Sam: “Quick Charizard, use Dig!”

Charizard took a bunch of damage, but hit Golem next turn, doing even more damage.

Leaf: “Use Rollout!”

Sam: “Use Blast Burn!!”

Blast Burn did a ton of damage… Knocking out Golem. Man, these attacks really are awesome!

Leaf: “Ok… Let’s go, Gengar! Use Confuse Ray!”

Confuse Ray quickly landed, Charizard becoming confused.

Leaf: “Now use Dark Pulse!”

Sam: “Hang in there, Charizard! Use Fire Blast!”

Charizard luckily landed the attack… But ended up getting knocked out by Gengar’s attack.

Sam: “Alright… Let’s go, Blastoise! Use Ice Beam!”

Leaf: “Use Hypnosis, Gengar!”

Sam: “Dodge it! Then use Hydro Cannon!!”

Blastoise’s attack did a ton of damage… Knocking out Gengar.

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“Oh my gosh… That was so much fun!!” Leaf happily jumped up and down. “I can’t believe I defeated half of your team!!”

“You’re not mad that you lost?” I asked.

“No, of course not! I wasn’t expecting myself to actually beat you…” Leaf says. “I’m just glad I got as far as I did in that battle! Thank you Sam! I’m glad we’re friends…” Leaf gave me a quick hug, as I hugged her back.

“Yeah… Me too.”