Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 2 days ago
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Chapter 32
Published 1 year, 13 days ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Ethan and the Crystal Onix || Chapter 32

Another day of exploring the Sevii Islands… Man, I’m so excited!

Today I decided to head over to Three Island… I was talking to that man at the game corner this morning, and he still hadn’t seen his daughter Lostelle return home yet, so now would be a good opportunity to look for her on the island, since the man said she was here… I remember when I was looking at the map for this island, it also looked a bit bigger than the first two islands I visited, so maybe I’ll be able to find some more rare Pokémon here… Ooh, I really hope so!

Upon arriving on the island, I first arrived in a small town, but saw something that I wasn’t really expecting to see. A close distance away, I could see this gang of bikers, who were surrounding these two guys. Man, this looks like trouble. I show probably help them out… Man, these bikers kind’ve scare me, though. They remind me a lot of this one biker gang back in Kanto that I ran away from once… But hey, I’ve changed a lot since then. I’m so much stronger now! I’m the freaking Kanto champion for Arceus sake! I’m not gonna let some group of stupid biker bullies scare me!!

I quickly approached what was going on, listening into the conversation between one of the men, and one of the bikers.

“J-just go back to Kanto and leave us alone already!” The man says. “You’ve all been doing nothing but causing trouble on these islands, and everyone is sick of it!”

“Pfft, what’s with the hostile attitude? We just got here…” The biker scoffed, pausing as he looked around the town. “Look at this place… What do you even do around here for entertainment, anyways? You ought to be thanking us for livening up this sleepy village…”

“Hey! Leave these people alone already!” I snapped at the biker, gaining the gang’s attention as they all looked over to me.

“Hey, why don’t butt out of our buisness, kid?” One of the bikers threatened. “Unless you wanna fight, but I’m warning you…”

“Yeah? Well I’m not scared of you.” I hissed.

“Heheh, I like your guts, kid…” The biker smirked. “But sadly… You’ll be losing to me.”

Sometime later…

I ended up having to battle a couple of the bikers, defeating them without breaking too much of a sweat. After the first two battles I ended up fighting their boss, who I also defeated.

“Man, what the heck? How is this kid so strong?!” One of the bikers looked pretty shocked, their boss sighing in annoyance.

“Tch, whatever. Guess we’ll have to go…” The boss says. “But we won’t forget about this next time we run into you, kid.” And with that, the whole gang left.

“Wow, thanks so much for helping us out, kid!” One of the men thanks me. “You must be new around here, right? I’ve never seen you before. I wish someone as strong as you lived here… Is there any way we can thank you for helping us?”

“Uh, yeah, actually. You see, there’s this little girl named Lostelle here, and I need to help her dad look for her here…” I explain. “Any chance you’ve seen her around lately?”

“Lostelle? Oh yeah, I know who she is… I saw her going off to Bond Bridge last night.” The man says, pointing off to a nearby path in the distance. “The bridge is right down that path. Just be careful if you have to head into Berry Forest to look for her. There’s some pretty dangerous Pokémon in those woods…”

“I will… Thank you!”

Sometime later…

I headed down to Bond Bridge, fighting a few trainers in the area. However, I still hadn’t seen any sign of Lostelle just yet, so that meant I had to search Berry Forest next. I know that man warned me about dangerous Pokémon in the forest, but hey, I have a champion team with me, so I won’t be afraid of some random wild Pokémon…

Anyways, I arrived at the forest, looking around for a bit. The forest was a little dark and creepy looking but it had a bunch of berry trees in it, with berries littered all over the ground. Some of these berries looked like some useful ones, so I took my time to pick up and collect a few while I was looking around…

“PIKA!! PIKA PI!!” But while I was looking around, Pikachu suddenly started panicking and freaking out.

“What’s wrong Pikachu?! I-“ I froze when I turned around… Only to be faced with a wild Hypno. Oh no… Not a Hypno… I wanted to grab a Pokeball and attack, but… I started having flashbacks from the Hypno back in Saffron City, and I just… I froze, unable to do anything. The Hypno practically glared at me, looking like it was about to attack…



I suddenly heard a voice from out of nowhere…


…As an unfamiliar Pokémon jumped down from a nearby tree. The Pokémon, who must’ve been Heracross, roughly attacked the Hypno, knocking it back. The Hypno quickly stood back up, looking nervous as it ran away.

“Woah, um… Thanks, Heracross…” I looked curiously at the Pokémon, who smiled back at me. “But wait a minute… Where’s your…”


Suddenly a young boy who looked like he was a few years older than me jumped out from one of the trees, scaring the life out of me. “EEK! What the heck?!”

“Whoa! Sorry to scare you… Are you alright?” The boy asked.

“Uh, yeah… Thanks for your help.”

“Hey, it’s no worries…” The boy says, returning his Heracross back to its Poke ball. “You should probably be a bit more careful, though. This forest is pretty dangerous…”

“Yeah, I know…” I sighed. “I usually am, I just kind’ve panicked, since I’ve had a bad experience with a Hypno in the past. I don’t really like to talk about it… Um, who are you, anyways?” I asked. “And no offense, but uh… Why were you hanging out in that tree?”

“It’s Ethan. And sorry I scared you like that. I’ve been training in these forests for a while now, and I have my own strategy of hiding out in trees to ambush wild Pokémon I wanna battle… So, what’s your name? Are you training in this forest too?”

“It’s Sam. And nah, I was actually looking for this little girl named Lostelle who got lost around here…”

“EEEEEEEEK!!” I suddenly heard a loud, high pitched scream from nearby in the forest.

“Oh no… That must be her!” I quickly ran off towards the sound of the scream, Ethan following me, until we quickly ran into the little girl, who was crawled into a ball on the ground, whimpering quietly.

“Lostelle?! What’s going on?” I asked.

“A…P-Pokémon…” Lostelle quietly whimpered, shaking with too much fear to speak anymore. Suddenly then, a Pokémon popped out… It was a Hypno, but it looked like a different one, the Hypno glaring at us.

“Oh no… Not again…” I gulped nervously, staring at the Hypno. No, I can’t be scared this time… Not again!


“PIKACHUUUUU!!” Pikachu blasted out an incredibly powerful attack, knocking out the Hypno in one-shot.

“Whoa… Your Pikachu is so powerful… Thank you!” The little girl thanked me, no longer looking nervous.

“Hey, it’s no problem… So, are you Lostelle?” I asked. “Your dad’s been looking for you.”

“Oh… Yeah, that’s me!” Lostelle nodded. “I’ll go back to my daddy’s place right now… But can you two come with me? I’m too scared to go through this forest again alone…”

“Yeah… Of course.”

Sometime later…

We all went back to Island Two, Ethan also tagging along as I brought Lostelle back to her father, the two hugging happily.

“Oh, Lostelle! I’m so glad you’re alright…” The man says. “I-I’m sorry I didn’t go after you myself…”

“It’s ok daddy! I’m fine because I had my new friends Sam and Ethan with me, so I wasn’t scared!“ Lostelle says, smiling at us. The man let go of his hug, standing back up as he looked at me intently. “I wish there was a way I could thank you both…”

“Hey, it’s no worries. I’m just glad I was able to help.” I say, the man smiling at me. “You know it’s weird, but you almost look familiar to me…” He says to me. “May I ask what your name is…?”

‘Aaaaand coming up soon will be our next interview with Professor Oak!’ A loud commercial was heard over on a nearby TV, all of us looking over at it. ‘In this interview the professor will be talking about the young and latest champion of the Kanto region, Sam Wells!’ And the TV showed a picture of me, everyone going wide eyed as they looked back and forth between me and the TV. ‘The interview will be coming right after our commercial break!’ And with that, the ad was gone.

“Whoa, I had no idea Professor Oak was talking about me on the News… Awesome!”

“Wha… You’re the champion of the Kanto region?!” Ethan says, looking pretty shocked.

“Oh my gosh… That is so cool!” Lostelle says.

“Yeah… No wonder you looked familiar to me…” The man says, smiling. “Well, either way, I’m glad you were able to help us out here.”

“Of course… Well, I’ll see you guys later!” I waved goodbye, as me and Ethan left.

“I’m glad I was able to help those two out… Now it’s time to continue my adventure! Hmm, I wonder where I should go next… Maybe another island…? I’m not sure… Hey, Ethan, what were you planning on doing next?” I asked, looking over to him. “I remember you saying earlier that you had something to do…”

Huh? Oh, right…I, uh…” Ethan almost looked a bit nervous, fiddling with a piece of paper that he pulled out of his pocket. “It’s a bit hard to explain, but um… Could I ask you for help with something?”

“Sure… What is it?” I asked.

“Well, there was this rare Pokémon called the Crystal Onix that I wanted to try looking for…” Ethan says. “I’ve heard rumors of it existing at the bottom of Icefall Cave in Four Island… There’s supposed to be a lot of tough Pokémon there, so I’m not sure how safe it is… But hey, since you’re the Kanto league champion, I’m sure the Pokémon there won’t be a problem for you! So… You think you wanna come with me, and see if those rumors are true? Only if it’s not too much trouble or anything…”

“…Are you kidding me?! That sounds awesome! I’d love to come with you!” I excitedly nod in agreeance, Ethan smiling at me.

“Awesome! Let’s go right now then.”

Sometime later…

Me and Ethan headed out and arrived at Four Island, which was a pretty small island, so we found Icefall Cave pretty quickly. We went inside of the cave, slowly making our way down further and further into the cave, while I was asking Ethan questions.

“So… You know why the Crystal Onix is made out of crystals instead of rocks?” I asked. “Does that make it more powerful than a normal Onix?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but apparently the Crystal Onix has a resistance against water type attacks, and it actually lives in a lake because of that.” Ethan says. “So I guess in a way, it is more powerful than a regular Onix.”

“That’s so cool… Ooh, I hope we find it!” 

As we kept walking, we passed by this small lake, where I suddenly stopped as I saw some bubbles in the water. “Ooh, what if it’s…!” I waited in anticipation for whatever was about to pop up…


…To see a little blue Pokémon pop up, one that I didn’t recognize.

“Ooh, it’s a Marill…” Ethan says.

“Oh my gosh… IT’S SO CUTE! I NEED IT!!” I quickly pulled out an ultra ball, chucking it at the Marill…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…


“Yeah! Another rare Pokémon caught! WOO!!” I cheered, as Pikachu quickly wadded into the water, grabbing Marill’s Poke ball and handing it to me. “Thanks, buddy… Hey Ethan, have you seen this Pokémon before? You knew what it was called…”

“Yeah, actually. They’re actually pretty common in the Johto region.” Ethan says. “That’s where I’m from, actually…”

“Whoa, really? That’s awesome… Maybe I could visit there someday…”

“Yeah, I’m sure you’d like it there…” Ethan says, smiling. “Alright, let’s keep going. We must be close to the bottom of the cave now…”

We continued walking down the cave, until we reached what seemed like the bottom of the cave… The last area was a big room with a pretty high ceiling, having a big lake with a massive waterfall that lead up to another area high up.

“Oh man, this must be it…” Ethan says. “I think we’re gonna have to scale that waterfall to get up there…” Ethan paused, looking at one of the Pokeballs in his pocket. “I’m not sure if my Pokémon is powerful enough, though…”

“Ooh, I bet Blastoise could scale it! Come on out!” I released Blastoise from his Poke ball, hopping onto his back. “Climb on and hold on!” I say, Ethan also hopping onto Blastoise’s back. Pikachu hopped onto my back and clung onto my clothes, while me and Ethan tightly wrapped our arms around Blastoise’s neck. “Alright, Blastoise… Up the waterfall we go!”

Blastoise propelled forward fast, swimming towards and up the waterfall as held on tight… Until we reached the top, quickly hopping off of Blastoise.

“Whoa… I can’t believe that actually worked!” Ethan says, looking surprised. “Your Pokémon really are powerful…”

“Heh, yeah… Thanks for your help, Blastoise!” Blastoise smiled and nodded at me as I returned him back to his ball. At the small platform we were at, there was a door that lead to another area. We walked into the room, ending up in a smaller patch of ground, right in front of a massive lake.

“Whoa… This has to be where the Crystal Onix is!” I excitedly ran over to the edge of the sparkling water, looking over at the big body of water. “It’s gotta be somewhere underwater… Maybe we can-“



But suddenly… There it was. The Crystal Onix suddenly burst out from the water, letting out a loud roar as it looked down at us curiously.

“Oh… My gosh…” We both stared at the Onix in awe. The Onix indeed had a crystalline body, it’s body being a shiny blue that sparkled against the water and the icy walls of the cavern.

“Amazing… I can’t believe… It’s actually real…” Ethan stared up at the Crystal Onix with a sparkle in his eyes. Ethan was holding up a camera, taking a few quick pictures of the Onix, who stayed still for the pictures.

“This is so awesome, I can’t believe we found it! Now we can-“

“Not so fast!!” We suddenly heard an unfamiliar voice shouting at us from behind. We turned around to see a tall, and tough looking man approaching us. “If anyone’s gonna be taking that Crystal Onix… It’s gonna be me.” The man says.

“Oh no… Not you…” Ethan had a wide eyed, shocked look on his face.

“Huh? Who is this guy?” I asked. Ethan quickly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolding it to reveal a wanted poster… With the same man’s face on it. “You’re bounty hunter Jackson. You’re wanted around these islands for illegally capturing Pokémon and selling them!”


“Heheh, sure am. Seems like my reputation is getting well known around these islands.” Jackson smirked, crossing his arms. “But I’ve gotten tired of taking other people’s Pokémon today… Today I’m after that Crystal Onix, and I ain’t in the mood to turn it into jewelry. Imagine how much that thing will sell for… Now if you kids would stop messing around and get out of my way, then I’d really appreciate that…”

“Like we’d ever listen to you! We’re not letting you touch this Onix…” I threatened.

“Yeah, if you want this Onix, you’re gonna have to go through us…” Ethan also threatened, the smirk disappearing from Jackson’s face, his expression changing to fury. “Tch, fine. Looks like we’re gonna have to do this the hard way… Let’s go, Salamence!”


Jackson quickly sent out a pretty tough looking Pokémon. “Salamence, use Dragon Pulse!!” The Salamence quickly started charging up its attack, looking like it was about to aim at us…

“DUCK!!” We both quickly jumped out of the way, as Salamence blasted an attack at the Crystal Onix, which quickly dove underwater, dodging the attack. Salamence flapped it’s wings, about to fly into the air…

“Pikachu, quick! Hop onto Salamence’s back!” I commanded, Pikachu quickly doing so  as Salamence flew into the air. “Now use Thunderbolt!!” Pikachu did so, zapping Salamence directly as he did a decent amount of damage.

“Stupid little rodent…” Jackson hissed. “Salamence, shake that stupid little Pikachu off of ya!”

“Oh no you don’t… Lanturn, come on out! We need your help!” Ethan released a Pokémon into the water…


“Lanturn, use Hydro Pump!” 

Lanturn blasted out attacks at Salamence, who was sturggling to dodge the attacks, still continuing to get zapped by Pikachu.

“Come on Salamence, it’s a Pikachu for Arceus sake! Don’t be a worthless Pokémon!!” Jackson snapped.

“Dude, how can you speak to your own Pokémon like that? What is wrong with you?!” I snapped, Jackson glaring fiercely at me as he took a step closer. “You shut your mouth already kid, unless you want me to drown you at the bottom of this lake.” He hissed, as I gulped nervously.

“Lanturn, use Confuse Ray!” Ethan commanded. Lanturn did so, confusing Salamence as it slowly flew around in dizzy circles.

“Pikachu, use Thunder and finish Salamence off!”

“PIIIIKAAACHUUUUUU!!” Pikachu blasted out a powerful Thunder, enough to completely knock out Salamence, Salamence slowly falling into the water, as Pikachu hopped onto Lanturn’s back.

“UGH, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!” Jackson screamed with rage, returning Salamence as he went to grab another Poke ball… But Lanturn blasted out another Hydro Pump, stopping him as he took a step back. “Get out of here already… If you know what’s good for you.” I threatened.

“…UGH!!” Jackson groaned loudly in defeat, starting to walk away… As he paused for a moment, looking back at us. “I won’t forget about this. Next time we meet, I won’t go easy on you kids…” And with that, he left.

“Pfft, what a jerk… I’m glad he’s gone.” I scoffed. Lanturn helped bring Pikachu back to land, as we could all see the Crystal Onix return back up from the water. The Crystal Onix looked at us intently, gently nodding as it looked like it was thanking us.

“Hey, Ethan… Now would be a good time to catch it!” I say, Ethan staring up at the Onix as he smiled.

“Mmm… Nah, I think I’m good. You rest easy now, Crystal Onix.” Ethan says, the Crystal Onix nodding at us as it went back into the water.

“WHAT?! Wait, why didn’t you catch it?!” I asked, shocked.

“Eh, I didn’t really need to. I think this Onix is better off living in this cave by itself…” Ethan says. “Knowing that this Onix even exists is good enough for me. And besides…” Ethan pulled out his camera, looking at a nice image of Onix. “I got some pretty good pictures of it.”

Sometime later…

“Man, that was so much fun…” I say, as we finally made our way out of Icefall Cave. “Going on our own little journey like that… And we actually found the Crystal Onix too!”

“Yeah, it really was…” Ethan says, smiling. “You know, I had a ton of fun going on this adventure with you today. I haven’t really had any friends to hang out with in a long time. Kind’ve sad we have to part ways now…”

“Yeah. I… Hey, wait a minute, who says we have to part ways?!” I say. “I mean, unless you have something else to do, we could travel the rest of the islands together! I still haven’t explored all the islands yet, and I bet we could find some more treasures and secrets! It’ll be like our own little journey together…”

Ethan looked a bit surprised by my proposal, a big smile quickly appearing on his face as he nodded in agreement. “Oh my gosh… I’d love to travel with you! That sounds like a ton of fun!”

“Awesome!” The two of us high-fived.

“Man… This is gonna be so much FUN! WOO!!”