Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 27
Published 1 year, 3 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Victory Road || Chapter 27

Todays finally the day… Where I finally travel through Victory Road, and head to the Pokémon League! My Birthday party last night was a ton of fun, but break time is over, so now it’s time to continue my route to become champion! But first things first, me and Blue had planned to meet on Route 22 this morning to have a Pokémon battle, so we could see who’s really ready to take on the Pokémon League.. Which I’m actually super hyped for!! Me and Blue haven’t battled in a while, and I’m ready to show him how strong I’ve become! Ever since he helped me and Leaf take down Team Rocket, I feel like we’ve been getting along better, so it feels a lot more fun being around him! Maybe after this we could put our rival past behind us and become friends? I don’t know, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see! 

After quickly getting up early this morning, I made my way out of Pallet Town, and over to Route 22, where of course I saw Blue waiting for me. Blue quickly noticed me, waving to me as I ran over to him.

“Heya, Sam! Glad you’re here early!” Blue says, smiling. “Ready to get your butt kicked?”

“As if! I’ve been training a lot lately, so they only one who’s gonna get your butt kicked is you!” I confidently remark, Blue chuckling in response.

“Yeah, sure you will… I’ll believe it when I see it.”

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Sam: “Let’s go, Nidoking!”

Blue: “Go, Pidgeot!”


Sam: “Use Horn Drill!!”

Nidoking charged at Pidgeot, but the attack missed.

Blue: “Use Wing Attack!”

Sam: “Use Strength!”

Blue: “Again, use Wing Attack!”

Sam: “Try again! Use Horn Drill!”

I got lucky and Horn Drill landed this time, instantly knocking out Pidgeot.

Blue: “Go, Alakazam! Use Psychic!!”

Sam: “Use Earthquake, quick!”

Before Nidoking could attack, Alakazam landed the psychic attack, knocking him out.

Sam: “Let’s go, Venusaur! Use Toxic!”

Blue: “Use Calm Mind, Alakazam!”

Sam: “Now, use Body Slam!”

Blue: “Use Future Sight!”

Sam: “Body Slam, again!!”

Blue: “Use Psychic!”

Alakazam’s Psychic did a ton of damage, knocking Venusaur out with one hit. I could tell that the combination of Venusaur’s poison and attacks were making Alakazam pretty weak though…

Sam: “Let’s go Charizard! Quickly, use Fly!”

Alakazam couldn’t attack due to Charizard being in the air… Charizard quickly landed his Fly attack next turn, the combination of it and the poison knocking out Alakazam. However, the Future Sight attack finally hit Charizard, not knocking him out, but still doing a lot of damage.

Blue: “Go, Gyarados! Use Hydro Pump!”

Sam: “Dodge it and use Fly!”

Luckily Charizard dodged the attack in time, quickly landing his Fly attack the next turn.

Blue: “Again! Hydro Pump!!”

However, this time Gyarados’ attack landed, knocking out Charizard.

Sam: “You’ve got this, Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!”

Pikachu’s attack did a ton of damage, knocking out Gyarados before it could do anything else.

Blue: “Alright… Let’s go Rhyhorn! Use Horn Drill!!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Pikachu! And use Slam!”

Blue: “Again, Horn Drill!!”

Unluckily for me, this time the Horn Drill landed, knocking out Pikachu. Dangit, I only have two Pokémon left…

Sam: “You’ve got this, Blastoise! Use Surf!!”

Blue: “Use Take Down!”

Blue’s Rhyhorn landed his attack, but Blastoise’s attack quickly knocked out Rhyhorn, also combining with the recoil from Rhyhorn’s attack.

Blue: “Go, Growlithe! Use Take Down!!”

Sam: “Again, Blastoise! Use Surf!!”

Similarly to Rhyhorn, the combination of Blastoise’s Surf and Growlithe’s attack recoil quickly knocked Growlithe out. Yes, now I’m close to winning. But…

Blue: “Go, Umbreon! Use Shadow Ball!!”

Sam: “Use Ice Beam, Blastoise!”

Blue: “Now, use Dark Pulse!”

Before Blastoise could land another attack, Umbreon’s attack quickly knocked him out. Alright, it’s up to you now Wigglytuff…

Sam: “You’ve got this, Wigglytuff! Use Tri Attack!!”

Blue: “Use Dark Pulse!!”

Sam: “Again, Tri Attack!!”

Blue: “Use Faint Attack!!”

Both Pokémon were getting pretty weak now…

Sam: “Finish em off, Wigglytuff! Use Mega Punch!!”

Blue: “Use Hyper Beam!!”

Both Pokémon unleashed both their attacks at one another, the combined force of both attacks creating a cloud of smoke… And when the smoke dissipated…

…Both Pokémon were knocked out.

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“…What?!” Me and Blue both stared at one another, mouths agape as we returned our Pokémon back to our balls. “What… Wait, does this mean we’ve both lost… Or both won?”

Blue didn’t respond to my question, only shrugging as he took a few steps closer to me. “Whatever… You know what, Sam? The outcome of this battle doesn’t matter…” Blue says, smirking. “This still means I’m ready for the Pokémon League, and I’m still gonna become the champion of the Kanto region! Now if you’ll excuse me… I need to head off to Victory Road.”

Sometime later…

After heading back to the Pokémon center and healing up my team, I slowly made my way over to the gates of Victory Road, thinking about my battle with Blue… Man, the outcome of that battle still feels a bit weird to me… I mean, I technically won… And lost at the same time? But hey, you know what? I’m not gonna let this bother me! As long as I can get through Victory Road, I know I’m still ready for the Pokémon league!

I had to get through these gates, where a bunch of guards scanned all eight of my badges… Where I finally arrived at Victory Road. Taking a deep breath, I finally entered Victory Road, looking at my surroundings. Victory Road looked like it was built inside of a giant mountain, creating a giant cave with multiple layers, and I’m guessing the Pokémon League was at the top… Alright, I can do this. Just need to slowly make my way to the top…

“Hey, you! Kid with the Pikachu!” A trainer came out of nowhere, holding up a Poke ball. “Welcome to Victory Road! Let’s battle to see who’s really ready for the Pokémon League!“

“Alright…” I nodded. “You’re on!”

Sometime later…

After defeating that trainer, I continued making my way through Victory Road, slowly finding my way through, while also battling more trainers along the way. I’ve been able to defeat everyone that challenged me, but everyone here was pretty tough, and my team was already getting pretty weak. I could tell Pikachu was getting pretty tired as well, as he looked pretty tired, walking a bit slower than usual.

“Hey, Pikachu, why don’t we stop and rest for a bit? I can tell you’re looking pretty tired there, little buddy…”

“Pika…” Pikachu nodded, giving a weak smile as he sat down on the ground.

“Good…Here, I’ll get a potion for you…” I kneeled down on the ground, setting my backpack down as I rummaged through it.

“PIKA!! PIKA PI!!” Pikachu suddenly starting shrieking in fear, pointing at something behind me.

“What?! What is it-“


I turned around, seeing that we were now surrounded by multiple Pokémon… Machokes.

“Whoa! Um… Hey there… Machokes… I don’t want any, um… Trouble here…”

“MACHOOOKE!!” All the Machokes roared, suddenly running towards us…

“AGHH!! NO!!”

“PIKACHUUUU!!” Pikachu suddenly jumped forward, unleashing a Thunderbolt attack on the Machokes, knocking them back a bit. I quickly scooped up Pikachu and ran away as fast as possible. I refused to stop running until I ran and hid behind some rocks, where I was sure we lost the Machokes.

“Man… That was close…” I panted. “Thanks, Pikachu…”

After catching my breath, I looked around the area we were now in. This area looked a lot more secluded and empty, which was honestly creeping me out a bit…

“Pika! Pika pi!” Pikachu suddenly starting calling and pointing at something upwards.

“What’s up, Pikachu?” I looked up at the high ceiling, where up at the top… I saw Moltres flying over us.

“Whoa… Moltres! Hey!!” I tried calling to Moltres, but it must not have heard me, quickly flying away, out of sight. I quickly ran over to where Moltres flew to, but it was already gone.

Wow… I had no idea Moltres lived here… But hey, you know what? I’m just glad Moltres is ok now. I still really wanna go and talk to Moltres though. Hmm… I wonder how I could find it…?

“PIKA PIKA!!” Pikachu suddenly then started shrieking again.

“Pikachu, man, you really gotta- AGH!!” As I turned around, those same Machokes were suddenly right behind us again.

“Ugh, are you kidding me?! Just leave us alone already!” I snapped, but this only made the Machokes more angry, who once again charged at us. I quickly started running through the area again, but quickly got corned against a wall, all the Machokes surrounding us. No no no, I do NOT wanna go out like this…

“Pika!” Pikachu suddenly jumped out of my arms, glaring at the Machokes as electricity sparked forth from his cheeks.

“Pikachu, wait! You can’t fight right now, you’re still weakened!” Despite my pleas, Pikachu still unleashed a Thunderbolt attack on one of the Machokes, angering them even more. No, come on… What do I do? 

…Wait a minute…

“…You know what?! Me and my team didn’t go through all this trial and error throughout this adventure to be taken down by a bunch of stupid Machokes! Yeah, that’s right! I called you all STUPID! WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?!”

I reached into my pockets, grabbing all of my Pokeballs…


Nidoking, Wigglytuff, Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise… All of them came out of their Pokeballs, standing alongside Pikachu…


All of them attacked at once, the combination of their attacks knocking out multiple Machokes…


Once again they all let out more attacks, knocking out even more Machokes. The few remaining Machokes were all terrified now, quickly running away… Only leaving one Pokémon left.


…It was a Machamp. It must have been hiding behind all the Machokes, that I didn’t even notice it…

“Pika!” Pikachu took a step forward, glaring at the Machamp.

“Pikachu…? You sure you wanna fight it?” I asked, Pikachu smiling and looking back at me as he nodded. “Alright, then… PIKACHU, USE THUNDER!!”

“PIKAAAAAAA!!” Pikachu unleashed the most powerful Thunder attack I’d ever seen, landing a strong critical hit as the Machamp instantly fainted.

“Alright… You’re mine now Machamp…” I quickly pulled out a Pokeball, throwing it at the Machamp as it went inside…

…1 shake…

…2 shakes…

…3 shakes…


“Yeah!” I quickly picked up Machamp’s Pokeball, putting it in my pocket as I looked back at my team, smiling. “Thanks, everyone. You all did amazing.” My team all smiled at me as I returned them back to their balls. I walked up to Pikachu, picking him up. “You especially did amazing, buddy. You deserve a good rest. All of you.”

“Pika…” Pikachu gave me a weak smile, resting his head against my chest.

“Alright, we should get out of here now… Now where’s the…”

Oh. My. Arceus.

WE WERE RIGHT NEXT TO THE EXIT THIS WHOLE TIME?! I felt my jaw drop, seeing the exit literally right behind me. Wow, I literally could have avoided this whole situation if I just looked behind me…

…Eh. You know what? At least my team got some good experience in today…

I quickly walked through the exit before any more Pokémon could attack me… Finally, I could see it right in front of me… The Pokémon League. Finally, after so much trial and error, so many months of hard work and training… And I’m finally here. I’m finally ready to challenge the throne and finally become the champion of the Kanto region.

Or… Atleast I’m almost ready.

…I still have one more thing I need to do first.