Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 5 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 33
Published 1 year, 15 days ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Treasure of the islands || Chapter 33

It’s a new day… Another new day of exploring the Sevii Islands! It’s gonna be the first day where I’m also traveling with my new friend, Ethan… This is gonna be even more exciting now that I have a friend to travel with! Right now we were on a boat cruising over to Five Island, where we were gonna arrive any second, as we both looked down at a map of the island.

“Ooh, this island is a lot bigger than the others… I’m so excited! I wonder what we’re gonna find there…”

“Yeah, me too…” Ethan smiled, looking over the map. “This island seems like it’s made of mostly water, though… But past all the water, there’s a cave that looks like it might have some good stuff in there…”

“Ooh, I wonder what’s in there… Maybe some rare Pokémon? Or treasure? Ooh, or maybe that sapphire will be in there…”

The boat slowly stopped, finally arriving at the island.

“Well, let’s find out right now!” Ethan says, as we hop off the boat, and into town, looking down at the map again. “There’s two directions we can go in…” Ethan says. “The water labyrinth, or the meadow… Where should we go first?”

“Hmm… Isn’t the water labyrinth where the cave is at? Let’s go there first!”

“Alright! Sounds good…” Ethan folded the map up and put it back in his pocket, as we ran over to where the water labyrinth was. Looking over the horizon of the labyrinth, we could see that it was a big maze, the walls made up of tall rocks. I sent out Blastoise, and Ethan sent out his Lanturn, as he jumped into the water next to Lanturn, while me and Pikachu hopped onto Blastoise’s back.

“Man, this is gonna take forever to get through…” Ethan says.

“Yeah… Maybe we could try splitting up? We could find the entrance faster that way…” I suggested.

“Maybe, but we might end up losing each other if we do so…” Ethan says.

“Hmm…” I started thinking, coming up with an idea. I reached into my backpack, looking around until I found an old escape rope, tossing one side of the rope over to Ethan. “We can both hold onto both sides of the rope, and tug on it wheh the other finds the other side… That way, we won’t lose each other in the labyrinth!”

“Ooh, alright… Yeah, that’s a good idea!” Ethan smiled, nodding in agreement. “See you on the other side then! I’m going this way…”

We both went off into different directions, making sure to keep a tight hold onto the rope as I slowly went through the maze. I swear it felt like I was in that maze for forever, but eventually after a while, I managed to find the other side of the maze. Once I reached the end, I gently tugged on the rope, waiting until Ethan arrived and we met back up.

“Whoa, nice job finding the exit! I felt like I was gonna be stuck in that maze forever…” Ethan says, as I nodded and smiled at him.

“Thanks! Let’s see what’s over here…” On the other side, there was a few small islands, and one of the islands had a big house on it, and a smaller island next to it looked like it had a small cave entrance.

“Ooh, that must be the cave! Let’s go…”

We were about to make our way over to the next small island, but we saw this old man who looked pretty surprised to see us, walking over to us.

“I’ve never seen you kids around here… Did you two make it through the water labyrinth all on your own?” The old man asked.

“Yup! Sure did…” I nodded yes, the old man smiling at us.

“Hm, interesting…” The old man paused, looking over at our Pokémon. “Your Pokémon look pretty strong… You both must have a close bond with them.” The old man looked down at the ground, looking at these two Pokémon eggs. He picked up both of the eggs, handing one to each of us. “Here… I have a couple of rare Pokémon in these eggs, and I think these eggs will be under good care with you two… That is, if you’d like to take care of them, of course.”

“Woah… Yeah, I’d love to have this egg! Thank you so much!” 

“Yeah, I’d love to have an egg, too. Thank you!” Ethan nodded in agreement, as we both grabbed an egg from him, waving goodbye to the old man as we continued walking. “Man, this is so cool… I wonder what kind of Pokémon are gonna hatch from these eggs? I’m so excited to find out!” I say.

“Yeah, me too…” Ethan smiled, stopping for a bit as he opened up his backpack. “We’re gonna need to keep these eggs warm if we want them to hatch, though…”

“Ohh, right…” I also paused, pulling out an old jacket as I carefully wrapped it around the egg, Ethan wrapping his egg in a blanket as we both carefully set them in our backpacks. “There, this’ll keep ‘em warm… Now let’s keep going!”

We hopped back onto our Pokémon, making our way over to the second island, with the big mansion. We returned our water Pokémon back to their balls, walking over to the mansion, but I noticed something weird… The front door to the mansion was completely open, and I saw no signs of anyone else around. Me and Ethan walked up to the front door, carefully peeking inside. “Hello! Is anyone here?!” I called, but received no response. Me and Ethan exchanged a concerned look, carefully stepping into the mansion and looking around for a bit. “HELLO?!” I called again, still receiving no response. When we were looking around, we could see some dirty footprints all over the house, and there was a back door that was empty too.

“This doesn’t look good… What if something happened to the owner of this house?” Ethan says.

“Yeah, they might be in trouble…” I say. “We should go look for them… Maybe they might be nearby somewhere? Let’s go back outside and look around.”

We left the mansion, looking around the outside of it for a bit, but still saw no one. We then decided to make our way over to the third small island, with the cave entrance, with a sign in front of it that read: ‘Lost Cave.’ We made our way inside of the cave, seeing multiple directions to go in. We decide to go through one door, leading to another room that looked the same. We went through another door, and another… And another, until Ethan stopped, crossing his arms with an annoyed expression.

“…Hm? What’s up Ethan?” I asked.

“…We’ve been going around in circles!” Ethan says. “This cave has some weird system that keeps bringing us back to the entrance if we don’t go through the right doors. Hmm…” Ethan paused, carefully looking at each of the entrances. “Let’s try something… Let’s both go through a different door, and see what happens.”

“Alright then…” We both went through a different door, and immediately I somehow ended up back at the entrance. I waited for a moment, until I saw Ethan walk through one of the doors again.

“Alright, I think I might have figured something out…” Ethan says, pulling out a notebook as he scribbled some notes on it. “So… You see how many rocks are in this room?” He asks.

“Yeah… Why?”

“The amount of rocks correlates to which direction we need to go in…” Ethan explains. “For example… Three rocks in the room means we need to go east… Twelve rocks means we need to go north… And some rooms had either six rocks in them, or nine… So once we figure that out…”

“…Then we can make it to the end! Whoa, you’re so smart Ethan…” I say. “How’d you figure that out?”

“Heh, thanks… I’ve done a lot of traveling on my own, so I’ve had to figure out a lot of different puzzles.” Ethan says, smiling. “Alright, let’s see if we can figure these last two numbers out.”

We kept going through the rooms, and it looked like Ethan’s theory was right… Eventually, after a few tries, we managed to figure out that six rocks meant we go south, and nine rocks meant we go west, so after a bit… We made it to the end.

“Yeah! We actually figured it out! That was awesome, Ethan.” I say, high-fiving him. The last room we were in had a woman in it, standing nearby a pedestal in the room… Which had a sapphire on it.

“Whoa… Who are you kids? And how’d you get all the way down here?” The woman asked.

“It’s a long story… Hey, are you the woman who owns the mansion outside?” Ethan asked. 

“Yeah, actually… A Team Rocket member broke into my house, so I had to run out and hide inside this cave…” The woman explains.

“Ugh, of course it had to be a Team Rocket member.” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “So, where is-“

“Out of my way!!” I suddenly felt someone knock me over, also pushing over Ethan… To see a Team Rocket member suddenly grab the sapphire. “Hey! Give that back!!” I tried grabbing the sapphire from the Rocket Grunt, who quickly pushed me back over to the ground.

“As if! This sapphire belongs to Team Rocket now…” The grunt says, smirking. “If you wanna get it back you’re gonna have to take it back from our warehouse! But you’ll never find it, haha! Later, suckers!” And with that, the Rocket grunt quickly ran off.

“Hey, that was the same Rocket grunt who broke into my house!” The woman says.

“Ugh, are you kidding me?!” I snapped angrily. “I am SO sick of these stupid team Rocket grunts!”

“Hey look, I think he dropped something!” Ethan says, picking up a small piece of paper on the ground. I looked over at the piece of paper with him, which read: ‘Second warehouse password is Yes, nah, Chansey. Need to ask Billy for first password asap!!’

Password? I remember those Rocket Grunts back in Mt. Ember talking about the first password…Hmm…

“Passwords? I wonder where that warehouse is…” Ethan says.

“Maybe it’s somewhere on this island? We could try looking around in the meadow area for it…”

“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Ethan puts the piece of paper in his pocket, as we both stood back up. “Let’s hurry up and find that warehouse.”

“Good luck to you two!“ The woman says, as we left the cave.

Sometime later…

We headed back to town, this time making our way through the meadow area, and we had to fight a couple of team Rocket grunts that were in the area… Until we finally found the Rocket Warehouse. We inspected the front door of the warehouse, which had a voice automated system.

“This must be where we put in the passwords…” Ethan says. “But we still don’t know the first password…”

“Uh, I think I know what it is…” I say. “Goldeen need log!” I said the first password out loud, a beep coming out of the machine, an automated voice saying: Please speak the second password.’

Ethan looked at me with a surprised look, before he said the second password. “Yes, nah, Chansey.” And with that, the machine beeped again, the door to the warehouse opening up.

“Whoa! How’d you know that first password?” Ethan asked.

“I heard it when I encountered some Team Rocket members a few days ago…” I quickly explained. “Now come on, let’s go get that sapphire back!”

We made our way inside of the warehouse, where of course we ended up having to battle a few Rocket members, who were pretty surprised to see us here. We fought through a bunch of grunts, getting further into the warehouse but still not seeing a sign of the grunt who stole the sapphire… Atleast, not until we reached the last room of the building, where we saw the grunt, typing away on a computer with the sapphire next to him.

“Hey! You can’t run away from us now…” I stated, shocking the grunt as he nearly fell out of his chair. “Give us back that sapphire!”

“Ugh…And I was so close to selling this thing too!” The grunt hissed, rolling his eyes as he got out of his chair. “But don’t think I’ll give up so easily… Come on out, Weezing!”

“I’ll distract him…” Ethan whispers to myself, pulling out a Pokeball. “Just grab the sapphire while he’s not looking.”

I nodded, as Ethan sent out his Pokémon. “Let’s go, Espeon!”


As Espeon and Weezing fought, I waited for the right moment, quickly sneaking behind the Rocket grunt as I grabbed the sapphire, running back over to Ethan just in time as Espeon knocked out Weezing.

“Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me! I-“ The grunt froze in shock when he saw me holding the sapphire. “Wh-what?! How’d you-“

“You guys are done for. Just leave these islands already and never come back.” I threatened, the grunt rolling his eyes at me.

“Ugh, fine! Guess we’ll have to head back to Kanto then…” The grunt grumbles.

“Um… You realize that Team Rocket is also done for in Kanto… Right?” I say, the grunt giving me a confused look as he chuckled.

“What?! Come on, there’s no way! Er, wait a minute…” The grunt quickly ran over to his computer, opening up his emails as his eyes went wide. “…Oh. Man, I really need to check my emails more often… Ugh, fine, whatever!” The grunt groaned, picking up a bag and a few items. “Guess I need to find an actual job now… This is gonna suck.”

And with that, the grunt left.

“Ugh, thank Arceus those Rocket grunts are gone now…” I grumbled to myself. “I’ll be happy if I never have to see Team Rocket again.”

“Yeah, me too… So, should we bring this sapphire back to your friend now?” Ethan says.

“Yeah… Let’s go.”