Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 24
Published 1 year, 10 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Rampage of the birds || Chapter 24

Hey, it’s Leaf again... I’m still not sure where Sam is right now, but today’s supposed to be the day where me and Blue finally break into Silph Co together. I made sure to wake up as early as I could, getting ready quickly, meeting up with Blue in the Pokémon center lobby.

“Man, what took you so long? Your hairs a total mess!” Blue says, chuckling.

“Not like I had the time to brush it today, Blue...” I grumble, still feeling pretty tired. Ugh, Blue is kind’ve annoying to be honest... I wish I could be breaking in again with Sam instead, but I gotta take what I can get at this point.

“Well, it doesn’t matter, let’s get going!” Blue says, as we leave the Pokémon center, slowly sneaking around the alleyways, until we arrived a safe distance close to Silph Co. Only problem was that the building still had a guard in front of it...

“Man, this sucks... How are we gonna get in this time?” Blue whispers.

“Hmm...” I tried thinking of a plan, something suddenly popping into my mind. “I know. Come on out, Poliwrath!” I quickly released Poliwrath from his ball. “Poliwrath, can you go and use Hypnosis on that guard out there?” Poliwrath nodded yes, slowly and quietly approaching the guard, quickly putting him to sleep without being spotted.

“Nice one...! Quickly, let’s go!” Blue and I quickly ran into the building, carefully approaching and looking up the stairs.

“No way in heck we’re gonna be able to sneak past the guards this time...” I respond. “Gonna have to fight our way through to save the birds.”

“I don’t have a problem with that! These Rocket losers are total pushovers...” Blue says, smirking. “Let’s do this!” Me and Blue quickly ran up the second floor, preparing to be ambushed by Rocket grunts, but instead... There was nobody. The second floor was completely empty, despite us looking around. Weird... Me and Blue then ran up to the third floor, but like the second... This one was also empty. Me and Blue exchanged confused looks, cautiously walking up to the fourth floor... And this time we were immediately faced with one singular Rocket grunt. This grunt didn’t look like he was ready to fight though, as he was sitting down on the floor, panting with exhaustion, gasping loudly when he spotted us.

“AGH! More intruders?! You’ve gotta be kidding me right now...” The grunt huffed in annoyance. “No offense kids, but I’m way too exhausted to fight you two right now. Just leave, please...”

“What the heck is going on here?” Blue asks.

“Agh, it all happened so fast, I just... Some kid with a Pikachu just stormed in here, and beat up a bunch of us like we were nothing!” The grunt says.

“That’s gotta be Sam... Did you see where he went?” I asked.

“Urgh, probably the 8th or 9th floor or something, I don’t know...” The grunt grumbled. “Just leave me alone, kids. I have a massive headache right now...”

Me and Blue started running up the stairs as fast as we could, finally making our way to the 8th floor. We started carefully looking around...

“BOO!! GOTCHA!!” And we’re suddenly spooked by a Rocket grunt, who jumps oit from inside a random cabinet. “Haha, I’ve got you two! I’ve been hiding from the Pikachu kid this whole time, so I’m ready to fight. I know you two are his friends, and I’m not gonna let any of you brats ruin our master plan now!” The Rocket grunt threatened, me and Blue exchanging looks.

“Heh...” Blue smirks. “I beg to differ.”

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Rocket Grunt: “Go, Raticate and Golbat!”

Blue: “Let’s go, Gyarados!”

Leaf: “Go, Haunter!”

My first time using Haunter in an official battle... I hope this goes well.

Rocket Grunt: “Raticate, use Super Fang on Gyarados! And Golbat, use Wing Attack on Haunter!”

Blue: “Gyarados, use Hydro Pump on Raticate!”

Leaf: “Haunter, use Hypnosis! Also on Raticate!”

With that, Raticate took a bunch of damage, immediately falling asleep.

Rocket Grunt: “Come on Raticate, wake up! Ugh, Golbat, use Wing Attack on Haunter!”

Blue: “Use Dragon Rage on Raticate, Gyarados!”

Leaf: “Use Night Shade on Golbat, Haunter!”

Rocket Grunt: “Golbat, use Supersonic on Haunter!”

Leaf: “Dodge it, Haunter! Then use Night Shade on Golbat again!”

Blue: “Finish Raticate off with Hydro Pump!”

And with that, Raticate quickly fainted, leaving just the already weakened Golbat alone.

Rocket Grunt: “Aw man... Golbat, use Wing Attack on Gyarados!”

Blue: “Use Hydro Pump!!”

Leaf: “Attack with Gyarados! Use Night Shade!!”

And with the combined force of both attacks... Golbat was quickly knocked out.

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“Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me!!” The Rocket Grunt hissed in annoyance. “Ugh, whatever. Just because you beat me, that doesn’t mean you’ll stop our master plan!” He states. “I’m sure the boss has already captured Moltres by now, and he’ll probably arrive here any second now!”

“WHAT?!” Me and Blue shout at once, me and him exchanging looks. “Where the heck is Moltres then?!” I ask.

“Haha, jokes on you! I’m not the one with that information!” The Rocket Grunt says snarkily. “And even if I was, I’d never tell you!”

“Ugh, forget you then...” Blue grumbles, running up the stairs as I follow him.

“Hey! Where are you going?!” I hear the grunt shout to us, but we ignore him, running up to the 9th floor... And there we find two more Rocket Grunts... One had Sam pinned to the ground, and another one was holding onto Pikachu.

“SAM!!” Me and Blue quickly charge forward, as I tackle the Rocket Grunt that’s holding onto Sam, and Blue tackles the one holding Pikachu, freeing the two.

“Leaf? And Blue?!” Sam stares at the two of us, shocked. “What the heck are you two doing here?!”

“What do you think, Sam? We’re obviously here to help you!” Blue says.

“You guys shouldn’t have come here...” Sam sighs. “Last thing I want right now is for you two to get hurt.”

“Dude, relax, we can handle ourselves here!” Blue says.

“And besides, we have some information I think you’d wanna know.” I say. “Sam, last night we saw a news report, that Articuno was captured... And Team Rocket’s boss has already captured Moltres.”

“WHAT?! How the heck do you know about us capturing Articuno and Moltres?!” One Rocket Grunt freaks out.

“Well, we weren’t sure if it was Team Rocket that captured Articuno or not, but... Thanks for clarifying it for us!” Blue says, smirking.

“Aw man... I am such an idiot!” The Rocket Grunt whimpers.

“That’s it...” Sam glared fiercely at the Rocket Grunts. “Tell me where they are... NOW!!”

“Yeah, or my Gyarados will eat both of you alive!!” Blue threatens.

“Ok ok, just calm down!” The Rocket Grunt whimpers. “Moltres is on a shipment plane that’s on its way here right now, and Articuno is in the same area as Zapdos, on the top floor! You still won’t be able to save them though, we changed the password to the room, and you don’t have the plane tracker!”

“PIKA!!” Pikachu suddenly tackles the Rocket Grunt, knocking him to the ground as a small device, the plane tracker, falls out of his pocket, sliding across the floor. Blue quickly grabs it...

“Sam, catch!” And throws it to Sam, who promptly grabs it. “Sam, there’s still enough time to go save Moltres!” Blue says. 

“We should all split up...” I say. “Me and Blue will go after Articuno and Zapdos. Sam, you go and save Moltres!”

“Ok...” Sam nods. “I’ve got this.”

Sam’s POV...

I ran outside of Silph Co as fast as I could, making my way outside as I looked up at the sky, looking back down at the plane tracker.

“Alright, it’s somewhere close by... Charizard, come on out!” I sent out Charizard, me and Pikachu hopping on his back. “Fly up into the air, Charizard... We’ve got a plane to find!” I hold on tight, as Charizard quickly flies high upwards, flying above the tall buildings of the city. I lead Charizard towards where the plane was located, until we finally stumbled onto it... A giant, metal plane, that almost resembled a military plane of some sort. Charizard flew around the plane, until we found a small open hatch on the side, flying through it, now inside of the plane. “Whoa... Where are we?” I looked around the area we were in, which was a long hallway, which was luckily empty. I returned Charizard back to his ball, as I slowly snuck down to the end of the hallway, arriving in a big room where me and Pikachu quickly ducked behind some boxes. I slowly then peeked over the boxes, where I could see what was in the room...


...It was Moltres. And Giovanni as well. Moltres was inside of a giant cage, thrashing around like crazy.

“Stupid Pokémon... Stay still already!!” Giovanni shouted. He had a small device in his grasp, trying to attach it to Moltres, but he couldn’t due to its thrashing about. “For Arceus sake, KNOCK IT OFF ALREADY!!” Giovanni screeched, punching the cage. I carefully looked around the cage, seeing a bunch of panels. That must be how to get Moltres out...

I quickly ran out, trying to run forward and tackle Giovanni... But he turned around, smacking me hard enough to send me to the ground.

“Stupid kid... How the heck did you even get on this ship?!” Giovanni shouted.

“Urgh... Does it matter?! I’m saving Moltres whether you like it or not!!”

“I’ve had enough of you... Go, Rhydon! Kill the kid!” Giovanni sends out Rhydon, who tries to attack me...

“Go, Nidoking!” But I send out Nidoking, who quickly blocks Rhydon’s attack.

“Giovanni... If you don’t release Moltres right now... I’ll have Nidoking use Earthquake. And take this whole ship down.” I threatened.

“You’re crazy, kid! You gotta he bluffing.” Giovanni scoffs, but I maintain a sharp, quiet glare, showing how serious I was. Giovanni was too focused on me and Nidoking, not noticing that Pikachu had snuck around him, approaching the panels...

“PIKA... CHUUUU!!” Pikachu blasted a Thunderbolt attack at the panel, completely obliterating it as it blows up, Moltres’ cage opening up. We all then duck down as Moltres flies out of the cage, screeching as it blasts a bunch of Flamethrower attacks, punching multiple holes into the plane.

“NO, NO NO!!” Giovanni screeches.

“This plane... Its gonna go down! Return, Nidoking... Come out, Charizard!” Me and Pikachu quickly hop onto Charizard, flying through one of the holes in the plane, Moltres doing the same. “Moltres, you gotta calm down!” I shouted, but Moltres ignored me, still rampaging as it blasted out more Flamethrowers, flying towards Saffron City. Man, Moltres isn’t gonna calm down, no matter what I say... What do I do?

Leaf’s POV...

Me and Blue made our way to the top floor of the building, finding the locked door that’s supposed to lead to where Articuno and Zapdos were... But the door was blocked by two Rocket Grunts, who’s faces were familiar to me... Jessie and James.

“Ugh, it’s the brat’s friend again...” James grumbles, rolling his eyes.

“Shut it, losers!” Blue snaps. “We’re getting into that room, whether you two like it or not!”

“What did you just call me?!” Jessie hissed, holding up a Pokeball. “Oh, that’s it... You brats are going down!!”

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Jessie: “Go, Arbok!!”

James: “Go, Weezing!!”

Blue: “Let’s go, Umbreon!”

Leaf: “Go, Nidoqueen! Use Body Slam on Weezing!”

Blue: “Use Dark Pulse on Weezing as well!”

Jessie: “Arbok, use Bite on Nidoqueen!”

James: “Weezing, use Sludge on Umbreon!”

Leaf: “Use Horn Drill on Arbok!!”

Luckily, Nidoqueen landed the Horn Drill, instantly fainting Arbok.

Blue: “Umbreon, use Faint Attack on Weezing!”

James: “Quick Weezing, dodge it!”

Leaf: “Nidoqueen, use Body Slam!!”

Weezing dodged Umbreon’s attack, but couldn’t dodge Nidoqueen, getting attacked with a critical hit that instantly fainted it.

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“ARGH, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!” Jessie screamed in annoyance.

“Tell us the new password already!” Blue snaps.

“Ugh, just because we lost this fight, doesn’t mean we have to tell you! Let’s go Jessie!” James and Jessie quickly dash away, running into an elevator. Me and Blue try to chase after them, but the elevator door quickly closes.

“Dangit! How the heck are we supposed to get in now?!” Blue asks.

“Hmm... Maybe our Pokémon can break the door down?” I suggest, the two of us looking at the door. “It’s a thick metal door, but... I’m sure they can break it down.”

“...I guess we have no other choice.” Blue says. “Umbreon, attack the door!”

“You too, Nidoqueen!” Nidoqueen and Umbreon blast various attacks at the door, slowly denting it as it starts to come off its hinges, slowly being released...

“Nidoqueen, use Horn Drill!!”

“Umbreon, use Dark Pulse!!”

Both attacked at once, the force of both attacks completely blowing the door off. We carefully walked into the room...


...Where we saw Articuno and Zapdos, who were both captured in the same cage. Me and Blue walked over to the cage, looking at some panels in front. The panels also included a big red button, with a label that read: ‘Press to release the beast. FOR THE LOVE OF ARCEUS, PLEASE DON’T PRESS THIS BUTTON.’

Me and Blue exchanged a look, as I hovered my hand over it... And pressed the button. The second I pressed it, the metal binders around them snapped free, Zapdos and Articuno both screeching loudly. The two both then fired attacks at the roof, blasting a big hole and flying out.

Sam’s POV...

BANG!! As I was chasing Moltres through the air, the roof to Silph Co suddenly burst open, Articuno and Zapdos flying out, trying to attack me.

“Whoa!” Charizard quickly dodged the attack, flying down and landing on the Silph rooftop. “Sam, down here! Help us up!” I hear Leaf calling to me from the open hole, as I hoist her and Blue up to the rooftop as well, Charizard helping Nidoqueen and Umbreon up. “I don’t know what to do...” I say worriedly. “These three are gonna destroy this whole city!”

“We’re gonna have to fight and weaken them... It’s the only way they’re gonna calm down!” Blue says. “Umbreon, attack!”

All our Pokémon blast out attacks at the birds, but they don’t do much, only angering the three as they attack back, doing way more damage. Both sides continue attacking, but the birds are doing way more damage, our Pokémon struggling to stand up.

“That’s it... PIKACHU, USE THUNDER!!”

“PIKAAAAAA!!” Pikachu blasts out an incredibly powerful attack that hits all three of the birds at once, the three hissing in pain as they slowly land down on the rooftop.

“ARTICUNO! ZAPDOS! MOLTRES!!” I shouted, finally gaining their attention. “You three, you’re all safe now, and no longer in danger! Team Rocket can’t hurt you anymore... You’re all free now, so please... Go back to your homes.”

The three birds all quietly stared at me for a moment, exchanging looks... As they flapped their wings, calmly flying away, out of sight.

“Oh, thank goodness...” Leaf sighs with relief. “Is this all... Finally over now?”

“NO... MY PLANS!! THEY’RE RUINED!!” I suddenly hear a familiar voice yelling out of nowhere, all of us turning around to see Giovanni stomping towards us.

“Wh-what the heck? But Moltres destroyed and crashed the plane! H-how the heck are you still alive?!” I asked, mouth agape with shock.

“Does it matter?! My plans, that I’ve worked on for so long... They’re all ruined! Just because of a bunch of little brats!!” Giovanni yelled. “Those birds... They were my one way ticket to capturing Mewtwo! And now they’re all gone!!”

“...Mewtwo?” We all exchanged confused looks. “What kind of Pokémon is that...?”

“Shut up kid!” Giovanni growled, stomping towards me. “I’M GONNA THROW YOU OFF THE ROOF!!” Before Giovanni can do anything though, Pikachu and Charizard protectively step in front of me, Nidoqueen and Umbreon doing the same.

“You’re done for here, Giovanni...” I growled. “Just give it up already!” Giovanni looks around at all of us, everyone circled around him... As he sighs in defeat. “...Fine.” Giovanni then pulls a device out of his pocket, clicking a button as he speaks into it.

“...Everyone, our plans have been ruined! Evacuate the building... Now.”

Sometime later...

After all the Rocket Grunts evacuated Silph Co, we all made our way out of the buildings, as cops arrived, taking Giovanni out in handcuffs. Me and Leaf sat down on the ground resting, while I could hear Blue sassing the cops nearby, saying stuff like: “Man, we’re just a bunch of kids, and we’ve done more then you cops ever could!”

...But you know what? Above all, I feel so... Relieved. All this Team Rocket stuff...

...It’s finally over.