Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 9 months ago
1 year, 3 months ago
37 97631

Chapter 23
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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A psychic battle: Vs. Sabrina! || Chapter 23

Well, here I am... Back in Saffron City. I’ve made sure to train even harder for this fight, so I know I’m gonna be ready for this one... After this fight, I’m finally gonna head back to Silph Co and save Zapdos once and for all, so I needed to be especially ready for this fight. Only problem? This city is still infested with Team Rocket members. I had to carefully slip through alleyways and such just to arrive at the gym, and even then, there was still a guard blocking the front door. I needed a good plan to get inside the gym, but luckily... I had the perfect plan. 

I sent Wigglytuff out of her ball, having her carefully approach the guard, using Sing to quickly put him to sleep. “Thanks, Wigglytuff.” I quickly returned her back to her ball, safely entering the building.

“Hey, you must be Sam...” The man at the front counter quickly greets me.

“Wha... Wait a minute, do I know you?” I asked, confused. “How do you know my name?”

“Sabrina told me. She’s been expecting you.” The man motions towards the door, as I cautiously walked through, seeing Sabrina waiting on the other side of the battlefield.

“Ah, there you are, Sam...” Sabrina greets me casually. “I’ve been expecting you.”

What the heck...? This was weird, I swear I’ve never met any of these people in my life.

“Sabrina, I don’t understand this... How the heck do you know my name?” I asked. “And how’d you know I was coming today?”

“I have psychic powers. I can read your mind from miles away.” Sabrina sternly states. 

“Why else would I become a psychic type gym leader? Sam, I can see great power and potiential in you... I’m excited to start this fight.”

Man, to be honest, I was a bit worried about this fight... Of all the types out there, psychic types are one of the most powerful. It doesn’t help that two of my teammates are weak against psychic types. But it’s now or never...

“Alright... Let’s do this.”

“Then let the battle between gym leader Sabrina, and the challenger Sam... BEGIN!!”

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Sam: “Let’s go, Charizard!”

Sabrina: “Go, Kadabra. Use Reflect.”

Sam: “Use Slash, Charizard!”

Sabrina: “Use Calm Mind.”

Sam: “Again, use Slash!”

Sabrina: “Use Psychic.”

Man, having this Reflect up was annoying... Kadabra’s attacks were doing way more damage...

Sam: “Use Dig, Charizard!”

Sabrina: “Use Future Sight.”

Charizard attacked with Dig, doing a good amount of damage.

Sabrina: “Psychic.”

Sam: “Once more, Charizard... Use Slash!”

Charizard used Slash, landing a critical hit that knocked out Kadabra... But then the Future Sight kicked in, knocking out Charizard as well.

Sam: “Oh, man... Let’s go, Blastoise!”

Sabrina: “Go, Mr. Mime. Use Reflect.”


Sam: “Use Surf, Blastoise!”

Sabrina: “Psybeam.” 

Psybeam hit, causing Blastoise to become confused.

Sabrina: “Use Future Sight.”

Sam: “Hang in there, Blastoise! Use Bite!”

Blastoise tried to attack, but hurt himself instead. 

Sabrina: “Again. Psybeam.”

Sam: “Come on, Blastoise! Use Surf!”

Luckily Blastoise hit this time, but I could tell Mr. Mime’s attacks were doing a lot of damage...

Sabrina: “Once more. Psybeam.”

Sam: “Counter it with Surf!”

Blastoise hurt himself in his confusion again, the combined force of the Psybeam immediately knocking him out. Man...

Sam: “Urgh... Let’s go, Wigglytuff! Use Mega Punch!!”

Sabrina: “Use Psybeam.” 

Sam: “Quickly, dodge it!”

Wigglytuff dodged the attack gracefully, knocking out Mr. Mime, but still getting hit by the Future Sight from earlier.

Sabrina: “Go, Venomoth. Use Supersonic.”


Venomoth’s Supersonic landed, Wigglytuff now confused.

Sam: “Come on... Wigglytuff, use Psychic!”

Sabrina: “Use Psybeam.”

Wigglytuff hurt herself, and I could tell she wasn’t gonna last much longer.

Sam: “Wigglytuff, use Mega Punch!!”

Sabrina: “Again, Psybeam.”

Wigglytuff attacked this time, but it wasn’t enough... As she got knocked out.

Sam: “Let’s go, Nidoking! Use Horn Drill!!”

I got pretty lucky, as Nidoking landed the attack, Instantly knocking out Venomoth. Good, just one more Pokémon left...

Sabrina: “Go, Alakazam. Use Psychic.”


Sam: “Use Strength, Nidoking!”

Alakazam was too fast, instantly knocking Nidoking out with one shot before he could do anything.

Sam: “Let’s go, Venusaur! Use Body Slam!”

Sabrina: “Reflect, Alakazam.”

Sam: “Now, use Toxic!”

Sabrina: “Use Calm Mind.”

Alakazam was now poisoned, and I knew how powerful Toxic could be the longer it goes. Thank goodness Koga gave me the TM for this move, this should help me win.

Sam: “Use Body Slam!”

Sabrina: “Use Psychic!”

Similarly to Nidoking, Alakazam’s Psychic attack one shotted Venusaur. 

Sam: “It’s all up to you now... Let’s go, Pikachu! Use Thunderbolt!”

Sabrina: “Use Psychic, Alakazam.”

Man, Alakazam was ridiculously strong... Just one attack did a ton of damage, and Pikachu was already struggling to stand up...

Sam: “Hang in there, Pikachu... Use Slam!”

Sabrina: “Use Psychic.”

Sam: “Dodge it, Pikachu! THEN USE THUNDER!!” 

Pikachu striked powerfully, the attack, with the combination of the poison... Knocking out Alakazam.

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“YES, WE DID IT!! You’re amazing, Pikachu!”

“Pika pi!!” Pikachu ran up to me, the two of us tightly hugging each other.

“Hm. Good job, Sam. I knew you’d win.” Sabrina smiled, walking up to me as she handed me a badge and a TM. “Here. It’s the Marsh badge. And the TM for Psywave.”

“Woah, nice... Thanks, Sabrina.” I turned around, ready to leave...

“Sam, wait.” But Sabrina stops me, as I look back at her curiously. “I can tell you’re worried about something. It’s Team Rocket, correct?”

“Yeah, you’re right...” I sighed. “I just... I’m really worried about whatever Team Rocket is doing to Zapdos. And who knows, they could’ve already captured Moltres and Articuno as well. I wanna go back to Silph Co and save them, but I... I’m worried that I’m still not strong enough. That I’ll just mess up and let everyone down again.”

“Sam...” Sabrina smiled at me calmly. “You really shouldn’t worry about it. I know you’re strong, and can do anything if you put your mind to it, especially with how much you care about your friends, and your Pokémon...” Sabrina states. “I can see great things in your future Sam, just... Be careful, and do your best.”

“Whoa, really...?” I nodded, smiling at Sabrina. “Thanks, Sabrina.”

Leaf’s POV...

It was nighttime, as I was hanging out in the Pokémon center, waiting patiently as I carefully watched the news on a nearby TV. While I was watching, I heard the front door opening, a face walking in that I recognized.

“Hey, wait a minute... I remember you! Your Sam’s friend, right?” Blue asks.

“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m Leaf...” I respond. “Your names Blue, right?”

“Yup! That’s me! Hey, is Sam with you right now?” Blue asks, looking around the room. “I wanted to challenge him to a battle... It’s been forever since we’ve fought!”

“Nah, not right now, actually... We haven’t seen each other in weeks.” I respond.

“Aw, man...” Blue grumbled. 

“In latest news, we seem to have received reports of the legendary Pokémon Articuno Possibly being captured by unknown assailants...” The news on the TV quickly catches both our attention, showing a very blurry, grainy video of Articuno getting attacked and taken by a bunch of people.

“Oh no... That’s gotta be Team Rocket again...” I mumbled worriedly.

“Man, I am really getting sick of these guys...” Blue grumbles.

“Well, we wouldn’t exactly still be dealing with these guys if it wasn’t for you!” I quickly snap at him. “Me and Sam would’ve saved Zapdos and ended all this if you didn’t snitch on us when we broke in!”

“Hey, relax! I just wanted to battle Sam is all... He’s my rival, you know!” Blue says, but I was silent, not responding to him.

“Hey, if you want, maybe the two of us could break into that HQ tomorrow, and try again...” Blue suggests. “Will that make up for it?”

“Er, I guess so...” I respond. I wish I could break in again with Sam instead, but I guess this is better then nothing... But honestly, I’m more worried about now being strong enough to help everyone. 

I grabbed a Pokeball of a new Pokémon I caught recently, staring down at it. This new Pokémon of mine... I really hope they can help.