Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 26
Published 1 year, 6 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Vs. Blaine and Giovanni! || Chapter 26

Two fierce battles: Vs. Blaine and Giovanni! || Chapter 26

WOO!! It’s a brand new day, and you know what that means? I’m finally able to continue on with my adventure! Man, I am so pumped to finally take on the last two gyms… My team is so strong now, and I know that whatever those gym leaders throw at me… We’ll be ready! Just need to stay focused, keep my eye on the prize… And head for the seventh gym. I know it’s in Cinnabar Island, which I can reach just from heading south on the beaches of Fushcia City, then across from the ocean…

I ended up making my journey across the ocean, riding through the waters on Blastoise’s back… Along the way we fought a bunch of trainers and my team got a bit exhausted, so we stopped for a break on these islands for a bit. There was a sign there, saying that these were called the Seafoam Islands… I remember hearing about these islands a while back, and there were rumors that Articuno lived here… I searched around the islands for a bit to look for it, but saw no signs of Articuno, which sucked, cause I really wanted to say hi, see how it was doing after that whole Team Rocket fiasco… Eh, but I guess it’s not that big of a deal. I captured a Seel, a Slowpoke, and a Jynx in there though, so I didn’t leave completely empty handed… I also did some fishing and caught a Shelder as well! I can look for Articuno another time…

…Anyways, after finishing up my break, I continued surfing through the ocean, eventually making my way to Cinnabar Island. I was originally gonna challenge the gym today, but my team was pretty exhausted, so I decided to go there tomorrow instead, and look around the town for a bit. And I gotta say… The island was pretty small, but it had a lot of cool things there! I found this lab that actually had the power to revive fossils, and turn them back into living Pokèmon, which is so… AWESOME!! I had this Amber and a Helix Fossil that I was actually able to revive into Pokémon! They turned into an Aerodactyl, and an Omanyte… I just couldn’t believe it! My own extinct Pokémon… Professor Oak’s gonna be proud of me for this one! 

After that I also saw some creepy mansion, that looked like it was abandoned. It was called Cinnabar Mansion… Honestly, I didn’t go in there at all, that place gave me the creeps… After that I just had dinner, went to bed, and now here I am… At the Cinnabar gym, where I stood in front of the gym leader Blaine…

“Nice to meet you, challenger! Your names Sam, correct?” Blaine asked.

“Yup! And I’m ready to get my seventh gym badge!” I confidently reply.

“Hahah! That’s a fiery spirit on you kid, I love it!” Blaine chuckled, smirking as he held up a Poke ball. “But I’ll be the judge of who wins this battle. One this is for sure… You better have a burn heal!”

“Then let the battle between gym leader Blaine, and challenger Sam… BEGIN!!”

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Alright, so this is a fire-type gym. Blastoise will help me out here, but I should avoid using Venusaur…

Sam: “Let’s go, Blastoise!”

Blaine: “Let’s burn em up, Growlithe! Use Take Down!”

Sam: “Use Surf, Blastoise!”

With just that one attack, combined with Take Down’s recoil, Growlithe was already sturggling to stand up…

Sam: “Finish em off, Blastoise! Use Bite!”

Blaine: “Take Down, Growlithe! Quickly!”

Growlithe landed the Take Down, but Blastoise quickly used Bite, knocking him out.

Blaine: “Alright Ponyta, you’re up next! Let’s burn em up!”


Sam: “Use Surf!!”

Blaine: “Use Take Down, Ponyta!”

Sam: “Again, use Surf!”

Blaine: “Use Stomp, Ponyta!”

Blastoise’s attacks did a ton of damage, knocking out Ponyta. I could tell that Blaine’s Pokémon were still pretty powerful though, since Blastoise was getting a bit weak. Maybe I should switch out…

Blaine: “Let’s burn em up, Rapidash!”


Sam: “Return, Blastoise! Let’s go, Pikachu!”

Blaine: “Use Fire Blast!!”

Sam: “Dodge it, Pikachu! Then use Thunderbolt!”

Blaine: Again, Fire Blast!!”

This time the Fire Blast hit, doing a ton of damage as it burned Pikachu…

Sam: “Hang in there, Pikachu! Use Thunder!!”

Blaine: “Use Stomp, Rapidash!”

With the combined force of both attacks… Both Pokémon knocked each other out. Man… Blaine only has one more Pokémon left, though. I can do this…

Blaine: “Let’s go, Arcainine!”


Sam: “You can do this, Blastoise! Use Surf!”

Blaine: “Use Bite!”

Sam: “Hang in there, Blastoise! Use Surf!”

Blaine: “Use Fire Blast!!”

Both Pokémon were getting pretty weak now. It was anyone’s guess who was gonna faint first…

Sam: “You’ve got this, Blastoise! Use Bite!!”

Blaine: “You use Bite as well!!”

Both Pokémon attacked each other at the same time, but Blastoise’s attack was slightly stronger… As Arcainine fainted.

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“YEAH!! We did it! Good job, Blastoise!” I ran up to Blastoise, giving him a big hug as Blaine walked over to us.

“Whew, I’m burnt out… Good job, kid!” Blaine congratulated us, reaching into his pocket as he handed me a TM and a badge. “Here, it’s the Volcano badge, and the TM for Fire Blast! Take it! You’ve earned em.”

“Awesome… Thanks so much, Blaine!”

Man, my seventh gym badge… This is awesome! Just one more badge to go, and I’ll be able to challenge the league… I can’t wait!!

Sometime later…

After defeating the gym I headed back to the Pokémon center and healed up, of course. I decided now would also be a good time to call Professor Oak, since it’s been a while since we’ve talked…

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Professor Oak: “Sam! It’s so nice to talk to you again! Goodness, it’s been a while since we’ve talked, hasn’t it?”

Sam: “Yeah, I’m so sorry about that Professor Oak! I’ve just been so busy lately, dealing with a lot…”

Professor Oak: “I bet! Blue told me all about the Team Rocket trouble you kids got into… I thought I told you all to stay away from those crooks!”

Sam: “I know you did, and I’m sorry Professor. We we’re the only ones who we’re willing to step up and take them down. I had to…”

Professor Oak: “Well, I suppose as long as you kids are safe and healthy, it’s alright…”

Mom: “Is that Sam’s voice?!” 

I could suddenly hear my mom, who almost knocked Professor Oak over to get into the video chat.

Mom: “Sam! Oh my goodness, I’m so glad to see you again! How have you been?”

Sam: “I’ve been doing great, mom! I’ve been catching a ton of super cool Pokémon and I just won by seventh gym badge!”

Mom: “That’s amazing Sam, congrats! Me and Professor Oak have been looking over the Pokémon you’ve caught… He’s especially excited about the fossil Pokémon you sent in yesterday…”

Professor Oak: “Wait a minute… Sam, did you say you have seven badges now?”

Sam: “Yup! Tomorrow I’m gonna head over to Viridian City, and get my last badge!”

Professor Oak: “Viridian City… That’s right next to Pallet Town…”

Professor Oak and my mom suddenly pulled each other to the side, whispering to each other, but I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Eventually they both went back on video.

Mom: “Sam, after your gym battle tomorrow, would you be able to come back over to Pallet Town? At, let’s say… Around 4 PM?”

Sam: “Uh, yeah, sure… Is there something going on around that time?”

Mom: “You’ll just have to wait and see, heehee… Bye now!”

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And with that, they quickly hung up. Hmm, wonder what that was about… Eh, I’ll find out tomorrow.

The next day…

After getting a good nights rest, I flew over to Viridian City, quickly making my way over to the gym. Something seemed a bit off about this gym, though… For some reason, the sign in the front didn’t say the gym leader’s name, and when I registered for a battle inside, the guide didn’t tell me, even when I asked about it. Why exactly was the gym leader’s identity being kept a secret?

Well, I found out the exact reason why, when I stepped out onto the battlefield… And saw a familiar face waiting for me.

“Giovanni?! You’re the final gym leader?!” I was completely stunned, at a loss for words on how to react.

“I sure am… It’s nice to see you again, Sam.” Giovanni smirked.

“What? I-I don’t understand, how is this even possible?!” I asked. “And didn’t the police arrest you?!”

“They did, but I have my ways…” Giovanni smirked. “I knew you were gonna come here, so I escaped to come back here for one last battle with you… Don’t worry, I’m not here for any nefarious schemes, I just wanted to have my last official match with you as a gym leader before I go… So, Sam… Are you ready to battle?”

“Um… Y-yeah, I guess so…” I gulped nervously. This was so weird that Giovanni was a gym leader, but… A battles a battle, I suppose. It’s now or never…

“Then let the battle between gym leader Giovanni, and challenger Sam… BEGIN!!”

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Sam: “Let’s go, Blastoise!”

Giovanni: “Go, Rhyhorn! Use Take Down!”

Sam: “Use Surf, Blastoise!”

Giovanni: “Use Rock Blast!”

Sam: “Use Ice Beam! Finish em off!”

Blastoise took a decent amount of damage, but was luckily able to take down Rhyhorn in time.

Giovanni: “Go, Nidoking! Use Earthquake!”

Sam: “Quick, use Ice Beam!”

Blastoise’s attack did a lot of damage, but was quickly knocked out by Nidoking’s attack.

Sam: “Let’s go, Wigglytuff! Use Psychic!!”

Giovanni: “Use Thrash!”

Sam: “Use Mega Punch!”

Nidoking kept using Thrash, the two Pokémon quickly knocking out another out.

Giovanni: “Let’s go, Nidoqueen!”

Sam: “Go, Nidoking! Use Earthquake!!”

Giovanni: “You use Earthquake as well!”

Both attacks did a pretty equal amount of powerful damage.

Giovanni: “Now, use Horn Drill!“

Sam: “Dodge it! Then use Strength!”

Strength landed a critical hit, knocking out Nidoqueen.

Giovanni: “Go, Dugtrio! Use Earthquake!”


Before I could even get the chance to attack, Dugtrio’s attack knocked out Nidoking.

Sam: “Let’s go, Venusaur! Use Razor Leaf!”

Giovanni: “Again, use Earthquake!”

Sam: “Use Mega Drain!!”

Giovanni: “Use Slash!!”

Venusaur knocked out Dugtrio, luckily healing up most of her damage with the Mega Drain. I’m guessing he only has one more Pokémon left now? But it’s definitely his most powerful…

Giovanni: “Let’s go, Rhydon! Use Horn Drill!”

Sam: “Quick, use Toxic!!”

Venusaur landed the Toxic, poisoning Rhydon, but immediately got one shouted by the attack, getting knocked out. I just hope this works out now…

Sam: “You can do this, Charizard! Use Dig!”

Giovanni: “Use Earthquake!”

I was half expecting Charizard to take damage from this, but he burst out of the ground perfectly fine, doing a lot of damage to Rhydon. I guess Charizards still fine, since he’s part flying type? Thank goodness for that…

Giovanni: “Use Horn Drill!!”

Sam: “Dodge it! And use Slash!!”

Combined with the poison, and Charizard’s attack… Rhydon was knocked out.

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“…We did it? YEAH, LETS GO!! WOO!! Great job, Charizard!” Charizard happily ran up to me, as I patted him on the head. I was half expecting Giovanni to run up to me screaming his head off, but he approached me with a calm demeanor, and what looked like a surprisingly genuine smile on his face.

“I shouldn’t be surprised that you won… Good job, kid. Here.” Giovanni reached into his pockets, handing me a TM and a badge. “It’s the TM for Earthquake, and the Earth Badge. Take em.” Giovanni waved goodbye, quickly making his way out the door…

“Hey, wait! Where are you going now?” I called to him. Giovanni stopped walking for a bit, but didn’t look at me. 

“That shouldn’t concern you… The only thing that matter to you now is taking on the league… And becoming the champion.” And with that, Giovanni left the room. Hmm, that was weird. I wish I knew where he was going… Wait, what time is it right now?

I checked a clock on the walls, which read: 3:05 PM. Oh man… I need to hurry and get back to Pallet Town!

Sometime later…

I quickly made my way back to Pallet Town in time, making my way over to Professor Oak’s lab. There was only a few of his lab workers there, who told me that he and my mom were waiting for me in the lab’s backyard.

“Hmm, I wonder what this is all about… What do you think, Pikachu?” I opened up the door to the backyard…

“SURPRISE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!” A large group of people were waiting for me! My neighbors, my mom, Professor Oak, and even Blue and Leaf! There were tables set up, with presents and cake on it too…

“WHUH?! Wait a minute…” I was shocked. “Is today supposed to be my 11th Birthday?! Man, I completely forgot! What the heck is wrong with me?!”

“Haha, looks like you were so busy with your journey, you forgot!” My mom giggled, running up to me and giving me a hug. “Happy Birthday, honey.”

“Mom, this is really amazing… Thank you so much!” I hugged her back, letting go as I looked around at all the guests. “Wow, everyone is here… Even you two!” I walked over to Blue and Leaf, smiling.

“Yup! Blue told me about the party, and there’s no way I’d miss this!” Leaf says, smiling back.

“Yeah, gramps told me about the party…” Blue says. “But don’t think this makes us friends or anything, I only came here for the free cake!”

“Yeah, sure you did Blue.” I rolled my eyes, giggling as I gave the two a quick hug. “I’m so glad you two are here.”

“Hey, Sam! How’d your gym battle go?” Professor Oak asked.

“Awesome! I won and got my final gym badge!” I announced, everyone cheering and clapping for me.

“That’s amazing! Sam, I’m so proud of you…” My mom hugged me again.

“Thanks, mom… But I never would have gotten this far without my team, so…” I grabbed all my Poke balls, letting my whole team out. “Guys, it’s my Birthday today! Feel free to rest and party today!”

I looked around the backyard of the lab, where I could also see the other Pokémon that I’d captured hanging out, alongside what must have been Blue’s other Pokémon as well. Aerodactyl and Golbat had quickly noticed me, flying up to me excitedly.

“Woah, hey you too! It’s nice to see you both again…” I patted the two on the heads. “Hey, after I battle the league, I promise I’m gonna train with the rest of you some more, alright?”

“Hey Sam, guess this means we both have 8 badges!” Blue says. “Say, we haven’t battled in a while… How about we have a battle tomorrow morning? Let’s meet over by Route 22! Then we’ll really know who’s ready for the Pokémon league…”

“Yeah… That sounds good! Let’s do it!” I nod in agreement.

I’m excited to finally battle Blue again, but for now…