Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 5 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 19
Published 2 years, 21 days ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Hypno’s lullaby || Chapter 19

It was the dead of night, a pitch black, cold sky as a low, light fog drifted over the streets of Saffron City... The streets were almost completely empty, besides one little boy who had come outside to play alone, bouncing a toy ball down the concrete paths... As the boy was playing, the rubber ball bounced far away from him, the boy running pretty far away from his house as he chased the ball, finally grabbing ahold of it, but... Something was off. The little boy felt a strange presence behind him, as nervously turned around...


...To see a Hypno standing behind him, with a devious smirk on its face.

“Hyp... No...” The Hypno slowly lifted up its pendulum, which start swinging back and forth, the little boy’s eyes fixated on the pendulum as he fell into a hypnotized trance... Hypno then walks off into the darkness... The little boy gone, out of sight.

The next morning...

Hey, it’s Sam again, and, well... It’s been a few days since that incident with Nidoking, and, honestly... I haven’t released Nidoking from his Pokeball since that happened. I’m way too scared he’s gonna rampage again, and possibly cause even more damage then last time. I know I’m gonna have to do it someday, so I can train him properly, but... I don’t think I’m mentally ready for that just yet. 

I have been doing other stuff too since then. These past few days, I’ve been spending the nights at Leaf’s apartment, training a few of my Pokémon that have been at Professor Oak’s lab... Mainly just my Caterpie, Weedle, and my new Snorlax... I gotta say, it was pretty fun training them! Snorlax is pretty tough, and... I managed to evolve my Caterpie into a Metapod, and my Weedle into a Kakuna! I was gonna try and evolve those two again, but after what happened in Viridian Forest... I don’t think im mentally ready to train a Beedrill just yet, heh...

...Well, anyways, that doesn’t matter now. I ran out of potions last night, so today, me and Leaf walked over to the Poke Mart together to buy more supplies. When we walked into the store...

“Oh my gosh, look!” Leaf gasped, suddenly grabbing my arm as she pointed over to a table, with a sign on it that read: ‘Splash Festival... Sign up here!’

“Oh my Arceus... I need to sign up, now! Wait here, Sam...” Before I could say anything, Leaf quickly ran over to the table, as I stood waiting for her. While I was waiting, I looked over at a nearby post board, seeing someone stick up what looked like a missing persons poster, for a young boy... What the... I got closer, looking at the poster...

“Sam, look!” Leaf suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts, holding up what looked like two tickets for that festival. “Hope you don’t mind, but I signed you up as well...”

“Um... What exactly did you sign me up for?” I asked.

“It’s called the Splash Festival! Every year, they hold this big festival in Vermilion City, to celebrate water type Pokémon...” Leaf explains. “They have this big battle tournament too, where you can only fight with water type Pokémon... It’s pretty fun, and they always have these really cool prizes for the winners! I’m gonna battle with Poliwhirl... You should enter too, with Wartortle!”

“Woah... That sounds pretty cool, actually...” I say softly.

“Uh, Sam... Are you alright?” Leaf’s smile fades. “You seem a bit worried about something...”

“Uh, yeah, I just noticed someone putting up this missing child poster... Looks pretty recent.” I point to the poster, Leaf looking over at it for a bit, gasping as she covered her hands over her mouth in shock. “Oh no... Not again...”

“What? Again? What’s going on here?!” I asked.

“Well, there have been a lot of children going missing in this area lately...” Leaf pauses, walking closer and inspecting the poster. “And I know who that is, too... That’s my neighbor, Charlie! He lives only a few doors away...” Leaf sighs.

“Oh no, that’s not good... Does anyone have any idea of why this is happening?” I ask.

“Yeah, I think so... Every single person who’s ever seen a child get kidnapped... Is because of a Pokémon called Hypno.” Leaf responds.

“A... Hypno? Why hasn’t anyone stopped it yet?”

“Because Hypno have these hypnotic abilities they can use to put people in a trance...” Leaf responds. “Once they put you in a trance, you’ll end up forgetting everything you saw... And the few people who do remember... Hypno and the child it took will already  be gone by the time they snap out of it.”

“Hmm...” I paused, thinking for a long moment. “Hey, maybe we should try and look for these missing kids! It’s not like we have anything better to do today, right?” I say.

“Hmm, maybe, but... I don’t know Sam, it might be dangerous...” Leaf says, sounding unsure. “What if that Hypno ends up kidnapping us as well?”

“Hey, don’t worry about it, we’ve both got pretty strong Pokémon we can defend ourselves with!” I look down at Pikachu, the both of us nodding in understandment. “Besides, all we have to do is look around a bit. Then, if we find anything, we can just call the police for help!”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right...”

POP!! Then, in a sudden surprise, Charmeleon’s Pokeball pops open.

“Woah, you scared the heck out of me, Charmeleon! Wait a minute... By any chance, do you wanna help us out with finding those missing kids as well?”

“Char, char!” Charmeleon nodded, having a pretty serious, determined look on his face.

“Alright, then, thank you... Then, let’s go find those kids!”

Sometime later...

Everyone all went around the city, asking as many people as possible for clues they could find on this case... They asked all different kinds of people, from parents of the children, to people who claimed in earlier cases to have seen the Hypno... Everyone. Eventually, after enough information collecting, they eventually narrowed their search down to a big street area, where most of the Hypno sightings were seen, everyone splitting up to look around, including Charmeleon and Pikachu, who were looking around together. While they were looking around, Pikachu looked down a small, narrow alleyway, where he saw a Drowzee inside. The second the two locked eyes, Drowzee starting waving its fingers around, trying to put Pikachu in a hypnotized trance...

“Char?! CHARR!!” But Charmeleon quickly noticed this, blasting Pikachu with an Ember attack that quickly snapped him out of it, Pikachu angrily snapping at Charmeleon for this. “PIKA?! Pika pi!”

“Char, char charmeleon!” Charmeleon quickly explained what had happened to Pikachu, who immediately calmed down, the two looking back down at the alleyway... But now, Drowzee was gone.


What the...? Me and Leaf had split up while we were looking for the Hypno, and I was getting a bit worried about Pikachu and Charmeleon looking around on their own, but... Why did I just see Charmeleon attack Pikachu like that?

“Hey, what’s going on here? You guys ok?” I asked, running up to my two Pokémon.

“Pika! Pika pi!”

“Char char!” Charmeleon and Pikachu both went off on a rant, something I really wish I could understand more of, the two pointing to some narrow alleyway.

“Wait a minute... Did you guys see Hypno down there?” I kneeled down, looking through the alleyway. Hmm... The alleyway was pretty dark, so it was hard to see what was on the other side.

“Charmeleon, come here... Use your tail light so we can see through this better...” Charmeleon did so, putting his fiery tail in front, lighting up the alleyway a lot better. Now, I could see to the other side of the alleyway, and on the other side... It looked like there was almost a... Forest of some sort? I couldn’t really tell exactly what it was, because all I could really see was a couple of trees, which both had a more crooked, rotten look to them, bending over to make it even harder to see. Beyond the trees all I saw was more darkness. It looked really creepy, almost like the trees were concealing else that I still couldn’t see.

“Woah, creepy... What if this is where Hypno has been taking those kids?! Oh, man...” Just thinking about the fact that Hypno could possibly be down there made my stomach turn with worry, but I still remember what I’d said to Leaf earlier... If we find anywhere that looks suspicious... We find the cops and ask them for help. I looked up at the sky, the sun now getting close to setting.

“Alright... Let’s find an officer... Quickly.”

Sometime later...

Sam ran off pretty quickly to go look for an officer, telling Leaf pretty quickly before running off. While he was running around, he looked up at the sky, noticing that the sun was close to fully setting, the sky a dark orange color... Sam knew he had to hurry, knowing that it wouldn’t be safe to walk around outside anymore the second it turned nighttime. 

After a while of running around, Sam finally skid to a halt when he spotted Officer Jenny inside of a Pokémon Center, quickly running inside and up to her in a panicked frenzy. “Officer! I need your help with something, it’s really important!” 

“Huh? Hold on a second kid, I’m a bit busy with something...” Officer Jenny quickly brushes Sam off, turning back to whatever she’s doing, as Charmeleon and Pikachu stared outside the windows. While they were looking around outside, they saw a familiar face out there... It was Leaf. She was following a Hypno around, looking like she was in a zombie-like tranced phase.

“Pika?! PIKI, PIKA PI!!”

“CHAR!! CHAR CHAR!!” Pikachu and Charmeleon start yelling, frantically, trying to get Sam’s attention, but he’s too busy talking to Officer Jenny... Instead, their yelling captures the attention of Hypno, who stops and eerily turns to them... Hypno’s pendulum starts swinging, starting to hypnotize the two... And in a quick move, Charmeleon looks down, covering his eyes to prevent himself from getting hypnotized... However, Pikachu doesn’t do the same, falling under Hypno’s spell... And by the time Charmeleon looked back up... Pikachu was already gone.


After finally telling Officer Jenny about everything, Charmeleon quickly ran up to us, looking pretty freaked out about something. “Charmeleon, are you alright? Wait a minute... Where’s Pikachu?”

“Char! Charmeleon char char!” Charmeleon spoke in a panicked frenzy, pointing to the outside. “Oh no, don’t tell me... Did Hypno just kidnap Pikachu too?!” I asked, Charmeleon nodding yes.

“This isn’t good...” Officer Jenny mumbles. “Sam, let’s hurry and find that Hypno. I’ll follow you!” The three of us quickly ran outside, Charmeleon’s tail light guiding us through the now pitch black night, making our way back to the alleyway... But on the way there, we slid to a halt, Hypno waiting right for us in another alleyway... Who also had Leaf and Pikachu with him. 

“Urgh, Hypno, I’ve had enough of you...” Officer Jenny growled. “Hypno, give yourself up now!!”

Hypno didn’t flinch at Jenny’s threats, only swinging his pendulum once more...

“CHARR!!” Charmeleon suddenly then tackled me to the ground, covering both my eyes as his, preventing us from getting hypnotized. Both of us waited silently on the ground for a minute, before we safely looked up... And everyone was gone.

“Oh man, he took Officer Jenny too...” I mumbled worriedly, standing back up as I smiled down at Charmeleon. “Charmeleon, thanks for saving me there. That was some pretty smart thinking!”


“Come on Charmeleon... Let’s go save everyone once and for all.” I growled. Me and Charmeleon walked as softly as we possibly could, making sure we couldn’t get Hypno’s attention... Until we finally arrived at the alleyway. I motioned for Charmeleon to be quiet, as we crept to the end of the alleyway, crawling under the crooked trees... On the other side was a dark tunnel, surrounded by even more trees. We kept tiptoeing our way down, finally to the other side... Where we found them. There was a small, hidden grotto there, where Hypno waited, alongside two Drowzees. Behind them, was all the missing kids, too, also including Pikachu and Officer Jenny.


Charmeleon attacked, with a powerful fury in his eyes, doing a bit of damage to Hypno... Hypno and the two Drowzee’s looked pretty angry this time around, immediately blasting a bunch of Confusion attacks at Charmeleon.

“Charmeleon, dodge them and use Dig!” Charmeleon tried to dodge, but it was impossible for him to dodge three attacks at once, getting slammed to the ground as he struggled to stand up. Oh no, this wasn’t good... How is Charmeleon supposed to fight three Pokémon by himself? Most of my other teammates are pretty weak against psychic type Pokémon... Oh man...


Charmeleon growled, rage building within him as he tail fair grew brighter and hotter...

“CHAAARR!!” Charmeleon let out a roar, his body shining brightly with the light of evolution...


...As he evolved. Into a Charizard! 

“Oh my gosh... This is amazing!! Charizard, use Scratch on both of the Drowzee’s!”

“CHAAARR!!” Charizard roared powerfully, his tail fire burning hotter then ever as he quickly charged toward and attacked both of the Drowzee’s, with attacks that looked more like a Slash then a Scratch... Charizard must’ve learned that move as well when he evolved... That’s amazing!

“Now, use Ember!!” Charizard blasted ridiculously powerful Embers, sending the Drowzee’s crashing against the wall, both fainting.

“...You’re next, Hypno.” Hypno had been watching the fight with a dazed look on its face, finally regaining focus as it used another Confusion attack on Charizard.

“Heh... You’re gonna have to try a bit harder then that. CHARIZARD, USE SLASH!!” Hypno took a lot of damage, now weakened, as he tried to use a Hypnosis attack...

“Charizard, dodge it with Dig!” Charizard promptly dodged, attacking Hypno pretty roughly, the hypnotic Pokémon now struggling to stand up.

“...You’re now hurting anyone anymore, Hypno... HYAH!!” I quickly grabbed a Pokeball, chucking it at Hypno as he went inside...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...

...Click! And, there we go. The second the ball clicked, everyone shook their heads, finally snapping out of their hypnotized states.

“PIKA!!” Pikachu quickly ran up to me, the two of us giving each other a tight hug.

“Pikachu! Man, I’m so glad you’re ok. I’m glad everyone is ok...” I looked up at Charizard, smiling widely as I also gave him a hug. “Charizard, you did amazing, I’m so proud of you! Thank you so much...”

“Urgh, my head... H-how’d I get here?” Officer Jenny grumbled. I walked up to Officer Jenny, giving her a smile as I held up Hypno’s Pokeball. “Don’t worry about it, officer... I’ve taken care of things.” I say, handing her the Pokeball. “Hm? Is Hypno inside this Pokeball?” She asked.

“Yup! Um... Could you take care of that Hypno for me?” I asked. “I’m... Too scared of it to train it...”

“Heh, of course, Sam...” Jenny smiled, putting the Pokeball in her pocket. “I’ll make sure Hypno never hurts anyone again.”

...And, with that, everything was now done. Jenny captured the two knocked out Drowzee’s as well, finally bringing all the kids back home to their parents. After that, me and Leaf went back to her apartment, finally relieved that this was all over, and everyone was safe... Thank Arceus, I was so exhausted now, and I can finally rest... Well, atleast for the next couple of days, cause this Friday...

...Is when the splash festival starts!