Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 6 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Gotta catch a Nidoran! || Chapter 2

“WOO!! Come on, Pikachu, let’s go!” I raced down down the path of Route 1, through the grass, as Pikachu slowly followed behind. Professor Oak told me that Pikachu didn’t like being in his Pokeball, so I should simply let him stay out and have him follow me...And honestly? I was fine with that! It just meant that me and Pikachu could be together...All the time! YEAH!!

“Pikachu, I have so many plans for us!” I say, smiling. “We gotta head to Viridian City and find some trainers to fight, and-Ooh! There’s even a gym there we can check out too! Then we can go to the Pokemart, and but whatever we want...Then afterwards we can go home and I’ll introduce you to my mom! Ooh, this is just so exciting! Sorry if I’m talking too fast Pikachu, I just-“ I turned to Pikachu, who, for some reason, didn’t look pretty happy. Only just looking away with a frown on his face.

“Pikachu, are you ok?” My face fell, as I kneeled down to his level. “Are you sick or something?”

“...Pika...” Pikachu only responded with a low grumble, crossing his little arms.

“Are you hungry? Or...Tired?” I asked. Pikachu nodded no. Alright, I was just confused now...Pikachu seemed fine, but he was still in a bad mood for some reason.

Wait a minute...That battle we had earlier...Was Pikachu weak and hurt from that?!

“Oh no, you must be hurt!” I quickly scoop up Pikachu into my arms, dashing towards the direction of Viridian City. “Don’t worry Pikachu, I’m gonna get you some help...We just gotta find the Pokemon Center!” I always knew that’s were I was supposed to go if my Pokemon were hurt...Just gotta find the building...With the red roof. After a quick run, I arrived at the entrance of Viridian City, a town that was much bigger then my hometown. I continued running until I quickly found the Pokemon Center, walking into the building, towards the front desk as I gently placed Pikachu onto the desk. 

“Nurse...I think my Pikachu might need help!” I say, as a Nurse at the front desk eyes Pikachu, picking him up and bringing him to another room. Man, I really hope Pikachu’s gonna be ok...

A few minutes later...

“Mister, I just finished checking up on your Pikachu, and he seems to be just fine!” The Nurse says to me, already walking out pretty fast. “He was a little banged up, I’m guessing from a fight. I just had to give him a potion is all!”

...Whoops. Well, this was embarrassing.

“Aw man, I’m so sorry miss!” I say apologetically. “I-I just got that Pikachu today, and I didn’t know what was up with him, so I...”

“Hey, it’s ok, don’t worry about it!” The Nurse gives a warm smile. “New Trainers can’t always be sure...You can always buy potions at the Pokemart next time your Pikachu isn’t too weak! And this Pokemon Center is always free to visit, so come back anytime for more serious matters!”

The Pokemart? Hmm, I was planning on going there anyways...I’m glad this Nurse was nice enough to help me out!

“Alright...Thanks so much, Nurse!” I waved goodbye, as me and Pikachu walked out of the building. “Heh, guess I overreacted a bit there, didn’t I Pikachu?” I awkwardly rub the back of my neck, as Pikachu rolls his eyes at me.

“Ooh, that must be the Pokemart!” I point to a building, that looked similar to the Pokemon Center, but with a blue roof. “Come on!” We quickly run into the building, as I walk around, looking at the assortment of items. The assortment was pretty small, being mostly regular Pokeballs, potions, and status curing items...But it had the items I wanted, so I was satisfied! I grabbed a couple of potions, bringing them to the front desk...

“Alright...Heres my...” But I rummaged through my pockets, and forgot something...Extremely important...


“Aw, man...I’m broke!” I mutter, slumping my head down. I couldn’t see his face, but I bet Pikachu was rolling my eyes right behind me.

“Sorry kid...Can’t give you these without any money.” The man at the register says.

“Ugh, I know, sorry...” I say.

“Hey, wait a minute...” The man eyes me curiously. “Aren’t you from Pallet Town?”

“Uh, yeah...Why?” I ask, looking back up. The man doesn’t answer, as he grabs a small box from behind the counter, handing it to me.

“You must know Professor Oak then...This package arrived for him today...Could you bring it to him?” The man asks, as I grab the box from his grasp.

“Uh, sure...” I respond, looking down at Pikachu.

“Come on, little buddy...Let’s go deliver this package real quick!”

Sometime later...

“Hey, Professor!” I made it back to the Lab pretty quickly, with Professor Oak luckily still being there, as I ran up to him.

“Ah, hey Sam! How’s Pikachu doing?” Professor Oak asks, with a smile.

“Uh, fine, but uh...This man over in Viridian City wanted me to give you this package...” I hand the box to Professor Oak, who happily takes it.

“Ah, finally, it’s the custom Pokeball I ordered!” Professor Oak smiles, as he places the box onto a random table. “Thank you very much, Sam!”

“Yo, gramps!” Blue’s voice suddenly cuts through our conversation, as he enthusiastically runs up to us. “I’ve been training my Eevee, and he’s gotten a lot stronger!” Blue smiles, lifting up his Pokeball.

“That’s great, Blue! I’m glad...” Professor Oak says, smiling back, as he looks back and forth between the both of us. “Actually, it’s perfect timing that both of you are here right now. I wanted to ask the two of you to do something for me...” Oak says, me and Blue listening carefully, as Professor Oak walks over to a table, grabbing two small red devices.

“These devices are my invention, known as the Pokédex!” Professor Oak states, walking back over to us. “These automatically record data on every Pokemon you’ve seen or caught! It’s a pretty high-tech encyclopedia, if I do say so myself...” Professor Oak nods, as he hands one Pokédex to me, and the other to Blue, as we both admire the fancy devices.

“Here, take these with you! Since I was young, I’ve always wanted to make a guide of all the Pokemon in the world. But alas, now I am too old, and can’t accomplish that anymore...So now I want you two to fulfill that dream for me! To travel all around the Kanto region, finding and capturing as many Pokemon as you can...You two will be making Pokemon history!” 

Wow...Traveling all over the entire region! This also gives me the perfect chance to challenge all the gyms as well! I’m so excited!

Professor Oak also reaches into his pockets, pulling out 10 empty Pokeballs, give 5 to me, and the other 5 to Blue. “Here, these will help you catch some of your first Pokemon!” Me and Blue both admire the items in our hands, taking in everything the Professor just told us.

“Heh, alright gramps...” Blue smirks, stuffing all his items in his pocket. “Leave it to me! Sam, I hate to say it, but it looks like I’ll be leaving you in my dust! Heh...I’ll even borrow a town map from my sister, and tell her not to lend you one! Hahaha, smell you later, sucker!” Before I could respond, Blue quickly ran outta the Lab.

Urgh...Blue...You know what? I’ll show you! I’ll make Professor Oak proud, and catch every Pokemon species in the Kanto region!! Then I’ll defeat every gym in the region as well...Blue...


Sometime later...

Well, I got pretty lucky. Blue’s sister isn’t a complete jerk like he is, so she still gave me a town map anyways...It gave me entire good view of the Kanto region, which was pretty awesome! I also went back home, explaining everything that was going on to my mom...And she was pretty happy and cool with it! Plus, I got to introduce her to Pikachu, although he was still acting a bit grumpy...

“Aww, don’t look so grumpy, little guy...” Mom tried talking to Pikachu, rubbing his cheeks, but he didn’t budge much. “Is your Pikachu alright, Sam?”

“I honestly have no idea...He’s been like this all day, since Professor Oak caught him!” I say. Mom looked down at Pikachu, thinking.

“Hmm...By any chance, did the Professor just catch this little guy today?” Mom asks.

“Uh, yeah...Why?” I ask.

“Well...That just means this Pikachu isn’t used to being around humans yet!” Mom says. “You’ll just have to bond with this little one a bit, then he’ll eventually cheer up!”

Woah...Was that it? That made a lot of sense...I looked down at Pikachu, thinking of whatever we could possibly do together. Hmmm...Wait a minute...

I pulled out an empty Pokeball, one of the ones the Professor gave to me.

“Ooh, I have an idea!” I smile, kneeling down to Pikachu’s level. “Pikachu, how about we go somewhere and catch ourselves a new teammate? Then you can have a new friend to play with!” Pikachu looked up at me, perking his ears up a little as he smiled a bit.

“Chuu...” Pikachu squeaks, nodding his head yes. Finally, Pikachu was starting to look a bit happier!

“Awesome! Then let’s go make a new friend!”

Sometime later...

Me and Pikachu marched on back to Viridian City, quickly running through Route 1. Sure, that route had some Pokemon, but it was mostly just Rattatas and Pidgeys...I see those Pokemon all the time! I wanted my first catch to be something cool, strong...Something neither me nor the Professor has seen before! I’ll catch something to impress him...So instead, I went to Route 22, a small, rocky route west of Viridian City...The route was mostly just used as a pathway to the Pokemon League, which, obviously, I wasn’t prepared for yet, heh...But it did have a small area of grass, where I could see a bunch of different Pokemon I hadn’t seen before!

Me and Pikachu stared at all the various wild Pokemon a safe distance away, hiding behind a rock so they wouldn’t see us.

“Alright, Pikachu...We gotta save our Pokeballs, so we’ll only catch one for now, ok? I’ll point at a random Pokemon, then we’ll jump out and catch it! How’s that sound?” Pikachu nodded to me, looking pretty ready. 

“Alright...” I closed my eyes, pointing to random Pokemon. “Eeny...Meeny, miny...

...Moe!” I opened my eyes...


To see myself pointing at what the Pokédex identified as a Nidoran. It was pretty small, and it was causually munching on some grass.

“Alright, perfect...Pikachu, use Thundershock!” Pikachu attacked, Nidoran just barely dodging the electric shock.

“...Nido!!” The Nidoran squeaked in fear, immediately dashing away.

“Man, that thing is fast! Let’s hurry, Pikachu!” Me and Pikachu dash after the Nidoran, chasing it around in circles. It was impossible for me to keep up with it, but not for Pikachu, who was right on Nidoran’s tail, managing to corner him next to a rock.

“Yeah...Pikachu, use Growl! Intimidate him!” Pikachu growls loudly.

“NIDOOO!!” The Nidoran squeals in fear, as he dramatically flops to the ground, despite Pikachu not using an actual...Damaging move.

“Hm...” I scratched my head curiously at the Nidoran, before quickly shaking it off. “Wait...Nows my chance! HYAH!!” I chucked the Pokeball at Nidoran, who went inside...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...


“Oh...My...GOSH!!” I squealed happily, picking up Nidoran’s Pokeball. “We did it, Pikachu! WE ACTUALLY CAUGHT HIM!!”

“Pika!” Pikachu squeaked happily as we high-fived. This was the first time Pikachu actually looked...Happy! And I felt the exact same way! We actually caught a new teammate!

“Alright, Nidoran...Come on out!” I let Nidoran out of his ball.

“...Nido? NIDOOO!!” Nidoran looked around, squeaking in a panic as he suddenly ran up to me, jumping in my arms as he nervously hugged my chest.

“Aw...Are you scared, Nidoran?” I gently patted his back. “Don’t worry Nidoran, me and Pikachu will keep you safe, and help you become stronger!”

“Pika!” Pikachu nodded along in agreement, giving Nidoran a thumbs up, Nidoran looked back and forth between us curiously.

“Yo, Sam!” Suddenly out of nowhere, I immediately recognized Blue’s voice calling to me, as I turn to see him running towards me. “Hey, you come here to challenge the Pokemon League or something?” He says, with a smirk.

“No, just wanted to catch some Pokemon...” I say. “Wait a minute...Are you trying to battle the league?!”

“Pfft, nah, just doing the same as you!” Blue says. Blue then looks over at Nidoran, with a curious expression. “Woah, did you just catch that Pokemon?” He asks.

“Huh? Uh yeah, I just caught this Nidoran like a second ago...” I respond.

“Sweet! I just caught a new Pokemon too, we should have a battle and sees who’s the strongest now!” Blue holds up a Pokeball with a smile. I looked down at Pikachu, who looked ready as he nodded at me with determination...Which was all I needed in that moment.

“Alright, Blue...You’re on!”

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Sam: “Go, Pikachu!”

Blue: “Let’s go, Pidgey!”


Blue sends out a Pidgey, a Pokemon that I’ve seen many times before on Route 1. Pidgey’s already at a type disadvantage, so this won’t be too hard...

Sam: “Pikachu, use Thundershock!”

Blue: Use Gust, Pidgey!”

Both Pokemon attacked. Pikachu’s attack did way more damage though, as it already weakened Pidgey enough for it to barely stand up.

Blue: “Quick, use Sand Attack!”

Sam: “Pikachu, finish him off with a Thundershock!”

Pidgey quickly gets some sand in Pikachu’s eyes before he attacks, knocking out Pidgey. Pikachu rubbed his eyes, trying to get the sand out.

Blue: “Go, Eevee! Use Sand Attack!”

Eevee kicked up even more sand in Pikachu’s eyes, who was now struggling to see Eevee. Man, this was so cheap...!

Sam: “Eevees right in front of you, Pikachu! Use Thundershock!”

Pikachu tried to attack, but completely missed Eevee.

Blue: “Tackle, Eevee!” 

Eevee tackled roughly, multiple times. Pikachu kept trying to attack, but missed every time, now whimpering in annoyance as he still tried to rub the sand from his eyes.

Blue: “Finish him off with one last Tackle!”

Eevee tackled roughly, Pikachu falling to the ground...As he fainted. Oh no...Nidoran, it’s all up to you now!

Sam: “Go, Nidoran!” 

I sent Nidoran out, who looked super nervous, shaking like crazy.

Sam: “Nidoran, you got this! Use Tackle!”

Despite me telling Nidoran what to do, he didn’t listen, only continuing to stand there, shaking like crazy.

Sam: “Nidoran, what’s wrong with you? You gotta fight!”

Blue: “Eevee, use Tackle!” 

Eevee attacked, sending Nidoran rolling. Nidoran squealed in fear, as he suddenly ran away from the fight, hiding behind a rock.

Sam: “What the...?”

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“Haha, look at that! Your Nidoran’s a total wimp!” Blue cackled, as I ran up to Nidoran.

“Aw, man...Nidoran, are you ok?” I run up to him, making sure.

“Well, if your Nidoran’s not gonna fight...Then I guess I win!” Blue causually shrugs, putting Eevee back in his ball.

“How pathetic! How about come find and fight me again when your Pokemon stops acting like a crybaby!” Blue causally waves, running off before I could respond. Ugh, the nerve of him! How could he go so rude to Nidoran?!

...I sighed, holding up Nidoran’s Pokeball. “It’s ok, buddy. Maybe next time.” As I return him to it.

...Man, poor Nidoran. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to train you...

...So this won’t happen next time.