Pokémon Ultra: Spark yellow

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 2 days ago
37 97631

Chapter 18
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Meet Sam, a young 10 year boy from Pallet Town, who’s finally ready to set out on his ultimate Pokémon adventure across the Kanto region, alongside his Pikachu...Join Sam and his many friends, on his journey to become the Pokémon champion!

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Nidoking’s rampage || Chapter 18

Alright, well... It’s been a day since me and Leaf’s failed mission to save Zapdos, and... Honestly? I still don’t feel any better about what had happened. After we went back to Leaf’s apartment that night, after a long conversation, we thought it would just be better to call the cops, tell them everything we know... And let them deal with this. Saving Zapdos was something that I wanted to do myself, but after our failed attempt to save the legendary Pokémon... It’s probably best to let someone else deal with this. Besides, everyone keeps telling us that we’re still children, who aren’t supposed to be getting involved in all of this anyways... Ugh, this definitely sucks. I just wish I could do more to help...

...Anyways, now it was now the afternoon of the next day. Leaf was trying her best to cheer up, but she could easily tell that I was still bummed out, so now she decided to have us take a day off today, and do some shopping at the Celadon City department store, hopefully taking our minds off of everything. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this place, and Leaf says that it has a lot of good items and TMs for trainers, so... I was actually feeling pretty excited to shop here! Maybe this is what I really need today...

Me and Leaf spent a lot of time looking at practically every store we could find. Besides a few potions and Pokeballs, I wasn’t buying much at first. At least, until I found this one store... Which was selling evolutionary stones! Woah, wonder which ones I should get...

“Sam, look!” Leaf points to one of the stones on display, a green one with a lightning bolt shape in the middle. “That’s a thunder stone! You can actually evolve Pikachu with that!”

Whoa, seriously! That’s amazing! I definitely gotta buy that...”

Man, this was perfect! At this point, all of my Pokémon on my team have evolved and gotten stronger... Well, everyones evolved but Pikachu and Jigglypuff. With this thunder stone, Pikachu will become so much stronger! I quickly paid for the thunder stone, taking Pikachu to a more secluded part of the store, holding the stone out in front of him.

“Pikachu, look at this! You can finally evolve and become stronger with this thunder stone! Here you go...” Pikachu curiously looked at the stone for a bit...

“Pika pi.” Before suddenly frowning, sticking his nose up and looking away from the stone.

“Huh...? What’s wrong, Pikachu? You don’t have to be scared, just take the stone!” I hold the stone closer to Pikachu, but this only irritates him more.


“Pikachu, what’s up with you? Just take the stone already!”

“PIKA!!” In an unexpected move, Pikachu suddenly whacks my arm with his tail, causing the stone to go flying, sliding across the floor.

“Ow... Pikachu, what the heck was that for?! Do you not wanna evolve or something? What’s wrong with you?”

“PIKA!! Pika pika, pikachu pi pi!” Pikachu suddenly went off on a loud rant, wiggling his fingers around like he was scolding me or something.

“Yeesh, calm down Pikachu, I won’t evolve you right now then!” I put my hands up defensively, grabbing the stone and putting in in my backpack. Man, and this stone was pretty expensive too...

...Anyways, after all that, me and Leaf continued our shopping, but the whole time we were there, Pikachu was still pretty mad at me, constantly keeping his arms crossed and refusing to even look at me. Eventually, after a while, I couldn’t handle Pikachu being mad at me anymore, so the second Leaf walked away, to go buy something...

“Pikachu! I’m sorry, alright!” I apologize, desperately. “Look, if you don’t wanna evolve, I won’t make you... You’re fine just the way you are, so please, stop being mad at me...”

Pikachu looked pretty surprised at my sudden outburst, walking towards me with a smile, as he hugged me. “Pika pi...”

“Aw, I’m glad you forgive me, Pikachu...” I hugged Pikachu back, the two of us letting go quickly when Leaf approached us.

“Uh, this is a bit embarrassing, but... I kind’ve went a bit overboard, and ran out of money.” Leaf says, with an embarrassed smile. “We should probably go now...”

“That’s alright, I gotta save the rest of my money anyways...” I look down at the couple of shopping bags I was carrying kneeling down to the ground as I opened up my backpack... 

“What the heck?!” But when I opened it, the contents of the bag started spilling on the ground, overflowing. “Yeesh, when was the last time I cleaned this thing out?! Ugh...” I started moving stuff around, organizing a bunch of items... Man, I didn’t realize how much stuff was in here... Powerful TM’s I’ve never used before, potions, Pokeballs, and... Three moon stones?! One from Mt. Moon, another from Route 2, and one from the Rocket Hideout...

“Whoa, look at all these moon stones!” Leaf gasped. “Sam... You do realize you can evolve both Nidorino and Jigglypuff with these... Right?”

“Whoa... SERIOUSLY?! Oh my gosh...” 

This... Was amazing! But, wait a minute... If I’m gonna evolve those two... I need to do this correctly. I quickly wrapped up the organization with my backpack, all of us running outside to a more secluded place... As I sent out Jigglypuff and Nidorino, the two looking up at me curiously... As I pulled out two moon stones.

“Alright, you two... You see these moon stones here? Both of you can evolve with these... Now, I don’t wanna force this on you guys, so I’m gonna make this your decision... If neither of you wanna evolve, it’s fine. After all, it’s your choice, and it’s gonna be-“

“Jiggly!” Before I could finish my speech, Jigglypuff snatched one of the moon stones from my grasp, tightly hugging it... Then, both her and the stone glowed brightly, Jigglypuff evolving...


...Into a Wigglytuff!

“Woah... Guess you really wanted to evolve, huh?”

“Wiggly! Tuff tuff!” Wigglytuff happily jumped up and down, giving everyone a quick hug. “That’s amazing, Wigglytuff... I’m glad you’re happy! Now, Nidorino... Do you wanna evolve as well?” Nidorino looked up at the stone curiously, his eyes sparkling as he pondered this question...

“Nido!” And finally answered it by touching both his paws on the stone... Then, Nidorino starting evolving as well...


...Into a Nidoking!

“Woah... This is amazing! You look so cool now, Nidoking!” I admired Nidoking’s new evolution, but... Something seemed off now. Nidoking had a pretty angry looking expression on his face, growling softly...

“Nido... KIIIIIING!!” Then, Nidoking suddenly roared, slamming his tail against a bench and completely breaking it, stomping the ground furiously.

“Nidoking, calm down! What’s wrong with you?!”

“Oh no...” Leaf mumbled to herself worriedly.

“What?! What’s wrong with Nidoking?!” I asked.

“Sometimes... This happens when Pokémon evolve... They start becoming super aggressive and refusing to listen to their trainers...” Leaf says.

No no no, this can’t be happening... Why would this happen to Nidoking?! No...

“Nidoking, return, now!” I tried to return Nidoking, but he dodged the Pokeball, roaring again as he started running around wildly, attacking various objects outside, causing a bunch of people to scream and run away.

“Nidoking, come back here... Please! I don’t wanna have to hurt you...” I quickly ran after Nidoking, returning Wigglytuff back to her ball.

“Sam, wait up! I wanna help!”

“No, stay here!” I quickly put my hands out, stopping Leaf. “Please, this is my problem, I don’t want you to get hurt because of my Pokémon... Please Leaf, just stay here... I’ll take care of this...” Then, I quickly ran off before Leaf could respond, me and Pikachu chasing Nidoking through the city as he attacked everything... I kept trying to return him back to his Pokeball, since I didn’t wanna hurt him, but Nidoking was moving around too fast... Nidoking, why are you doing this...? Is this all my fault...? Did I not train Nidoking well enough? I thought I did my best... How could this all go wrong? I still remember when he was just a timid little Nidoran, who was too scared to even hurt a Magikarp, but now... Look at him. I need to make this right... Need to help him... But I gotta calm him down first... How can I do that?

I continued chasing Nidoking, who eventually ran out of the city, down a path, but quickly skidding to a halt...


...Only to be blocked by a big, sleeping Pokémon... A Snorlax. What the heck?! Why was it sleeping... Here?

“...NIDOOOO!!” Nidoking roared repeatedly punching the big, flabby Pokémon, who still didn’t budge.

“Nidoking, don’t do that! You’re gonna... Wait a minute...” Hey, this could be what I need... I could wake this Snorlax up with the Poke flute, then the two would fight... Maybe that could calm Nidoking down! I dug through my bag, pulling out and grabbing the flute... I played it, releasing a soft melody for a bit...

“Snor...Lax...” Until Snorlax finally grumbled, standing up as it glared down at Nidoking... “SNOR...LAAAAAX!!” Snorlax immediately then attacked with a headbutt!

“NIDO... KIIIIING!!” And Nidoking quickly striked back with a Double Kick. The two went back and forth with their attacks, but I knew Nidoking’s Double Kicks were super effective, doing a lot of damage...

...As Snorlax flopped to the ground, fainting. Wait a minute...

Yoink! I don’t know why I did it, but I suddenly grabbed and threw a Poke ball at Snorlax, who promptly went into it...

...1 shake...

...2 shakes...

...3 shakes...

...Click! Whoa... Did I really just do that? That was way easier then I thought it would be...

“NIDO... KIIIIING!!” Nidoking still seemed just as aggressive as before though, not tiring out a bit. “Ugh, you’ve gotta be kidding me! Nidoking, return already!” I tried returning Nidoking again, but was once again dodged, Nidoking running back into the city as he started punching and slamming his tail into a bunch of buildings.

“PIKA!! PIKA... CHUUUUU!!” Then, without my permission, Pikachu let out a Thunderbolt attack on Nidoking... Which did nothing.

“Pikachu, don’t attack Nidoking like that, I don’t want him to hurt you too! Besides, Nidoking’s a ground type. Your electric attacks won’t do anything to him...”

“Pika...” Pikachu awkwardly mumbled in embarrassment. Man, what else was I supposed to do here?! I don’t want Nidoking to get hurt, but I don’t want my other teammates to get hurt by him either... What to do...

WHAM!! Then, out of nowhere, a random Pokémon suddenly charged at Nidoking, knocking him off his balance and catching his attention...


Whoa... A Nidoqueen? But who’s is it...?

“Nice hit, Nidoqueen!” I hear a voice calling, a familiar face running up to us...

“Leaf? Wait a minute... That’s YOUR Nidoqueen?! You evolved your Nidorina?!”

“Sure did! You’re not the only one who found a moon stone in that Rocket Hideout...” Leaf smirked, giving me a thumbs up. “Now, don’t you worry Sam... Me and Nidoqueen will take care of this! Nidoqueen quick, use Body Slam!!”

Nidoqueen attacked, Nidoking trying to strike back next with a Horn Drill attack...

“Nidoqueen, dodge it! Then you use Horn Drill as well!”

Nidoking attacked again, with a Double Kick...

“Nidoqueen, dodge again! Then use Double Kick as well!”

Nidoking and Nidoqueen went back and forth with their attacks, Nidoqueen dodging most attacks pretty gracefully, since Nidoking was attacking pretty recklessly... Nidoqueen was clearly winning though, and I knew Nidoking wouldn’t be standing much longer...

“Nidoqueen, finish em off with a Body Slam!!”

And with that... Nidoking flopped to the ground, fainting. And finally, I was able to return him back to his Pokeball.

“WOO! You did amazing Nidoqueen, good job! Sam... Are you alright?” Leaf asked me.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I just... I feel horrible.” I mumbled. “I feel like this is all my fault...”

“Sam, come on, you can’t blame yourself for what happened with Nidoking! It’s fairly common for Pokémon to do that when they evolve, that’s not your fault...” Leaf and I paused, looking around the city which was now empty. Pretty sure everyone had run out of here by now to get away from Nidoking.

“Sam, come on, let’s just relax, call it a day and head back to Saffron City... Alright?”

“...Yeah, alright.”