Valley of Kings Prompt Storage

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
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Entry 2
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Valley of Kings prompt storage, for literatures made to better the Wikimak pride!

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A Jealous God

The Pride of Wikimak does have a basis of faith, but unlike the other indigenous creatures that live among them, they only have one god: The Great Lion. Some call him such a name, others call him The Mighty One, or Wicasa, which means "The Gracious Lion of the Skies". The Wikimak pride firmly believes that Wicasa created every lion within existence and is the provider for his own kind. It is with his grace and his help that they are able to bring food home, or to have bountiful findings or exceptional health among the pride. They believe that Wicasa is a caring and compassionate deity, quick to forgive, but caring enough to discipline those who do wrong.

Because all the pride has is a gift from Wicasa, the pride often gives back to The Great Lion in some way, shape, or form. Most times, the Hataniki is in charge of taking so much from the daily hunts and wandering out to their offering location, which is right between the forked river. They proceed to place the offerings onto a smooth slab of stone and pray over it, thanking Wicasa for all he has provided. Afterwards, the hataniki will bow lowly and then wander back toward the main territory. By the next day, all offerings will have vanished with not a single trace remaining. They know, then, that The Great Lion has taken and enjoyed his offering.

The offerings lead to the blessings that the pride receives. They believe that, because they continuously give to Wicasa, The Mighty Lion eagerly blesses his pride through various ways. Comfortable peace, provision of food, the births of healthy cubs, and many more instances are all blessings from Wicasa. But they are not blessed just because they give. Wicasa is very particular concerning those who worship him. They must have the heart to give, the want to give and to give freely and cheerfully, for he loves a cheerful giver.

In order for the pride to be blessed and protected by The Mighty Lion, they must also follow his commandments and decrees. His decrees are as follows:

1. You must not worship any other thing or creature but Wicasa. 2. You must not use The Mighty One's name in ways that do not glorify The Great Lion. 3. Pick a day out of seven for yourselves as a time of rest. 4. Always respect and honor your mother and your father. 5. You must not take the life of another lion. Times of war are an exception but one may only take a life from the enemy pride. Those who kill my cubs will face my wrath. 6. You must not leave your mate for another. Stay faithful to each other. 7. Do not take what is not yours, for The Mighty One will provide you with what you need. 8. Do not lie, especially against another, for you will loose the respect of others. 9. Do not lust for others or for things in an unacceptable way.

Those that do not follow through with these commandments must ask for forgiveness from the Wicasa. Thankfully, he is known to forgive easily, but those who believe that they can keep on breaking his commandments and keep being forgiven will be sorely mistaken, for he knows the heart.

When a lion dies, they believe that they will meet Wicasa in the stars, so long as they keep his commands and love him dearly. Those that do not follow his commands, do not love him, and/or reject him will be sent to the Land of Fire, where Jorin resides with his minions, where they will spend eternity burning in the lakes of lava. For those who do not follow Wicasa and respect his commands find themselves doing the complete opposite, hurting themselves in the process without even noticing it. But he will not force someone to come to him, either, if they do not want to. He does not force his will upon anyone.

Wicasa loves his pride, as well as other lions and even other creatures, and seeks to bless those who follow him. Those that do follow him tend to act like him; forgiving, generous, slow to anger, and loving.

Author's Notes

Based off God's behavior in the Old Testament.