Valley of Kings Prompt Storage

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
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Entry 6
Published 4 years, 7 months ago

Valley of Kings prompt storage, for literatures made to better the Wikimak pride!

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The Least of These

While some prides wish for their cubs to grow up quickly, this is not the case in the pride of Wikimak. They are not permitted to rush the growth of their own cubs, instead they are to allow them to be cubs, for cubs are only cubs for so long. Cubs, in the territory, are free to run around so long as they have an adult with them and are free to play with other young'uns. When the sun sets, they often go to the elders of the pride and ask for stories. The hataniki are obligated to teach the cubs of The Mighty Lion while other pride members can speak of any stories they desire, whether it be of past members, their own history, of other creatures or of The Great One himself.

When a cub becomes an adolescent, then it is up to them to pick a rank they'd wish to uphold. Once a rank is chosen, they are to follow and learn from an assigned mentor, if the makisa are unavailable. They will continue to learn of, both, their rank duties and how to battle in case enemies arise. Only when they prove themselves to the makisa of their rank are they promoted from training to the actual rank itself. If they continue to succeed in their rank, they have a chance of becoming a makisa themselves.