Valley of Kings Prompt Storage

4 years, 9 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
60 14048

Entry 18
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

Valley of Kings prompt storage, for literatures made to better the Wikimak pride!

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Native Man

Since the beginning of time, the lions of the Wikimak pride have always been on good terms with the native human, man. There has never not been a time where the native man has ever shown them distaste or unkindness, and the lions have never done such a thing to them, either. 

However, there has been a time where man, that of a different kind, was not kind to them, and that was the silverpelts. They road on strange creatures and scattered the pride in it's glory days. While the pride is still trying to rebuild itself to this day, they have found that the silverpelts have done such horrible things to other creatures as well. Not just the Wikimak lions, but the native man, as well. So they have learned that not all man can be trusted... and they will only accept and trust the native man. Any other man they will ever see, though they haven't seen any other kinds since, will be seen as a threat until further study.