Valley of Kings Prompt Storage

4 years, 9 months ago
4 years, 4 months ago
60 14048

Entry 31
Published 4 years, 5 months ago

Valley of Kings prompt storage, for literatures made to better the Wikimak pride!

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The Sun

The sun is just the same as the moon within the Wikimak pride, really. It is another thing created by the God that created Wicasa. While the moon shows a pale moon light in the night, the sun is powerful, and bright enough to shine light upon the whole earth (Or, at least they think the whole earth), and can warm up the ground and trees below. It gives off enough light to ripen berries and warm dry up water. And it creates beautiful colors when it rises and sets. It is an amazing thing, just like the moon at night. The sky would be as equally lonely without the sun as it would be without the moon... and probably not very bright and colorful, either.