Valley of Kings Prompt Storage

4 years, 7 months ago
4 years, 3 months ago
60 14048

Entry 56
Published 4 years, 3 months ago

Valley of Kings prompt storage, for literatures made to better the Wikimak pride!

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Marriage is something that is sacred, and obviously celebrated within the pride of Wikimak. When lions have asked to become mates, and the other has said yes, then they are to go to their parents, if they have any within the pride, and are to tell them about such a union. Then it is their job to let the remainder of the pride know and to set up a date concerning the public marriage of the two members. A few days before the chosen date, the family members are obligated to help decorate the pride territory with lovely flowers and decorations, and to have kwahu get plenty of food for that day.

When the day arrives, the two come in front of a chosen hataniki to be wed. They say vows and such before Wicasa and ultimately are united under the Great Lion. The entire pride, then, celebrates for the remainder of the day. Sometimes it even lasts a few days, depending on how much fun others are having. Everyone blesses the newly-wed couple and, once festivities are over, go on with their daily lives.