


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Maribel Expree

Series: Animals

Age: 48 (41 in the first story arc and 48 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Chaos Puff

Favorite Food: Angel food cake

Element: Chaos/Light

Powers: Chaos kick, light spell, light barrier, flight, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Sounds lovely."

Likes: Sweets, light-hearted stories, Streak, her family, telling jokes, magic, creating new inventions, and math.

Dislikes: Harm towards her family, scary stories, super sour foods, littering, sports, and being in the spotlight.

Personality: When she was younger, Maribel was very timid and withdrawn due to having very little interactions with others. After meeting Streak as children, Maribel slowly began to open up and express herself more. She also revealed a slightly silly side that loves to tell jokes. As an adult, Maribel is very calm and friendly towards others. She's very protective of her children, but also has a surprising amount of trust in them despite their ages.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Maribel was born in Miniman Town long before the start of the story. She grew up in a wealthy family, and felt a bit secluded from others until she met and befriended Streak in school when the two were kids. As they got older, the two realized they loved each other and eventually got married as adults. Initially this romance faced opposition from Maribel's side of the family, who didn't want her to marry someone poor, but they eventually let up. Prior to the start of the story, Maribel and Streak had three kids: Light, Dark, and Sketches. At some point, the duo also became rich after inventing many different kinds of products.

Current-Bio: Maribel and her husband Streak are often away from home for months at a time because of work, and are rarely directly present in the main plot. Sketches occasionally calls her on a communication device to ask her questions, but usually only Sketches's side of the conversation is heard. However, late into the story it's implied that Maribel and Streak are more aware of conflicts the main characters are facing than they initially believed.

Meta-History: Similarly to Streak, creating Maribel was a bit of a spur of the moment, as I normally don't create parents for my characters. Originally Maribel was designed to look more similar to Sketches and Streak, being white with pink markings, but I eventually decided that it wouldn't make sense for Light and Dark to look so different from both of their parents, so Maribel was redesigned to look more like Light (Dark also gets his appearance more from her side of the family) while her original design was given to Paris, Streak's younger sister. There's also old concept art of her old design wearing a hat similar but different to Sketches' hat.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Maribel is very close to her son.

Light: Maribel is very close to her daughter.

Dark: Maribel is very close to her son.

Streak: Maribel and Streak are married. The two have known each other since childhood and are very close.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.