


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Blaze

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Phenirex

Favorite Food: Sunflower Seeds

Element: Fire

Powers: Flight, can burn others/start fires by touch, fireball, ember storm, can be revived by his own ashes, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I'll protect the warmth of the sun."

Likes: The sun, Freeze, fruit, helping others, sunny days, flowers, forests, and naps.

Dislikes: Rain, water, threats to his flock, bitter foods, wetlands, and loud machines.

Personality: Blaze is very loyal to his flock, friends, and family. He often goes out of his way to help others, and dislikes when someone tries to harm the people he cares about. He sometimes even goes out of his way to help complete strangers just because he wants to be helpful. He tends to be very calm and thoughtful with his decisions, a possible side effect from dying and being reborn several times after making impulsive decisions. While he is very kind towards others, he can be very fierce towards his enemies. Blaze is physically hot to the touch, but he can't burn anyone he trusts. His memory can be a bit foggy due to being reborn a few times.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Blaze grew up in a flock of his fellow Phenirex, and learned at a young age about how his species consider themselves to be guardians of the sun. When he got a little older Blaze started going on his own adventures alone and explored the world. However, throughout his adventures Blaze has had some unfortunate events that have caused him to die and be reborn from his own ashes, but this is normal for his kind. At some point, he met the ice/fire Phenirex Freeze and befriended her. He and Freeze eventually fell in love, but have both become separated from one another several times due to the unsavory evil organizations on the planet targeting their flocks. At some point, Blaze and Freeze may or may not have had a child named Giga, but no one seems to want to confirm this.

Blaze first appears in the story when SAC spreads a rumor demonizing the Phenirex species. Sketches and Lightning find him and help to prove the rumor false. After this event, Blaze remains an ally to the duo and occasionally joins the adventure. At some point, Blaze is also reunited with Freeze and later Giga.

Current-Bio: Blaze currently hangs around Freeze and Giga, but stays close to Sketches and Lightning in case they need his help.

Meta-History: Blaze is based off of an old creature my brother and I made up called Phenirex, a strange phoenix creature that doesn't seem to have legs. Phenirex was supposed to be the final form of an evolution line back when this story was more of a Pokemon ripoff, and the previous forms did have legs. Blaze was more of a main character for quite some time, but for some reason I've kinda downplayed his presence in recent years and have only posted a few drawings of him on Deviantart. I'm not sure why though. He's not really embarrassing like the onion or paper characters and I still like him a lot so I'm not sure why I haven't done much with him in awhile. Despite his absence in my posted drawings, he really is meant to be a major ally of Sketches and Lightning. It's just a shame it's taken me so long to post him. He and Freeze have some vague ages because their gimmick of being phoenix-like birds that can be reborn from their own ashes means that they've lived a long time, but they're currently adults until they inevitably die again. And is Giga the child of Blaze and Freeze or not? I dunno.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Blaze and Sketches are good friends.

Lightning: Blaze and Lightning are good friends.

Freeze: Blaze and Freeze are very close. The two are in love and are usually seen together.

Giga: Blaze is very protective of Giga, who may or may not be his child.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.