


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Shadowstar

Series: Animals

Age: ?????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Shadow Star Being

Favorite Food: Dark chocolate

Element: Dark

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (humanoid), transformation imitation, shadow strike, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Y-you're not my friend(s)!" (an obvious lie)

Likes: His kingdom, nighttime, sleeping during the day, being friends with Shine (not that he'll admit it), stories with happy endings, and granting wishes.

Dislikes: Glades (after his story line), harsh sunlight, large social events, super sweet foods, and bright colors.

Personality: At first glance, Shadowstar seems to be serious and a bit edgy, and often talks harshly about others. However, the truth is that he's just very bad at expressing how he feels about others, and is actually quite the softie. He's particularly tsundere in regards to his eventual friendship with Shine, who he still tries to claim as a rival/enemy, but everyone knows that's a lie. Shadowstar actually cares a lot about others, and can be quite emotional. Due to his limited experiences socializing with others, he tends to be a bit naive and can be tricked easily.

Home: Shadow Star Kingdom

History: Shadowstar was born the prince of the Shadow Star Kingdom, which despite the name is not an inherently evil place. While the light elemental Star Beings balance light, dark element Star Beings help balance darkness. Unfortunately, Shadowstar was manipulated by Glades to believe that the light elemental Star Beings were his enemies, and went to fight the star prince Shine personally, only to find that Shine didn't want to fight at all and instead wanted to be friends. While it took a few fights and some convincing, Shadowstar eventually realized he had been manipulated, but is often hesitant to refer to Shine as his friend. He's just a bit tsundere.

Current-Bio: Shadowstar is usually found in the Shadow Star Kingdom, where he is the prince. He occasionally helps the heroes out, but tends to jump around the fact that they're his allies/friends.

Meta-History: Shadowstar is another old character from my childhood. His design was very directly inspired by the Ztars in Mario Party 5. Originally, Shadowstar was nothing more than a bland antagonist with no depths to his character, but I eventually grew bored of this and decided to give him a redemption arc. In the original story, he was the direct opposite and enemy of the Star of Light, but in the current story he's a shadow star being who starts off as an antagonist and later becomes a friend of Shine, although he'll deny this. His current story is a bit similar to Akuma's.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Shine: Shadowstar was initially antagonistic to Shine specifically, but this feeling was never mutual from Shine's perspective. After the conflict in Shadowstar's story line is resolved and he stops being an antagonist, he develops a weird dynamic with Shine of denying that the star prince is his friend despite them obviously being friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!