


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Giga

Series: Animals

Age: ?

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Phenirex

Favorite Food: Strawberries

Element: Fire/Ice

Powers: Flight, can burn others/start fires by touch, fireball, ember storm, freeze flame, giga flame, can be revived by his own ashes, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I can do it!"

Likes: Fruit, playing, exploring, making friends, and sunny days.

Dislikes: Rain, being told to stay behind, and chores.

Personality: Giga is a very cheerful and curious child who loves to wander around and explore. Because of this, he tends to end up in danger more often than not, but he's surprisingly strong for his age. He doesn't usually realize how dangerous the situation can be and tends to have an idealistic outlook. He has a goal to make lots of friends, and will talk to anyone he meets.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Giga appeared one day after Sketches and Lightning had reunited both Blaze and Freeze. While no one knows where he came from, Blaze and Freeze were very quick to accept him into their family. Unlike the other Phenirex characters, Giga has never been reborn from his ashes and is a true child.

Current-Bio: Giga is usually seen with Blaze and Freeze, who usually try to keep him out of any battles, but that doesn't stop him from trying.

Meta-History: Giga was basically the result of me being like "what if I combine regular fire and freeze flames?" and the result was "giga flames". I'm not sure what a "giga flame" is supposed to be outside of a purple flame though. I mean, Giga is a fire/ice element, so he might as well be a freeze flame Phenirex instead, but purple fire pretty so why not just let him be whatever a "giga flame Phenirex" is. He may have been designed to be Blaze and Freeze's child, but I suppose I can't say.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Blaze: Giga looks up to Blaze, who may or may not be his father.

Freeze: Giga looks up to Freeze, who may or may not be his mother.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.