


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Paris Expree

Series: Animals

Age: 46 (39 in the first story arc and 46 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Chaos Puff

Favorite Food: Macarons

Element: Chaos/Water

Powers: Can control small amounts of water, bubble attack, chaos punch, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Hehe..."

Likes: Sweets

Dislikes: Bitten vegetables

Personality: While slightly mischievous and snarky, Paris is a very kind person. She isn't as competitive as her brother or her children, but occasionally gets fired up herself in the face of an intimidating rival.

Home: Animal Planet (used to live in Miniman Town)

History: Paris was born in Miniman Town, and has an older brother named Streak. She grew up in a poor family, but never let it bother her much. When she got older, she got married and had three kids: Expert, Ex, and Jace.

Current-Bio: Paris very rarely appears in the actual story due to being busy, but on rare occasions she'll appear with her children.

Meta-History: When I was originally creating Sketches' parents Streak and Maribel, I also created a sibling of Streak's named Paris. Paris didn't have an actual design until very recently, but despite that her design is not completely new. In fact, her design was originally meant to be Maribel's but with wings. However, I decided to redesign Maribel to look more like Light, so I decided to reuse the design for Paris since it makes her look more like her brother and children, but I took away the wings because their side of the family doesn't have wings (Chaos Puffs are weird). There really isn't much to her character outside of just existing, but I still wanted to make a bio for her. Her husband doesn't have a name or design so no bio for him.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Expert: Paris is close to her son.

Ex: Paris is close to her son.

Jace: Paris is close to her daughter.

Streak: Paris is Streak's younger sister. She and her brother get along very well, but are occasionally competitive with one another.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.