Rainbow Bird



2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Rainbow Bird (her actual name is a secret)

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Rainbow Bird

Favorite Food: Rainbow Fruit

Element: Light

Powers: Can create rainbows, flight, rainbow beam, rainbow burst, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "May the rainbow guide you."

Likes: Being out of the public eye, her children, rainbows, peace, and rainbow fruits.

Dislikes: Anyone trying to harm her children, violence, and crowds.

Personality: Rainbow Bird is rather reclusive and rarely interacts with anyone outside of her chicks, leaving much of her personality unknown. She is very motherly and caring to her chicks, but is also very protective of them and will not hesitate to fight to defend them. She is very kind during her interactions with the heroes, and occasionally provides them with wise advice.

Home: Animal Planet: Rainbow Island

History: Rainbow Bird was born on Rainbow Island on Animal Planet long before the start of the story. Due to being one of the last of her kind, Rainbow Bird tends to stay hidden from society and keeps much of her life a secret from others (including her actual name). However, at some point she had six children: Jay, Dove, Hawk, Phoenix, Raven, and Robin; with an unknown mate. The existence of these children was kept a secret from the public until the third story arc of the story, where several villains (SAC, Soul, etc) cause her children to go missing. Worried for her children's safety, Rainbow Bird made a surprisingly plea for help to the heroes. She also quickly finds herself to be a target of the villains as well.

Current-Bio: Rainbow Bird currently lives on Rainbow Island. She can sometimes be seen with her chicks. She rarely appears to others due to being an endangered species, but does occasionally appear to the heroes after they save her children.

Meta-History: The concept for Rainbow Bird has existed for a long time in my head, but the actual inspiration for the character/species was Dyna Blade from Kirby. idk child me just thought Dyna Blade was really cool. There's not actually that much that's similar between the two, however. The story mainly takes place on the continent of Rainbow Island, and the Rainbow Bird species is sort of like the mascot of the continent, though they've almost become extinct and are not as widely known as they used to be. She probably has a name that isn't her species name, but she's basically just known as "Rainbow Bird" to the other characters since there are so few of them left. I'm not really a fan of how this bio picture looks, mainly the head. I can see myself redoing this one at some point.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Jay: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her son.

Dove: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her daughter.

Hawk: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her son.

Phoenix: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her son.

Raven: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her daughter.

Robin: Rainbow Bird cares a lot about her son.

Soul: Rainbow Bird doesn't trust Soul at all.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.