


2 years, 1 month ago


Name: Brightness (sometimes referred to as "Bright-cat")

Series: Animals

Age: ????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: ??? (some kind of cat)

Favorite Food: Roasted Meat

Element: Light

Powers: Can hide in the light, light spell, blinding light, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Fools."

Likes: Using others to achieve his goals, day time, long naps, causing havoc, and shining things.

Dislikes: The heroes, idealism, dark elements, people who get in his way, not being able to find Shadow-cat, and comedy.

Personality: Brightness initially appears to be a kind and caring counterpart to the main villain Shadow-cat, and acts as an ally to the heroes. However, he wastes little time revealing his true nature as a villain who's after the Ameritis Crystals that they possess. He's quite cruel and calculating in his plans, and cares very little about the damage done during his schemes. He's very good about remaining calm when things go wrong and always seems to have a backup plan. Brightness is very focused on his goal of finding Shadow-cat, who he seems to always miss by a matter of seconds, something that he is repeatedly frustrated by.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Brightness's true origins are a bit of a mystery. He only started appearing after Shadow-cat joins up with Glades and Cecil in the past. His resemblance to Shadow-cat suggests that he's a part of Shadow-cat that got separated from him at some point. Brightness makes his true first appearance in the story during the fourth major story arc, where he first pretends to be an ally to them, only to quickly reveal his true colors to them and become a recurring antagonist to them. Throughout the story arc, he is searching for Shadow-cat, who he always seems to just miss. They two finally meet near the end of the story arc.

Current-Bio: Brightness has not been seen since the fourth major story arc, suggesting that he and Shadow-cat became one being again.

Meta-History: Brightness has existed as a character just as long as Shadow-cat's current character has, but I've used him much less both online and in the actual story. Judging by the fact that Brightness's bio pic is just an edited version of Shadow-cat's, it's probably pretty obvious that they're related in some way. The general idea has always been that they're two halves of the same person, though Brightness's character has been a bit inconsistent. The original idea was that Brightness was a good half of Shadow-cat aka Keita/Kaita, but let's be honest, the whole dark = evil and light = good thing is boring and cliche, so at some point I changed this to Brightness being just as terrible as Shadow-cat. While I've mostly settled for the latter characterization, I've still been debating whether or not to make Brightness a slightly better person. It really doesn't help that he remains very unused for a relatively important character to the plot, as he mostly just appears in the second to last major story arc. Him being Shadow-cat's other half also means that Shadow-cat's one backstory is still a bit he simply overtaken by darkness or was he split into two people by Cecil/Glades? idk it's which ever one works for the moment. I'll figure it out one day.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Shadow-cat: Brightness seems to be looking for Shadow-cat, but refuses to discuss why.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.