


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Raven

Series: Animals

Age: 11 (4 in the first story arc and 11 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Rainbow Bird

Favorite Food: Plums

Element: Dark

Powers: Flight, purple burst, shadow claw, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I'll be watching."

Likes: Being awake at night, purple, pranks, ghost stories, poetry, peace and quiet, reading, and shiny things.

Dislikes: Sunny days, sugary foods, bright colors, having a prank go wrong, and sports.

Personality: Raven is rather calm and calculated, and tends to keep her more fiery brother Phoenix in check. Despite her rather quiet and focused demeanor, she can be quite mischievous when she wants to be and is occasionally known to come up with pranks. Outside of this, Raven is rather responsible and thoughtful, and has a love of poetry that she tends to focus on in her free time. She's also a big fan of the horror genre, and loves to tell scary stories.

Home: Animal Planet: Rainbow Island

History: Raven was born on Rainbow Island, Animal Planet, and has five siblings: Jay, Dove, Hawk, Phoenix, and Robin. For the first nine years of her life, she lived with her mother, Rainbow Bird, and her siblings in seclusion due to their species being endangered. This peaceful seclusion ended when two villains, SAC (Shadow Animal Corporation) and the mysteriously Soul began to attack the family and caused them to get separated from one another. Unlike Jay, Dove, and Hawk, who were found by the heroes, Raven, Phoenix, and Robin were found by the villains. The three were then manipulated to turn on their siblings by SAC and the mysterious Soul, and soon found themselves fighting their siblings. After the events of the third arc, the siblings decide to stop secluding themselves from the world and spend more time in Miniman Town.

Current-Bio: Raven currently lives on Rainbow Island with her mother and siblings. She is closest to Phoenix and Robin and is usually seen with them. After the events of the third story arc, Raven spends a lot more time in Miniman Town. While the Rainbow Chicks appear less after the third arc, they remain important allies to the heroes.

Meta-History: Raven and her siblings were created to be the children of the legendary Rainbow Bird, and while each of them are named after a type of bird none of them are actually meant to be the type of bird that they are named after. All of them are rainbow birds, though they haven't become colorful like their mother yet. I've actually toyed with the idea that each of them will actually just be shades of their main color instead of rainbow (ex: Raven would have shades of purple), possibly because their father was not a rainbow bird (or maybe he was, but he wasn't actually rainbow colored either...idk I need to figure out this lore. Anyways, while Jay, Dove, and Hawk were inspired by the three protagonists of the third Warriors story line, Raven, Phoenix, and Robin were inspired by Tawnypelt's kits, in this case Dawnpelt, and I really need to stress how loose the inspiration is this time. When I read the books, I always felt that Flametail, Dawnpelt, and Tigerheart were supposed to be counterparts to the three heroes, though looking back I'm not sure if this was actually the case.  But yeah Raven, Phoenix, and Robin were actually designed later than Jay, Dove, and Hawk and were originally just evil counterparts until I changed it to them all being siblings.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Rainbow Bird: Raven looks up to her mother and is worried about her when they get separated.

Jay: Raven sometimes finds herself at odds with Jay but the siblings still care about one another.

Dove: Raven sometimes finds herself at odds with Dove, but the siblings still care about one another.

Hawk: Raven sometimes finds herself at odds with Hawk, but the siblings still care about one another.

Phoenix: Raven and Phoenix are very close.

Robin: Raven and Robin are very close.

Soul: Raven trusts Soul and seems to have some kind of alliance with him.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.