


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Splashus

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Dog God

Favorite Food: Salmon

Element: Water/Light

Powers: Levitation, bubble spell, basic water magic, light spell, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Take it easy."

Likes: Fish, relaxing, and Vigorous

Dislikes: Stress

Personality: Splashus is very calm and laid back. He never lets anything stress him out and always remains calm no matter how bad the situation is. He can occasionally be wise and thoughtful with his words, but other times he clearly just wants to take a nap. Despite having fighting abilities, Splashus rarely fights since it conflicts with his ongoing relaxation.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Splashus was born in the Sky Kingdom on Animal Planet. Even as a young child he had a very easygoing personality. However, this bothered many of his teachers and classmates who felt that Splashus lacked any sense of motivation. The only one he was able to get along with was Vigorous, and the two remain friends in adulthood. At some point he began to claim he was the "god of water".

Current-Bio: Splashus is usually found in the clouds with Vigorous.

Meta-History: Splashus was created shortly after Vigorous, but doesn't directly share the latter's inspiration, and unlike Vigerous, Splashus was always intended to be a dog. I've always drawn him with his eyes closed and I'm not changing that. I'm not sure why he and Vigorous were supposed to be "gods" because they aren't qualified. Maybe they're just lesser gods.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Vigorous: Splashus and Vigorous are best friends.
If I think of anything else I'll add it later