


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Komorro

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: ??

Favorite Food: Pesto Pasta

Element: Neutral

Powers: Can disguise well without any transformation magic

Catch Phrase: "I'm the master of disguise!"

Likes: Dressing up, mimicking others, nature, having no plans, silence, money, and harmony.

Dislikes: Schedules, deadlines, taxes, capitalism, loud noises, and littering.

Personality: Komorro is a calm and friendly individual who enjoys taking it easy. He dislikes schedules and plans, feeling that such concepts conflict with his desire to find harmony in nature. However, he's quick to change his tune if money is involved since more cash means he could buy more potential disguises. He greatly enjoys practicing his ability to dress up and mimic others, but considers it more of hobby than something he could use to harm others. He occasionally shows signs of wisdom.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Komorro grew up on Animal Planet on Rainbow Island. While his childhood was mostly normal, he did acquire a love of dressing up while growing up and enjoyed mimicking others in appearance with no malicious intent. After finishing school, Komorro decided to live in a house in the woods, finding even the smallest of towns too crowded for him. However, his lack of work often leaves him struggling for cash. Komorro mostly appears in a later story arc to help the characters in their search for Shadow-cat.

Current-Bio: Komorro currently lives in the woods and is often found practicing his disguises. He seems to be unaware that Pocky has claimed the title "Master of Disguise" over him.

Meta-History: Komorro was created when I was around 12-13 and was a very new character around the time I joined  Deviantart. However, he was a minor character back then too and only appeared in one drawing in my early DA years. His main role was as an ally in the then final story arc The Shadow Saga, but I later decided I wanted another story arc. Komorro was actually the original owner of the title "Master of Disguise", not Pocky. However, Komorro kinda faded from the story at some point and around the time I created Pocky I transferred the title to her instead. I feel kinda bad because even though he has a somewhat bland design I do remember liking his character. Maybe he can be an unofficial master of disguise while Pocky is the true master. Also his species is meant to be a bit vague and undefined. He kinda looks like Manx though but I don't want to label him as a Minx Cat because he's not supposed to be a cat. He's just a creature.

Relationships with Other Characters:


If I think of anything else I'll add it later.