


2 years, 30 days ago


Name: Giselle

Series: Animals

Age: ?? (vaguely 10-16)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Human

Favorite Food: Hamburgers

Element: N/A

Powers: N/A

Catch Phrase: "I'm gonna be the master monster tamer!"

Likes: Adventure, fast food, monster taming games, ribbons, fashion, sports, and getting lots of attention.

Dislikes: Losing, the heroes refusing to become her "monsters", being asked questions about the human world, and people touching the ribbon on her head.

Personality: Giselle is a strange girl. Instead of questioning her mysterious arrival on Animal Planet, she instead decided immediately that she was destined to become a "master monster tamer" and set out to "tame" as many "monsters" as she could. She doesn't seem to be bothered by the fact that she's the only human on the planet, but always dodges the question of how she got there when it's brought up. Giselle is overly confident in herself and tends to ignore others when they tell her something she doesn't like. She's a bit of a sore loser and dislikes when the heroes outsmart her. She also has the belief that she's the main character and that the heroes are stealing  the spotlight from her.

Home: Earth(?) (Currently on Animal Planet)

History: Giselle's life before arriving on Animal Planet is largely a mystery. All anyone knows is that one day she suddenly showed up on Animal Planet claiming she was a "monster tamer", leaving the residents of the planet to label her a weirdo. Despite her "monster taming" efforts not working for the most part, she somehow managed to persuade a Pygmy Rabbit named Piguamay to become her "monster". Giselle first encounters the heroes in the second major story arc during the fighting tournament, which she is "competing" in (Piguamay was the actual fighter). After she loses to the heroes, she becomes a minor recurring antagonist who occasionally shows up to annoy the heroes but poses no real threat to them.

Current-Bio: Giselle is currently wandering around Animal Planet with Piguamay with the claim that she will "become a master monster tamer". She occasionally shows up to be an antagonist to the heroes, but never poses a threat to them. Despite having no powers, she has a strange ability to show up in the strangest of places (such as an underwater city) with no explanation of how she got there. While the heroes are aware she's a human, they always seem to forgot to ask how a human ended up on their planet until after she randomly runs away from them.

Meta-History: Giselle was inspired by the one-shot character of the same name from the original Pokemon anime. Their characters are pretty different, but I definitely got her name from the Pokemon character. Originally Giselle was just a random character in my head who had no defined appearance or species, but I later decided it would be funny to make her a human. Humans don't naturally live on Animal Planet, and Giselle is technically the only one on the planet. How did she get there? Who knows? But she's decided she's going to become the "monster tamer master", whatever that means. I don't really have a specific race for her, as she's not white but not black perhaps she's Asian? idk

Relationships with Other Characters:

Piguamay: Somehow, Giselle managed to befriend Piguamay and claims that she is her "monster".

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!