


2 years, 3 months ago


Name: Flowertail "Flower" Cherry-Blossom

Series: Animals

Age: 51 (44 in the first story arc and 51 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Petaltail

Favorite Food: Cucumbers

Element: Nature

Powers: Petal Storm, sunlight healing, flower storm, etc, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Oh my..."

Likes: Flowers, gardening, helping others. vegetables, and supporting her siblings.

Dislikes: Seeing people cry.

Personality: Flowertail is a very friendly and optimistic person who wants nothing more to spread happiness and joy to others. She is very open-minded and supportive of others, and likes to encourage people to pursue their dreams. She has never shown even the slightly bit of anger towards anyone, leading some to wonder if she can get angry.

Home: Animal Planet: Marou

History: Flowertail was born in Marou to wealthy parents, and is the middle child in her family. She has an older sister (Rosetail) and a younger sister (Sakura). Similarly to her older sister, Flowertail was greatly encouraged to become a doctor when she grew up. While she studied medicine, she also took great interest in gardening and growing flowers. She ultimately decided to compromise by becoming a nurse and running a flower shop in her free time.

Current-Bio: Flowertail currently lives in Marou and works as a nurse and runs a flower shop in her spare time. She mainly appears in Sakura related story lines. Her friends and siblings usually call her "Flower".

Meta-History: Flowertail shares her species origin with Sakura. She was created to give Sakura some family, and the idea to give Sakura an older sister who is accepting of her (Flowertail) and a sister who is difficult with her (Rosetail) came from the anime The Familiar of Zero (based on Louise's sisters), which I watched a little of back when I was developing these characters. 

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sakura: Flowertail gets along well with her younger sister and is supportive of her.

Rosetail: Flowertail gets along well with her older sister, but sometime feels like she's too hard on Sakura.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!