
2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Alt

Series: Animals

Age: ?????

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Lunarian

Favorite Food: Beef Jerky

Element: Light

Powers: Levitation, anti-gravity magic, shapeshifting into different forms (light matter, Star Fox, Star Fish, humanoid, etc), transformation imitation, light spell, lunacy, healing magic, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "It's for the best."

Likes: Reading, learning about other planets, having a schedule, the moon, gladiator-style battles, keeping peace, meat, space, and glowing things.  

Dislikes: Harm to his people, having free time, large social events, disruptive jokes, unnecessary violence, bitter foods, and Glade.

Personality: Alt is a calm, level-headed, and serious individual. He never rushes into danger. He prefers to think through the situation instead of acting on impulse. While he has grown up in a society of warrior-like people, Alt generally doesn't share their lust for battle and instead wishes to resolve problems with as little harm as possible. With that said, Alt is very protective of his people, especially his sister Luna, and won't hesitate to fight if someone tries to harm them. Alt tends to not be very social and is often described as quiet by those who don't know him, but in truth he's just a bit shy. He does open up more to his sister, who he cares about greatly. He does not always understand jokes, but when he does he's not usually amused by them. He gets bored easily if he has too much free time and prefers to have some kind of task or hobby to keep himself busy.

Home: Lunaria

History: Alt was born as the first prince of Lunaria and has a younger sister (Luna). Like his sister, Alt was raised with his people's warrior-like attitude and values, but also spent much of his time reading and learning about the rest of the galaxy. As the heir to the throne, Alt wanted to grow up to be a reasonable leader and took his role seriously. Unfortunately for him, Lunaria was eventually attacked by space conqueror Glades, causing Alt to take his sister to someplace that she'd be safe. He promised her he'd come back, but lied about where he was actually going and didn't come back. He presumable left to fight Glades to stop her attack on his kingdom, but has not been seen since.

Current-Bio: Alt is currently missing in the story, and his absence has haunted Luna for years.

Meta-History: The concept of Luna having a brother has existed pretty much ever since I decided she was a Lunarian (Moon Person) instead of the light matter blob that she originally was designed to be. When developing her backstory, I decided that it made sense for her to have some family, especially considering that I had given Shine two siblings. So I decided to give Luna a brother. However, he's always been missing in the current story because of plot reasons so I didn't give him an actual design or name for years. I knew I wanted him to be blue-themed in contrast to Luna's pink, but his name gave me trouble for awhile. For some reason "Alternis" get popping up as an idea, mainly because I was playing Bravely Default at the time and I love my boy Alternis, but eventually I settled for "Alt" instead.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Luna: Alt is Luna's older brother, and he cares about his sister a lot. Judging by how much she misses him these days, the two were quite close.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!