


2 years, 4 months ago


Name: Nytress

Series: Animals

Age: ????? (older than Latin)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Star Being

Favorite Food: Sirloin Steak

Element: Light

Powers: Wish granting, levitation, anti-gravity magic, language translation magic, shapeshifting into different forms (humanoid, Star Fox, Star fish, etc), transformation imitation, light spell, shooting star attack, shooting star storm, crystal star storm, healing magic, crystallization, (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Don't lose hope."

Likes: His kingdom, his family, adventure, fighting for justice, Evelyn, mechanics, granting wishes, legends about treasure/beasts, capes, and solving mysteries about the universe.

Dislikes: Harm to his people/kingdom, threats to his siblings, the pressure of being the future king, and the idea of predetermined fate.

Personality: According to those who knew him, Nytress is completely selfless and kind to others he meets. He goes out of his way to help others and isn't afraid to fight in the name of justice. He has a very positive attitude and always tries to look on the bright side of things. He tends to be rather humble about his abilities, and doesn't have any desire to brag about his accomplishments. Despite his strong love of his kingdom and his people, Nytress had a strong desire for adventure even in his youth, and would often sneak away from his royal duties for the sake of adventure. Because of this, Nytress had a lot of secrets that his people and even his family still don't know about, all of which make it even more difficult to find him in his disappearance.

Home: Animal Planet: Star Kingdom

History: Long before the start of the story, Nytress was born as the first prince of the Star Kingdom, and had two younger siblings named Latin and Shine. As the first prince, Nytress was expected to one day take over the Star Kingdom's leadership from his father, and received many lessons in politics, magic, history, and many other subjects. Outside of his studies, Nytress was very well received by his citizens as a kind prince who was not afraid to take action against threats to his people. He often would leave the kingdom to go on adventures with his companion Evelyn, where they both gained a reputation of being heroic individuals throughout the galaxy. At some point, however, his allies at the Nymphian Empire had been overthrow by an upcoming tyrant named Glades, who had declared Nytress and Evelyn to be threats early on. One attack left Evelyn's body destroyed, and Nytress helped transfer her soul to a robot she had designed. However, another attack completely displaced Nytress from the public, leaving him absent from his kingdom's destruction and his fate unknown.

Current-Bio: Nytress has not been seen for thousands of years, and while his impact on others is known by many, his fate remains a mystery, but his siblings remain determined to find him.

Meta-History: Nytress was created sometime after his siblings, and unlike them I've always imagined him in his humanoid form instead of his Star Being form or anything else (I've never even drawn him as a Star Fox!). His design was never really set until recently, but I always had two rules for designing it: he must resemble Shine and he must be blue/green to contrast Shine's yellow/purple and Latin's orange/yellow. I was debating whether or not to have his eyes obscured like in his concept sketch, which I didn't do, but I feel like it would have been cooler if I did. Much of his actual information is in past tense, as his appearances in the story are basically nonexistent even in flashbacks, but ironically he had a lot of impact on those who met him. Perhaps one day he'll appear in the actual plot...bet that will be important, but I sure wouldn't know. :U

Relationships with Other Characters:

Shine: Nytress was close to his younger brother.

Latin: Nytress was close to his sister, and his disappearance worries her greatly.

EVE: Nytress and EVE are best friends and have a lot of history together.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!