


2 years, 6 months ago


Name: Mousey

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first story arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Mouse

Favorite Food: Swiss Cheese

Element: Earth

Powers: Can dig deep holes, powerful bites, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "We got this!"

Likes: Cheese (especially swiss), digging holes, exploring, and Skeleton.

Dislikes: Fighting

Personality: Mousey is a curious, but friendly mouse who has a surprising amount of bravery despite not being very physically strong. He discovers a love of traveling and exploring after meeting Swirly, and is very interesting in visiting new places. He's also quite the connoisseur of cheese.

Home: Animal Planet: Mouse Tribe

History: Mousey was born and raised on Animal Planet in a small community usually referred to as a Mouse Tribe. He never left the community until meeting Swirly on one of her adventures, and then decided to explore a bit himself. He joins Swirly during her adventure to the Skeleton Warriors' home and befriends Skeleton there. After these events, Mousey and Skeleton decide to travel together, but remain as allies for Swirly to call on if needed.

Current-Bio: Mousey is currently traveling around the planet with Skeleton. He is in contact with Swirly and is considered to be one of her allies. Despite this, he doesn't appear much in the main plot.

Meta-History: Mousey has origins of being one of my oldest characters. He and Skeleton were Swirly's original companions in her adventures! I'm not quite sure what inspired him, maybe Tom and Jerry??? He's a character that I phased out as a kid, which is even stranger. idk despite being one of Swirly's original companions and friends, at some point I decided to replace him and Skeleton with Sketches and Lightning. Since Mousey was phased out super early, he's very undeveloped as a character, but I have a strange amount of nostalgia for him.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Swirly: Mousey and Swirly are friends.

Skeleton: Mousey and Skeleton are best friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.