


2 years, 2 months ago


Name: Regi

Series: Animals

Age: 15 (8 in the first arc and 15 in the last)

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Zigzagtail

Favorite Food: Zebra Cakes

Element: Dark/Light

Powers: Light spell, flashy beam, shadow strike, zigzag beam, night vision, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "I have places to be!"

Likes: Exploring, adventuring, helping others, sweets, the outdoors, and sports.

Dislikes: Not being able to travel, being in her hometown too long, school, fashion, TV shows, and money.

Personality: Regi is kind and fun-loving. She loves the outdoors and often goes on long adventures on her home continent of Rainbow Island. She's very quick to help others in need and isn't afraid to give encouragement to people when they need it even if she's just met them. She dislikes being stuck in one spot for too long and prefers to always be heading towards a new destination. She finds her hometown to be "quiet and boring" but still occasionally returns to visit friends and family (and also to attend school that she may or may not be skipping).

Home: Animal Planet: Rainbow Island

History: Regi was born and raised on Rainbow Island. As a young child, Regi enjoyed exploring and adventuring after in the woods, and her family was surprisingly supportive of her doing this. Regi first appears in the story as an adventurer that Sketches and Lightning meet in the first arc, and she occasionally makes appearances after that while she's having her own adventures.

Current-Bio: Regi can usually be found adventuring all over Rainbow Island, but is rarely found in her hometown. She occasionally runs into the heroes while on one of her adventures.

Meta-History: Regi was created sometime after Pokemon Red Rescue Team released, and I was obsessed to the point of making "rescue teams" in my own fictional world. Regi was created to be part of one of these teams, and she's the only part of that brief obsession that I remember creating. She's mostly just an adventurer now, but she still likes helping others! Her version of the Tail species is a zigzagtail, which is a rare dual-element Tail. In reality, her being a zigzagtail was just her being named after my Pokemon Rescue Team: Team Zigzag.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sketches: Regi and Sketches are friends.

Lightning: Regi and Lightning are friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.