


2 years, 15 days ago


Name: Moonfluff Starbeam

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Mage

Favorite Food: Parfaits

Element: Light

Powers: Lunar magic, lunacy, moon beam, light spell, etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "The moon may have the answers you seek.

Likes: Lunar magic, the moon, meditating, nighttime, magic, sweets, parfaits, jewels, and reading.

Dislikes: Bitter foods, harm towards her sister, and ghosts.

Personality: Moonfluff is thoughtful and calm. She loves to read and learn new spells, but occasionally loves to sneak away to get parfaits with her sister. She has a strong interest in lunar magic and moon phases, and often stays up late to study the night sky. Like her sister, Moonfluff enjoys competing in fight tournaments so that she can practice her magic skills.

Home: Animal Planet: Spiky Desert

History: Moonfluff was born in Spiky Desert and has a twin sister named Sweetdust. The two were trained as mage apprentices from a young age, with Moonfluff focusing on lunar magic and Sweetdust focusing on star magic. Once the sisters were old enough, they decided to compete in the fighting tournament during the second major story arc. They end up fighting Sketches and Lightning in the tag-theme round of the tournament.

Current-Bio: Moonfluff and her sister Sweetdust can usually be found practicing magic at their home in Spiky Desert. They also go to the same school as Striga. Whenever a local fighting tournament occurs, the sisters are eager to sign up.

Meta-History: Moonfluff and her sister Sweetdust originate as random designs I made back in 2013 Little Mages while their names were taken from the feminine fairy names found on the website Behind the Name I liked their designs so I decided to make them characters who could appear in the fighting tournament in the second part of the story. idk why I gave them different last names considering that they're sisters.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Sweetdust: Moonfluff gets along well with her twin sister, and the two often fight together in fighting tournaments. It's unknown why the sisters have different last names.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!