


2 years, 8 days ago


Name: Alex

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Bomb

Favorite Food: Pop Rocks

Element: Fire

Powers: Flare attack, can "explode" (without dying, but it does hurt him), etc (more to add later)

Catch Phrase: "Shut up."

Likes: Sports, hot weather, and candy.

Dislikes: Rain and swimming

Personality: Alex is a bit arrogant and energetic, but deep down he's a kind person who wants to do the right thing. He's not great at expressing kindness though, and tends to bicker with his childhood friend Katie a lot.

Home: Animal Planet: Miniman Town

History: Alex was born and raised in Miniman Town, and is childhood friends with Katie.

Current-Bio:  Alex currently goes to school in Miniman Town and is in the same class  as Katie. He's rarely involved in the main plot.

Meta-History: Alex and Katie are both directly inspired by the Bob-ombs from the Mario games, specifically the ones from the first two Paper Mario games. I actually have some Bomb characters from some other old stories, but that's a topic for another day. Despite their design inspiration coming from Mario games, Alex and Katie actually originate as characters I made for an Animals "game" that was basically just Pokemon but with my brother and I's creatures called "Aqua/Sapphire Version" (idk it was one of those. I drew a whole thing in the style of the old gameboy advance Pokemon guidebooks and it wasn't good but child me had fun drawing it. Alex was the male character and Katie was the female character, and which over one the player didn't pick would become the rival. The guidebook I drew just assumed Alex was the protagonist though so Katie just appeared as the rival. Now they're both just characters that exist in town that may or may not go to school with the heroes. I really couldn't remember what name I gave him, but I knew it had to be either "Alex", "Sam", or "Bob" because I didn't know many names when I created him. I just picked one at random for this bio but I bet if I find the thing the name I picked will be wrong.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Katie: Alex and Katie occasionally bicker with one another, but the two are good friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later!