


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Mini

Series: Animals

Age: ?

Gender: Female (she/her/herself)

Species: Egg

Favorite Food: Soup

Element: Neutral

Powers: none she's an egg

Catch Phrase: "Where's Junior?"

Likes: Being with her brother

Dislikes: Being separated from her sister

Personality: Mini is a bit braver than her brother Junior, but still dislikes being separated from him.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Mini and her brother Junior grew up on Animal Planet. In their debut story line, they are separated from one another and need to be reunited.  

Current-Bio: Mini is usually found with her brother Junior, but they find ways to get accidentally separated more often than they should. Neither of them seem to know if they're actually eggs or creatures that need to hatch out of their eggs.

Meta-History: Mini and her brother Junior are characters from my early childhood. I remember very little about them other than that they exist. I'm not even sure why I made characters that were eggs in the first place because I don't actually like to eat eggs at all. At least Eggy is supposed to be a dragon who's still partially in his eggshell, but never in my childhood did I once decide if Mini and Junior are just eggs or if they're creatures that still need to hatch out of their eggs. Sadly this will never be answered.

Relationships with Other Characters:

Junior: Mini and Junior are twins who are always seen together.

Storky: Mini and Storky are friends.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.