


2 years, 5 months ago


Name: Goldy

Series: Animals

Age: ??

Gender: Male (he/him/himself)

Species: Goldfish

Favorite Food: Cucumbers

Element: Water

Powers: Can throw bombs very far, can survive in saltwater despite being a freshwater fish

Catch Phrase: "You got a problem with us?"

Likes: Money and bombs

Dislikes: Being seen without his sunglasses

Personality: Goldy appears to be calm at first glance, but is actually rather short-tempered and malicious. He seems to enjoy messing with people.

Home: Animal Planet

History: Goldy grew up in the oceans of Animal Planet. Somehow he and his friend Scales ended up as gangsters that like to mess with people on the shores.

Current-Bio: Goldy currently lives in the ocean and is almost always found with Scales.

Meta-History: For some reason, child me thought it was a good idea to create gangster goldfish characters that live in the sea and throw bombs at people passing by. Ignoring the fact that goldfish can't survive in freshwater, I have no idea where this concept came from. All I know is that they briefly cameoed in a comic and one of them was purple for some reason. They didn't even have names until this bio!

Relationships with Other Characters:

Scales: Goldy and Scales are best friends that are almost always seen together.

If I think of anything else I'll add it later.