Iso's OC Question of the Day

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 days ago) by Isoprene

Listen, there's nothing I love more than answering random questions about my OCs and seeing other people answer random questions about their OCs. Conveniently, I also love coming up with random questions and asking them. So, hey, why not make it a daily event? In this thread I'll post a question every day, all of them related to OCs! Sometimes it'll be about your feelings about your OCs ("who's your favorite oc?" or "who was your first oc?") and sometimes it'll be questions asked toward your OCs themselves ("what are your ocs' favorite colors?" or "would your ocs rather fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?"). You can answer in-character or out of character, answer for multiple characters or just one, whatever you want!

I'll try to ask these early in the day, and you're always welcome to answer any ones that you've missed! Feel free to answer as many as you want at once; just be sure to label which question you're answering! I also have a huge list of questions waiting in the wings, but if you have any questions you'd like to see asked feel free to message me and I'll credit and ping you if I end up using your question!

In affiliation with necessaryocthings, run by reinapepiada!

|| - Full Question List - ||
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Q1. Who was the first OC you made a profile for on Toyhouse? Why them?

The first OC I made a profile for here was Dicro Corrune! He's the most well-known OC of mine amongst my friends (most of my friends don't have a lot of profiles up yet but he'd have the most links), is probably my most important character overall even though I have like 50 different OC universes and he's only connected to a few, and if he's not my favorite OC overall he's pretty darn close. There's a lot of me in him, too, so I feel like putting him up first provides a decent insight into both the kind of person I am and the kind of characters you'll probably see from me. Plus he has the most images, the most writing, is the most fun to RP with, and is one of my oldest active OCs... it was an obvious choice for me!


Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange?

Mac will probably eat anything presented to him in an edible format. He doesn't love everything obviously, but it is very rare that he will dislike something. Gaspar, being afflicted with gluttony, will pretty much eat anything and not care if it's good or not. Since he is a culinary student, he can make good meals, even from weird or obscure ingredients, but he's not nearly as picky or precise when making food for himself as he is when making food for others. I'd say Neoka eats rather strange things, considering his favorite foods usually include wallets, and he's usually pretty willing to roll with things no matter how strange... well, to a certain degree.

Dicro Corrune Isoprene

Oh geez, it's my turn already? Are you sure I wasn't supposed to go tomorrow? Oh man, I need to think of a question. Don't ask something weird, don't ask something weird...

Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?

...Damn it.


Definitely Dicro! Of course, he's effectively immortal and just gets brought back to life right after he dies, so death means little to him. If anything, he gets excited seeing how many ways he can die or how much of something he can take before his body gives up. Also he's guro trash, so,

On a considerably less wacky note, 2cro is probably actually more welcoming of death than this Entirety's counterpart. He's just a mass of self-loathing and regret, and his hope when he crossed Entireties is that said impossible task would tear apart his very existence and finally grant him a permanent death. He pulled it off, though, so now he's just hoping he'll be able to keep Dicro from turning into him before Entirety loses the ability to comprehend him entirely. He just wants to drop all of the weight he's carried for so long and be allowed to sleep and never think again.

(free him)


Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?

The most comfortable would probably be Ishra, unlike her sibling she doesn't think too highly of humans and mortal creatures, she might even get a sort of amusement out of it, but doesn't seek it out.

Adam however is probably my most welcoming of death to himself but moreso to others. He doesn't care much about living or dying and enjoys killing, seeing people suffer, ect. He has a sort of enjoyment for the idea and it makes him feel alive seeing others die and feeling pain. crap this guy man


Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?

gg dicro. Oh man... Nikolai would certainly welcome death after all he's been through. He knows it won't bring back the people he's been forced to kill over time, but he honestly wants to make things right again, but because of the power he's shown to have the most skill with, he's afraid of hurting or maybe killing people. He doesn't want anymore blood on his hands, and certainly would be glad to die, but he can't let himself die just yet because he's searching for his son and niece, Alexandre and Mayda.

While we're still on the subject of death, because Missingno has never actually died before, he kind of wants to know what dying feels like but at the same time doesn't want to experience it. He has had an extremely close call before during his fight qith Arceus, but the end result was just him passing out from the injuries after fleeing to limbo to recover.

whoops i rambled on quite a bit there.


Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?

Well, if I exclude the people that are already dead or cannot die, and also exclude the people that are welcoming in terms of death for other people and not themselves... then I'd say Zetheriz is probably the most welcoming of his own death. He's been suicidal for a few years now, and he swings between feeling rather confident that he'll find his long lost brother someday and feeling utterly depressed and wanting to die because his brother might already be dead. At this point he's incredibly careless and passively hopes he'll eventually get himself killed, but his actual attempts to kill himself are always thwarted by Isaac being overly zealous about keeping an eye on him. Although no matter how hopeless he does feel, he does appreciate that Isaac cares enough to not let him give up.

Reba is rather welcoming of death as well because she has a "nothing matters because we're all going to die in the end" mindset. She doesn't really care and is hoping some kind of apocalypse will destroy everything in some magnificent manner. Although I think she slowly warms up out of that mindset once she gets really attached to her boyfriend. She still thinks it's not going to matter in the end, but she's a liiiiiiiittle more appreciative of the time she does have... eventually. Alec doesn't necessarily welcome death, but he's not afraid to die at all anymore. He's died a couple times already and gets revived shortly after by Kally each time, so it's not really a big deal to him anymore. However, when it comes to death to anything other than himself, he absolutely can't stand it, to the point where he has necrophobia. He can't handle seeing other people dead or the thought that the people around him could die, so he's more than willing to die to protect others. Gage was pretty much ready to die before he met Xel, but now he only sticks around to make sure the poor kid doesn't get himself killed first. Otherwise he'd be very welcoming of death.

Azior Blye Isoprene

My turn already? Ha, this'll be easy! Can't believe this hasn't already been asked...

Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?

Feel free to mention addresses, schedules, credit card numbers, social security numbers... I mean, you want your answers to be detailed, yeah?


Oh yeah I guess it was a little unclear; for yesterday's question I was specifically referring who's the most welcoming of death in terms of their own demise! Who's the coolest with killing other people is a future question, so get your murderers ready! Eventually!

Barazia is ridiculously wealthy due to his incredible greed and propensity to hoard. Laejizhar is also well off thanks to his successful career as a celebrity chef. It's hard to measure Hadris' wealth due to him being the Overlord of an empire that spans across universes, but he's certainly not hurting for money. Etoile used to be exuberantly rich, but now that her planet is a hellhole she gets robbed constantly. Similarly, Euphesme once ran a successful gang and had plenty of cash to spare, but now she's dead and ghosts tend not to be able to hold money.

A lot of my poorer characters would just be considered poor because they don't have any need for money (whether it's because their world doesn't have much in the way of an economy or because they're otherworldly beings who don't take part in economic activities) and therefore don't have money. Taking them out of the equation, Kanon and his brother used to be homeless and in poverty until they wormed their way into the Vibrance Kingdom, but I guess that kinda means they're not poor anymore... So I guess probably Zosime?? They rely on Hellscream to steal things for them in order to survive, as they have approximately zero dollars to their name. That's to be expected, though, considering that they're just a kid on a planet without laws or anything resembling a stable economy. Pretty much everyone there just steals what they want/need, so Zosime's poorness isn't anything unusual.

Alright here's a list of all of my OCs' credit card numbers:


Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?

Aight I'm gonna have to go ahead and list the following royals for the first part of the question bc, well, ye: Boris, Anastas, and Tatiana MarkovichIorano and Yslei Schippen, and Sarina! Yslei's situation is slightly complicated, which is what I'm going to be mentioning in the next part of the question!

The only royal who applies to the latter is Octavia, given her homeland's in ruins and she's only just recently able to return to it. The only thing she has to her name at the moment is her mother's sword, which is basically her main weapon. Yslei is currently tagging along with her, so while he does have a lot of dosh to his name, people kinda assume he's dead after a certain event and he doesn't exactly carry around a lot at the moment. Nikolai's also very poor since he spends most of the time avoiding very heavily populated areas. He really doesn't want to attract attention.

Now if you want to stray away from Viesseverse (aka "i accidentally etrian odyssey vibe with probably some fire emblem mixed in"), Lazul's basically a broke college student who lives off chips and free food! God help them. Spark doesn't exactly have a need for dosh but he does steal peoples' wallets, though he never uses the cash. He also steals stuff he thinks looks neat.

Ok if you want someone to rob you can try Alexandre and Mayda. Alexandre works as a tailor, so you can guess where he'd be during work. Mayda works at a bar cleaning up and such, but good fuckin luck trying to rob her. Here's their work schedule:

Holy crap i just listed mostof my ocs on this post......


Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?

Plz, this question. I have my royal families of Carter and Griffin as well as Adie and Essy. They rolling in that cash dolla. First to come to mind are the Boltways-Carter and Griffin- because they probably spend a bit more than the Villants and might be a little more show-offy. The Boltways are also good with numbers and money in general, that's why they are held kinda high in status amongst the royal families.

Poorest is probably Collin and Adam, wow lots of families here... But Adam doesn't really have an actual occupation and Collin suffers from this. But Adam has never had a time where he's been economically stable, he's always been in poverty and had to struggle to get by.


Good luck trying to get into political accounts bud


Q72. Which OC of yours would be the most willing to eat something strange?
Noriko has little to none taste buds, and could even eat combinations such as peanutbutter mixed with sardines on a fish cake if that was what she found in the kitchen.

Q73. Which OC of yours is the most welcoming of death?
That would probably be Marieyna, as she regularly keeps in touch with the deceased, who are ghost, that swarms around her. Because of this, she knows more or less what will happen when her time is up, so she doesn't have any reasons to fear it.

Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?
Honora and Joshua would be the wealthiest, both of whom would be in the upper middle class. Honora's parents are working as pharmacists, whilst Joshua's father is a lawyer and his mother an engineer.

The poorest, on the other hand, would be Michelle and Marieyna in the lower middle class. Marieyna's father works as a police officer, and Michelle's parents owns a local store. An honorable mention in this group is Sigrún, who uses most of her savings to buy the newest video games when they first get in the store, and then has to save up her money again. Her family's socio-economic standing would be that of an average middle class family, though.


Q74. Which OC of yours is the wealthiest? Who's the poorest?

Let's list out my royals or rulers that are rich... The Lady Anatola, the royals of CrystalessKia is the cherished princess of Elavia, Numor is the prince of Cannock and is rather generous toward the citizens of his kingdom, and the royals of Phoenitis are rather generous with their subjects as well.

As for rich families/individuals... the Shank family is the head of the largest trade ring on their planet, Carter's parents were two highly successful businesspeople when he was alive and they lived in an opulent mansion, the Zilvas family owns the largest bar/inn/information center/guild-like establishment on the planet of Emdrica and has more money they can think to do with (so Jack gives it out rather liberally and Isaac just splurges on himself and his friends often), Delyless and Mariena comes from rich families, Ein's father is a multi-billionaire businessman, Jasper's family is technically very rich for their connections to the (awful) organization of Delzin but he's never benefitted from their money before, Lee's family is rich because his ancestors have always been powerful and revered necromancers and alchemists that make a lot for their creations (and his parents and he also have the same skills and knack for it to continue the legacy), Nakeeta is a rich pop star that sends money back to her tribe in her home village, Paige's family is rich and she's spoiled rotten, Sean's family is rich and he's waited on head and foot, Phillip's family is known (or... *cough* rumored to be) rich from high end drug dealing, Rosaria comes from a rich family (although she doesn't mention what they do), Spite is the owner of the largest trade center in the Eternity, and Tobi's mom is a highly successful supermodel so they've got all they need and more in terms of money.

As for poorest... I might say Alec and Derek's family, which is them and their mother, although it used to include Kally and their father, Riley. I kind of cruelly make them being ridiculously poor a reoccuring gag or sorts. Their house is falling apart and leaking, the front door doesn't stay on the hinges, they have racoons sneaking in and usually nesting under or Alec's bed to his dismay, their "tv" is a cardboard box full of possums... It's not terribly nice, but I can't help it. XD

Monaz Isoprene

Oh! I get to ask a question? There are so many different things I could ask... but I suppose I could find out most of the things I'd want to know on my own...

Q75. Which OC of yours does the most eavesdropping?

I'd have to say I'm the guilty one, here... my ability to "hide" in inanimate objects makes it very easily to eavesdrop unintentionally! But as time goes on, I find myself seeking to eavesdrop more and more... I have such a wonderful opportunity to learn about the lives of others silently, I couldn't imagine passing it up! It's not like I would ever dream of harming others with the information that I've learned... I just love to learn and experience the lives of others through their words. It's gotten me into quite a bit of trouble, but I earnestly have nothing nefarious planned!


Dicro is also worth mentioning; he spends most of his time in other people's subconsciouses to learn how they tick, after all! Like Monaz he doesn't intend to use this information against anyone even though he has plenty of opportunities to. He just likes the idea of being a fly on the wall, watching others go about their lives and learning things he'll never have any use for.

5inthemorning don't forget about dee's budding vending machine empire


Q75. Which OC of yours does the most eavesdropping?

Oh, probably Slamen. He's thief with ninja training and also a spy, so he's a nosy little sneak that makes it a point to collect as much info about everything and everyone. Gives him plenty of advantages in many scenarios and also some leverage against others in some cases, which he delights in. Gretchen is also rather nosy and likes listening in on others. She's not really a gossip, but she likes knowing about other people's secrets and getting the dirt on others. Although she's not likely to actually use any of it for her own benefit, she just likes silently feeling "I know something you don't want me tooooooooo~" about it. When it comes to eavesdropping on mundane information though, she tends to lose interest, whereas no information is useless for Slamen. He's gonna take that info that you're getting your grandmother a porcelain cat for her birthday or that you accidentally spilled juice on your carpet yesterday and running with it.