Micheal Fletcher



2 years, 6 months ago


"Quote here"

Vampire, Male, Bi, 5'7"
DOB: 1949, January 16


☀️Appearance ☀️

Dresses effeminately for performances. Pretty gender conforming in his day-to-day life.

Stage make-up varies, but always has a messy "I had a breakdown in the bathroom 10 minutes before this" vibe. 



Eccentric, high energy, perfectionist. Gets very passionate when talking about things and will accidentally come off as intense and angry. He's not, he just bad at expressing himself calmly. Closest friends will admit that he is the kind of person you do need a regular break from even if you love him. He doesn't mean to be that way, he just is. It's especially bad when it comes to music

Stupid amounts of self and body confidence. Not in the "I'm gorgeous and perfect" but the sense of he is fine with his appearance and could care less what people think about him. Knows he's a flawed individual and willing to change, but refuses to simply cave to others demands without having an explanation. It can get frustrating talking to him about his actions, especially when he doesn't get the point your trying to make. It's not that he isn't trying to understand, he sometimes just needs things rephrased a few ways before it clicks.

Works best with the handful of people who have figured out how to talk and explain things to him.

Takes on huge amounts of projects at once. Always busy doing something. He can't let himself just exist. Barely sleeps because of this. Refuses to do so until he crashes. It's to the point where he'll fall asleep leaning against a wall. Notorious for falling asleep in weird places.  Has passed out on stage from exhaustion. Unfortunately also the kind of person where if you shake him awake, he'll throw a punch due to being startled.





Vivi Vix - Best Friend -

Ernest Warren - Close Friend -

AFAB, but does not consider himself trans. Does not want to be called trans. Does not want to debate or talk about it. To him, he was always a man (even if he didn't always realize it) so there was never a transition. Only has talked about his childhood and experiences relating to his gender with his closest friend Vivi. Becomes slightly more open to talking about his gender during modern times.
Assigned female at birth, but had his birth certificate marked as male due to clerical error. Made it easy for him to change his name as an adult. Unfortunately, his name is spelled "Micheal" on his new IDs and he didn't want to push his luck and try to get it with an "ael". 

Very distinct manner of talking and writing. 

Hates being touched

All over the place with genres. Known for being a part of bands that only release one album and then never do anything again.

The most successful and long running band he is apart of is Micheal and the Marionettes, later shortened to just Marionettes.